Hurricane Harvey Update from Tendenci – Monday Sept 4, 2017
A large part of our small team lives in or near Houston TX where Hurricane Harvey hit us with more rain than any storm in US history.
For those near us, we all know it’s not over yet. The roads are still flooded. Power is going on and off. And we are the *lucky* ones as so many lost their homes and over 60 people lost their lives. It’s important to keep in perspective.
We have been pushing updates *as urgently needed only* on twitter and facebook regarding Hurricane Harvey. The quiet messaging is what I was taught in Crisis Communications – don’t muddy the waters.
Tendenci’s servers and our diverse multinational team maintained and all is well. I do have some minor requests from us to the Tendenci community:
- The current policy of prioritizing client requests by the impact in the disaster area remains in place. Please be patient if you have a normal request that doesn’t get addressed as quickly as usual. I expect this to last another week. However don’t forget tendenci is open source and another developer can use the template interface to pretty much fix anything you need if we aren’t available immediately.
- Position 1 also obviously applies to the tragedy unfolding in India, Nepal, and Pakistan as well, although I’m not sure if we have any clients impacted in those areas. I do know Tendenci has numerous open source users in Nepal and our thoughts and support are with you.
- If a particular hosted client is in a difficult situation regarding this disaster please contact us.
- For those of you not impacted by Hurricane Harvey – please consider a donation to the charity of your choice that you believe will benefit those suffering the most.
For more information on Hurricane Harvey in Houston please check:
Thank you all for your understanding.
Ed Schipul
CEO, Founder

Eye of the storm:
But those are just a few from my camera. Check out the full story by looking at the AP photos at: