Happy International Women’s Day 2021 from Team Tendenci

Women's March 'Hear Our Voice'

Tendenci AMS, a mostly women-led power team, joins the #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge pose, in love and support to all women leaders, to show our commitment to choose to challenge inequality, call out bias, question stereotypes, and help forge an inclusive world!

Happy International Women’s Day

“All the many brands of suppression – racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, classism – are historical; they have not been always with us. It was not ever thus. And it’s not going to be this way, come the revolution.” –Clara Setkin, Founder of International Women’s Day

Shirley Rodriguez, Team Tendenci #seeher

On behalf of our CEO Ed Schipul and Team Tendenci – Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer. Juntas lograremos un futuro igualitario.


Tendenci Software Update Version 12.4.1 & 12.4.2

Wondering What Version of Tendenci Do You Have? No worries if hosting with us. All Tendenci sites were updated to the latest version yesterday to 12.4.1 and today too to 12.4.2.

Updates include things like: Updated django to 2.2.18Tendenci is built on the Django framework. As such, Tendenci support mirrors that of the DjangoProject lifecycle.

Check out Tendenci Changelog – a chronological list of user-facing changes made to the Tendenci platform. 

Why Managed Hosting with Tendenci?
Got a question or two? We are here to support you!

The Puppy keeps your data safe.

Did you know your iPhone is tracking you without your consent?

Thanks to the Austrian activist Max Schrems, earlier this week we found out from Business Insider that Apple illegally tracks iPhone users to target them with ads, EU privacy activism group claims in lawsuit. Please read article for full story.

From the article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateoflahertyuk/2020/11/16/apple-iphone-tracking-heres-how-to-turn-it-off/?sh=ce7d1c33398a

“A useful guide on how to use Apple’s new privacy features in iOS 14. Within that, I included some steps detailing how you can prevent advertisers from tracking you ahead of the planned opt-in feature—which will hopefully become available in an updated version of iOS 14 in 2021.

So for now, in your Settings, go to Privacy > Tracking. Here you can turn off the ability to allow apps to request to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies.”

In Tendenci there is are no back doors or default accounts. NOT NOW OR EVER. Tendenci takes security and privacy very seriously. You have all of the tools you need to remain GDPR compliant with Tendenci’s open source software. It is entirely your responsibility to use the software responsibly. For example all web sites use cookies. And data does not delete itself. If you haven’t already, please read about GDPR at Tendenci as we share the same values. Privacy is important and it matters.

The Puppy keeps your data safe.

This Week Tendenci is Celebrating Twenty-three Marvelous Years of Serving the World’s People

Tendenci Celebrating Twenty-three Marvelous Years. Graphic image designed by Team Tendenci.

This week our team at Tendenci is celebrating twenty-three marvelous years of serving the world’s people! So, cheers to our clients and to the Open Source Tendenci Community! Our success is yours. Your success is ours. 

Twenty-three years ago, our Founder and CEO Ed Schipul started this wonderful company which was first known as Schipul The Web Marketing Company and today, with a broader global vision, is known as Tendenci – The Open Source AMS. 

We would like to take this moment and express that we understand we are living through uncertain times due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has brought us all a deep economical shock. And it is especially in times like this, everyone needs to unite. 

Nothing is more satisfying to us than to continue to help organizations reach the far corners of the world, even through our hardest times.

Yes, we are all being challenged, but crushing coronavirus uncertainty is a must. And restoring the confidence of nonprofits and associations is our mutual goal. Greatfully, Tendenci software – being open source is the advantage we hold. Proudly. 

Building on last year’s message from Founder and CEO Ed Schipul, we would like to reinforce our message – thankfulness is more important than ever before. 

Continue Reading

Happy Twenty-three Marvelous Years!

With Love,


Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Photo by Josh Johnson

As we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, we recognize that the constitutional “We the people” didn’t always apply to all of the country’s people. Yesterday marked 100 years since women finally won the right to vote. However, this victory was far from complete.  It wasn’t until 1965 that the voting rights of Black women and men were also protected.  And even still, voters fight to protect their constitutional rights.

With that in mind, and the struggle our country is currently undergoing, we understand the lack of fanfare marking this momentous event in modern feminism – a feminism that celebrates diversity.

Tendenci, a mostly women-led power team, would like to take this moment to recognize all of the contributions of women throughout history, and more specifically, women’s suffrage.

Happy (belated) Women’s Equality Day!

With love,

Team Tendenci

Women’s Day 2020 | Each For Equal

Happy International Women’s Week! ‘An equal world is an enabled world’. #EachForEqual

SF Women's March, Photo taken by: Ed Schipul 
"A Woman's Place Is In The Revolution"
SF Women’s March Photo by: Ed Schipul

From International Women’s Day website:

Equality is not a women’s issue, it’s a business issue. Gender equality is essential for economies and communities to thrive. A gender equal world can be healthier, wealthier and more harmonious – so what’s not great about that?

