If the answer is YOU then we’ve got your perfect contest. You have to do us a tiny favor to win though…. but it’s an easy one, we promise!
Tell us in the comments section what you are most excited about learning or doing at SchipulCon09 by THIS Friday at 12pm CST and you’re automatically entered to win a Supporting Level Houston Zoo Membership. That’s right…. we want YOU to tell us what YOU want to learn and then we’ll give YOU a prize! After all, it’s your conference, right?
HOLY MOLY But that’s not all folks. We’ll be giving a Toby doll away as a second place prize. Yep. You get to take away a toy version of Houston’s favorite Red Panda. What can we say…. We like to give prizes to our peeps!! And we really want to hear your comments.
So to recap, here’s how you win:
- Comment below and tell us what you want to learn at SchipulCon09
- Wait patiently till Friday at 12pm CST when we’ll draw a winner
- Check back here to see if you’ve won!
Easy as pie. But please don’t comment anonymously. We’ll have no way of getting your prize to you!!
Ack! It's my screensaver!
If I get to attend, I would love to learn advanced techniques on how to blog for SEO (if you're not using Compendium!), especially when you need to train your bloggers to think this way when they write.
Oh, and you mentioned in one of your presentations briefly to use WordPress over Blogger, and I wanted to know why…
Looks like social media is the subject of the day. I want to know how to encourage my members to use the wonderful tools provided on Tendenci to promote my events.
I want to learn how to better use Social Media so that more people learn about the amazing things that happen at Camp For All. The PR department is everyone, so how can I learn more and train more of my staff to be able to use the tools that we have.
as a teacher and lifelong learner I want to learn about anything new and creative to be used for all sorts of various projects.
I'd like to learn how to get more interaction with companies I use via social media – like restaurants I follow, products I use that are on Facebook, etc. – so that I can feel like my voice is really heard.
As a small business owner, I would like to know how social media can generate leads and convert those leads into actual customers…
Congrats Crystal on winning the Houston Zoo membership!!
Send us an email at communications at Schipul dot com to claim your prize
Congrats Vicki on winning the adorable Toby doll
Send us an email at communications at Schipul dot com to claim your prize