9 Replies to “Thirty Days of Thanks – Coffee Groundz”

  1. "You embraced Houston with open arms and I’ll be damned if we’ll ever stop hugging you back."

    What a wonderful quote. I salute you, Jason McElweenie, and salute JR WITH you, too!

    1. My fave: "Whatever it is you do, whether it is some kind of voodoo magic or Jedi mind tricks please keep doing it."

      Thanks for all you do!!

  2. What a perfect way to sum up all the special things that JR gives to Houston. Well written sir. And JR, our hearts and minds go out to you in a salute to your awesomeness!

  3. Thank you. I love this city, it is the Biggest Small town, I've ever been. Working with all of y'all this past year has been unforgettable and amazing. If I didn't have the support from all of you, then none of this would be possible. I have read this blog post several times and each time I do, it builds such a drive to continue to do my best, be involved with and help grow our beautiful community. I've have said many times before, I believe in indirect impact, not direct impact. What can I do to help you, that will allow you to help the next person. Cheers #SLGT

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