The race is on for the gender equal boardroom, a gender equal government, gender equal media coverage, gender equal workplaces, gender equal sports coverage, more gender equality in health and wealth … so let’s make it happen. Let’s be #EachforEqual.

Tendenci, which has historically had far more women in the role of Programming Manager, and which currently has far more women than men on our team, we obviously agree.

To my coworkers,

Happy Women’s Day and Week. May you all feel appreciated, loved and respected everyday. And may we as women, continue to uplift each other and conquer the world together. And thank you Ed Schipul for believing in equal pay and equal opportunity. – Shirley Rodríguez

Tendenci AMS Celebrates Black History Month, Honoring Influential Black People and Afro-Puerto Ricans

This month we honor all Black History, including Latin America.

Kimberly Bryant

The inspiring Kimberly Bryant is the creator of Black Girl Code, a program designed to change the face of technology by offering a future to young girls of color in technology.

Kimberly Bryant is the Founder and CEO of Black Girls CODE

Ursula Burns

The inspiring American business woman Ursula Burns was the first female Black CEO of a Fortune 500 company. She is currently the chairman and CEO of VEON, a senior advisor to Teneo, and a non-executive director of Diageo as of April 2018.

Photo of Ursula Burns
“She is inspirational to me in how service is leadership and leadership is service.” – Ed Schipul

Charles Gordon

October 12, 1925 – November 16, 1995

He was an American playwright, actor, director, and educator. He was the first African American to win the annual Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and he devoted much of his professional life to the pursuit of multi-racial American theater and racial unity.

Charles Gordon October 12, 1925 – November 16, 1995
Charles Gordon October 12, 1925 – November 16, 1995
I had the privilege of studying acting/theater under Charles Gordon”.
– Ed Schipul.

Dania Warhol

“I am. Transfeminist, black, cuir (queer), sureñx (southern). I exist I live with music and stories. I am the sum of all my ancestors and the experiences of my contemporaries. It’s not my job, it’s my language.” – Dania Warhol

Dania Warhol and the Spicy Nipples team.
“Dania is a young beautiful Transfeminist, and a hard working Afro-Latina rock star from my hometown in the south of the island. She is an advocate and leader to all the women, LGBTTQIAP+ community, poor people and black immigrants of Puerto Rico. Her dedication, elastic brave heart and passion keeps me alive and inspired.”
– Shirley Team Tendenci

Dania Warhol and a group of amazing strong women have created a Transfeminist platform called EspicyNipples.

“Media technologies and art are tools that we use for collective liberation, to heal generational violence and to connect our diverse nuances. We want to be a citizen journalism platform, taking into account our experiences and our bodies. Where we can count being ourselves, where we can grow collectively while telling our stories, and where we can be part of a safe space for queer life.”

Don Rafael Cepeda Atiles – Pratriarca de la Bomba y la Plena

July 10, 1910 – July 21, 1996

El Maestro Rafael Cepeda Atiles a.k.a. “The Patriarch of the Bomba and Plena” was the patriarch of the Cepeda family, known internationally as the exponents of Afro-Puerto Rican folk music.

Rafael Cepeda July 10, 1910 – July 21, 1996

“The bomba grew out of the colonial African slave experience. In its style of drumming, singing, and improvisational dancing, it resembles several other West African-derived forms of music and dance in the New World. The plena emerged as a local popular music during the last decades of the nineteenth century.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968

And of course, we greatly honor Martin Luther King Jr. and 8 Black Activists Who Led the Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King Jr. Photo taken by Michael Ochs
Photo: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Tendenci Clients Doing Good – Hong Kong Response to Mask Ban – Baker Institute

To stop the spread of misinformation, you need actual information, intelligence, subject matter expertise combined with critical thinking. Do that and the result in knowledge. Hence it makes our team happy, not taking a position either way, but to see that our software can facilitate dialog about tech from silicon valley to human rights issues in Hong Kong.

We are the paper the newspaper gets printed on. Some stories need to be talked about in a safe place without the influence of Facebook or Google or Twitter, etc. One of those clients is The James Baker Institute for Public Policy. This post was automatically blocked by our firewalls for a number of IP addresses, I can only assume because of it being a hot topic.


While I have not read the report in its entirety, it is interesting to see that it IS still possible to have a place on the Internet, free of trolls, where actual thoughts can bubble up, and freedom can be expressed.

The PDF is available at https://www.bakerinstitute.org/media/files/files/3db31746/bi-report-121819-china-maskban.pdf

Score one for open source, freedom of speech and freedom in general.