Newsletter Images Are Now Displaying Properly

What happened?

The software update to help make our email compliant, caused a slight change in the way newsletters were created. This required one extra step to make all paths to your images absolute paths instead of relative paths.

If you have experienced trouble with your Newsletter images displaying this week, The programming team has fixed this for you. Yay! Thank you Programmers!

What did the Programming Team do?

A snippet of code has been added that will automatically turn your relative image paths into absolute image paths for you. This change is automatic so your Tendenci Newsletter images will now display properly in preview mode and in your inbox. The code was accidentally overlooked on the first update, so we apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused.

What is the difference between the paths?

A relative path is a path to an image or a page that does not include your full website address. You will use relative paths when you are linking to images or pages that live within your Tendenci site. This is an example of a relative path to an image:


An absolute path is a path to an image or a page that does include your full web address. You will use an absolute path when you are linking to images or pages outside of your Tendenci site. This is an example of an absolute path to the same image:


For more information on uploading images and creating newsletters, please visit our Tendenci help files.