New features added in Tendenci (6/15/07)


Some new features have been added and updated in your Tendenci software.  Let us know what you think!

      1. Self Registration – User self registration now needs to confirm email address. This will ensure the email addresses users entered are valid when they sign up to your site = increased security for your Web site. Click here for more info.
      2. Rating – You are able to rate an article and view the rating results.
      3. Favorites – You can add even more content to your Favorites – like articles, directories, jobs, events and more.  A great way to keep track of the best of your site!
      4. Top contributors – As an admin, you can search the site top contributors by date time and by modules.
      5. Membership multi renewal – Allows an admin to renew multiple members at the same time. For more visit its help here.
      6. Ballots – an online voting module. It’s a great way for organizations to elect office positions, or vote proposals and issues. For more info on how to start to use the ballot module, visit our help files.