New Tabs in Tendenci thanks to Bootstrap

New Tendenci Tabs

With all of the recent focus on protecting the open web, it’s been great to read some of the stories that really show people’s passion for the internet community. Here is a recent story from us on how we created a new feature for our users.

The Tendenci Tabs

Tendenci modules have tabs. In past and current versions of the software we have used a tabbed navigation system for our modules with exposed module and contextual links mixed together. Let me give an example.

When viewing an Article as a site administrator, you will see links that relate to all articles, such as:

  • Search
  • Settings
  • Add an Article

These links are great and are useful anywhere in the Articles module. You will also see these links:

  • View Article
  • Edit Article
  • Delete Article

The links in the second group relate just to the article we are viewing. In some cases, the separation between these two sets of links is obvious. However, in more complex modules like Event registration and Membership management, these links can really start to add up. See the image below for a real world example:

Old Tendenci Tabs
Old Tendenci Tabs for Articles

We have been on the hunt for a solution to this problem for some time and were fortunate to stumble upon a perfect solution earlier this week.

A few days ago our team came across an article about Bootstrap on A List Apart. In it, author Mark Otto of Twitter describes the process of creating Bootstrap, an “open-source front-end toolkit” made with the goal of helping designers/developers build good stuff fast. While I’ve always been a sucker for the newest and the flashiest in web tech, Bootstrap had much more going for it. It is cross-browser tested so it will work for the broad majority of people. It’s written with LESS, a programmer-friendly way of writing and compiling CSS. Best of all, it’s freely available to use.

The New Tendenci Tabs

There are several parts of Bootstrap that we like, and one of the key features we are now using in Tendenci 5 is the tabs. The tab design from Bootstrap allow us to tuck all of our module links into a drop down, and with a little programming from our side, we can create columns and grouping for much better organization. We’ve chosen to split these two groups of links into two columns, each labelled, with the goal of making it easier to find the links to the functionality you want.

We outlined this goal and sketched out some ways of implementing this into the software. We began the work on Wednesday the 18th and were able to complete it in less than 24 hours and in time for our weekly release. We think the tabs have a much more modern, clean look that will go well next to more modern site designs. We are excited about the aesthetic changes, but the new functionality for the tab links is the real shining point here.

New Tendenci Tabs
New Tendenci Tabs for Articles

Without toolkits like Bootstrap, we would never have been able to implement a solution in such little time. Without a free and open web, companies like Twitter may not be able to gain enough success to be able to release tools like these. Companies like Github are relied on by people like us making software to be used on the web. It’s great tools like these that help us rapidly develop new features and updates for Tendenci.

We are very excited to announce our new tabs, and we give a big thanks to Bootstrap. They should be rolling out to a Tendenci 5 site near you soon.

Tendenci Updates for December 20th

Using your Tendenci website just got a little bit easier. Check out these updates we made over the weekend:

Global Settings and Content Management

  • Navigation files now support navigation template tags.
  • Added css, less, and js to static media directory (globally used)
  • Created a Details page for a single setting
  • Made custom form export more user-friendly – changed True/False to “yes’s and no’s”

Membership Module Updates

  • Design refresh to the Membership entries search page
  • Added the following fields to the membership export file: user name, member number, join date-time, renew date-time

Career Module Updates

  • The Jobs Search page now displays jobs in order by status: premium active, active, premium inactive, inactive
  • Contributions list raised to 50 records from 10.
  • Contributions now display newest contributions first.

Photo Albums

  • Photo detail page id attribute added to “photo-rights” div to help designers control elements.

Questions about these updates? Hit us up in the comments or over on Get Satisfaction and help us name our newest self sign-up version of the Tendenci Software by voting for your top 3 favorites:!

Find Answers Faster with Tendenci’s New Support Menu

The next time you are looking for support for your website – Look Up.  We moved the support menu from your website footer up to the admin navigation bar that sits at the top of each page of your website.  The new Support drop down menu lists all the helpful links you need to learn to use your website, contact our Support team when you have a problem, search our Help Files, and make a payment.


What is This Tendenci Guide?

We also added a new Support tool to the menu – a Tendenci Guide.  This walk-through tutorial shows you how to use the different features and tools included with your Tendenci online membership management software.  This nifty guide is a mini-version of your website and is designed to quickly and easily show you how to add new pages and articles, update your home page, create photo albums and more with your association’s Tendenci website.

Easily Update Your Home Page Content!







Find Tips that Will Drive New Visitors and Revenue to Your Website!





Looking for More Tendenci Training and Support Resources?

We will be continuing to add new tips and pages to the guide and would love your help. Send us your questions and suggestions on what You would like included in the Getting Started Guide.  You can also come search our Tendenci Help Files for additional help and join our newsletter to receive updates on Tendenci Training, software changes, and web marketing tips to grow your nonprofit or professional association’s membership community directly in your email box.

Improved Tendenci and Constant Contact integration!

image from Staying in touch with your Web site visitors and members is pretty darn important, no matter industry you are in.

Thanks to a recent update, your Tendenci Web site is making it even easier for you to connect your visitors to your Constant Contact mailing list.

While the original Constant Contact integration gave you little choice on what Constant Contact mailing list to send your Web site contacts to, now you can pick from any of your Constant Contact lists.

