Tuesday night I begin my seventh season with Katy Youth Basketball. About 2400 kids and 240 volunteer coaches create a league that plays basketball from December to March. The non-profit organization is holding it’s 25th year as Katy’s largest basketball league.
My seven years have been devoted to teaching my daughters and their friends (ages 6 to 13) the art and sportsmanship behind basketball.
But for me, it isn’t about basketball. It is about being part of the community. It’s my way of leaving a positive impression on youngsters and their parents. It is something that we keep forever. It is endearing to hear a kid refer to you as “coach” even years later.
Sure we learn skills… but it is more about the kid that tenaciously works their way up to the “A” team after being a “B” teamer for years. It is about being a role model to children and parents even in tough situations. It is a playground for talking to someone candidly while still being positive and uplifting. And it is about having fun. I love to have the kids and parents interact in drills, it is how we build family.
So with seven years of basketball I have helped 40 or 50 kids grow. Children watch and learn from adults, so I see it as my stage to serve them. Since London (my youngest) is only three, I probably have several years left to teach.
Also, my word of advice to you coaches. I have never had parent issues (knock on wood) or altercations at a game like you see on TV. Personally, I think you get out what you put in. So, make sure your attitude and motivations are positive and you will get a devoted group of parents and have less problems.