Upcoming Webinars and In-house Classes for Tendenci training

Have you been to Tendenci training
lately?  It’s fun, it’s free and can really help with the success of
your Web site!  Plus you get to meet Schipul-ites in person and
interact with other Tendenci users.

We have 6 really great classes for you to attend over the next six weeks:

  1. Thursday (3/6): Intro to Tendenci
  2. Wednesday (3/12):  Content Management Using Tendenci (Please note – Online Webinar)
  3. Thursday (03/13): Tendenci Newsletter Training
  4. Thursday (03/20): Content Management Using Tendenci
  5. Wednesday (04/01): Tendenci Newsletter Training (Please note – Online Webinar)
  6. Thursday (04/02): Intro to Tendenci

You can also take a look at the rest of our training classes by visiting our Schipul education calendar here.

Tendenci training makes you (even) smarter!

Have you been to Tendenci training lately?  It’s fun, it’s free and can really help with the success of your Web site!  Plus you get to meet Schipul-ites in person and interact with other Tendenci users.

We have 3 really great classes for you to attend next week:

  1. Monday (3/21):  Intro to Tendenci
  2. Wednesday (3/23):  Intro to Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  3. Thursday (3/24):  Content Management

You can also take a look at the rest of our training classes by visiting our Schipul education calendar here.

HR help files to manage your site access

Tendencihr_1 Things are going along just fine and then – BAM – your site admin up and quits. You take over the job and the first order of business is to remove the old admin from the site and add yourself. But where does the admin’s email address show up? The Tendenci HR help files will walk you through adding and removing administrators from your site, as well as show you how to run a periodic listing of all of your site admins. Security is muy importante! Stay on top of it!

Tendenci Memberships

Memberships are cool! Have you seen what Tendenci can do to manage Membership status?

You can upload your members from a third party (national) database, then let new members join and pay online. Members receive automatic email notification when their membership nears its expiration Membershipadd_2 date with a click to renew their status, update their record and pay online — or print the renewal application to submit with a check or cash.

You can set a grace period during which members retain site access after expiration and run a script that removes all expired memberships from the system. You can also set up multiple membership types at different rates and with different pricing for events and restrict site access, including member lists, to members only.

What an awesome feature!!

Getting Started Tutorial Now Available

Help is here! The Getting Started with Tendenci tutorial has been added to the Help Files found on the Tendenci web site. Starting with an explanation of what Tendenci is, this tutorial walks new Tendenci users through the basic software modules: Users, Events, Jobs, Articles, Newsletters and Content Management. Simple step-by-step instructions demonstrate how to perform basic tasks within Tendenci and how to easily administer your site content and data.

The tutorial is also chock-full of tips on maximizing your use of the Tendenci software, providing better support to your members, increasing communication with your customers, and turning your site into a revenue center!

This is a great, self-paced way to get your new employees up to speed on Tendenci — or to take a refresher course — without leaving your desk.