Sound like a plan?    Get in touch with our Support team to get this rolling!  You can email us at support AT schipul DOT com or give us a call at (281) 497.6567, ext. 411.

Updated calendar events view (live on your site now)!

One of our most frequently used Tendenci features is online event registration.  After all, that is the power of the Internet – growing connections and relationships in both the digital and the 'real' world.

But events are not simple creatures; you have speakers, venues, presentation details, maps, pricing levels and many more levels of complexity.

So next time your visitors are registering for an event on a Tendenci Web site, they will breathe a sigh of relief.  We've made some significant changes in the way your event information is viewed to give your brain a rest and to ensure that you don't miss a thing.

The format for adding and editing your calendar events remains the same, but you'll like the new end result!

Event page tabs
Your Tendenci calendar event's information is now broken down into separate tabs, making it easier than ever for your attendees to find the information they need.  The print view, however, will bring all of your event information into one page.Tabs Automatically created Google Map
Getting there is half the fun!  Your 'Location' tab not only provides your venue address, phone number and Web site address – but pops up an automatically generated map to provide an extra visual for attendees on the go.

Stronger 'Register' call to action
No more digging around for that 'Register Now' button, your registration's call to action is noticeable and easy to find.

New newsletter editor coming this week in Tendenci!


The Tendenci developers have been working hard on an updated editing tool for your Tendenci newsletters!

Later this week, we'll be releasing an *optional* new Tendenci newsletter WYSIWYG editor for you to play with.  You'll find much of the same functionality, but will enjoy an expanded editing space (no more scrolling – yay!), improved rich media embedding and a more consistent, better behaving editing experience.

WYSIWYG stands for:  What You See Is What You Get.  This new editor tool will help further ensure that you're seeing and achieving the formatting results you are looking for to keep your newsletters looking great.

You will have the option to stick with the original newsletter editor if you prefer, but we want to get your feedback on how this updated editor works for you and your orgainzation.  Stay tuned for more news!

Tendenci Icon-row Redesign

The icon-row has been a staple in our software, giving you quick access to Print, Edit, and many other options depending on what type of content you are working with. While it’s great that you can see your options anywhere you see your content (given that you have permission), we know that the icon-row can be confusing, particularly to new users. While some icons are intuitive – a trashcan means DELETE on any computer system – some of the icons are less obvious.

With that in mind we have created a new format for the icon-row that allows you to more effectively find what options you are looking for and maybe discover a few new ones you never knew existed.

The new icon-row will give you a few simple options (such as Print and Edit), and have a link for More Options that you can click to see the rest of the tools available to you. By using this drop-down menu, we have space to give you descriptive text links with the icons.


The new icon-row is being rolled out on the Articles module today. Soon to follow will be Press Releases, the Jobs Board, and CMS pages.

The Newsletter Generator gets a makeover!

Sending E-newsletters has always been a popular feature of Tendenci, but with all that functionality also comes a bit of confusion. There are a lot of options to choose from when you create a newsletter and it can be a bit daunting, even for an experienced Tendenci Pro. Our goal with the new look is to streamline your ability to generate a newsletter quickly and efficiently while maintaining all of the power you now enjoy.

The fields on the Newsletter Generator have now been grouped into 3 areas:

  1. The "Send To" controls for who will receive your newsletter
  2. The "Subject" area with options to personalize it for the recipient
  3. and the "Module Content" area, for when you want your Newsletter to include content automatically from your Calendar, Articles, Jobs Board, or other Tendenci modules

We have also added a link for those times when you don’t want to include content from other Modules. Before, un-selecting the default options was bit tedious, but now you can click the Do not include Module Content link to set all content to "Skip" and close the section. Don’t worry; you can re-open it if you change your mind!

No fields have been Added or Removed so everything you’re used to using should be roughly where it was before.

Let us know what you think of the new look!


Funding for Photo Albums Export

Hey all you totally awesome Tendenci users… If you use the photo albums module in Tendenci and are interesting in funding functionality for a bulk export of your albums, please contact Kim Lange at Schipul – The Web Marketing Company at 281.497.6567 ext. 514.

The basic export would include exporting your album to a zip file (no photo information will be included in the export). You
would not have to download your images individually.  It cost about 2k
to add this functionality to the photo albums module.

New Tendenci Dashboard to be released

We’re excited to announce that a brand new and more user friendly
Tendenci Console is about to be released next week on November 12, 2007.  This Tendenci
update will change the look of your Tendenci
Console or Homepage.
This simplified interface will streamline access to your most used
Tendenci modules (like User search and Calendar) and move the Admin
Only Links to the upper right hand corner.

Admins also see live RSS feeds from Tendenci Blog and the new Help Files Module.

Admin View
Admin view of the new Tendenci homepage

As always, Admins will see many more links than a regular user or member.

User View
User View of the new Tendenci homepage

As an Admin, you still have to opportunity to choose what Tendenci home page appears on your site.
We want to be sure you understand what the options are for custom user home pages and how, as site Admin, you are able to change the user home page that appears on your site.
We hope you enjoy the movement towards greater usability within the Tendenci software.

If you have any questions please contact our Support Team at or call us at (281) 497-6567 ext. 411 or (877) 724-4785 ext. 411.