Comprehensive Membership Profiles for Your Amazing Members

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Get comprehensive information about your members using our member Profiles. Including: Contact Info, Professional Affiliations, Invoicing, Groups, and Contributions.

Profiles Example from

Profile Images

Make a personal connection with your members by knowing who they are!  Our profile images are powered by Gravatar, so members don’t have to upload their image more than once!
gravatar logo

Contact Information

You work hard to keep your organization healthy!  Get in touch quickly and easily by having fast access to member contact info.

Professional Affiliations and Personal Relationships

Personal information about your members helps give you information about what they might be looking to get out of being a member.  Members can also attract business sponsorship.  Get to know who works for an organization so that you can thank them for their support and involvement with the community and serve them better!


Keep everything in one place, from event tickets to memberships.  Your members can avoid having to ask if they paid for something by accessing invoices directly from their Membership Profiles!


Committees, Study Groups, and Groups are all integrated in to the Tendenci platform to cover your organizational needs.  Grouping people together means delivering more targeted content to those users.  You can address groups with things like: Events, Newsletters, Articles, and more.


Users can track their contributions on your site.  If they have permissions to write articles, create events, or edit other content, they will be able to find which content they have changed by looking that their Profile’s Contribution Logs!

This is just the beginning, find out more about what Tendenci can do.