Tendenci AMS API Integration

Python Rules

OCT 2023 UPDATE: For information on accessing Tendenci data via API please see our GitHub discussion at https://github.com/tendenci/tendenci/issues/1023

For more on The Open Source AMS integration via API visit our AMS API Helpfile

Tendencithe Open Source AMS is unique in that it is fully open source. However at times people would prefer to use an API to pull specific information. For that Django has several API integrations for your Association Management System such as:

django-tasty-pie is a REST based API to your AMS
The Django Rest Framework is also something the Tendenci community has been discussing switching to it as well.

API’s aren’t mutually exclusive after all, right? You have options.

There are legitimate reasons to use an API. Examples include integration between a legacy mainframe system, ecommerce, or a development team that has chosen a different platform such as .NET or PHP.

Tendenci doesn’t meet all of the functional requirements for everyone by design. Instead we work with great technology like machine learningThe open AMS community isn’t focused on reinventing the wheel. It just doesn’t make economic sense for a non-profit, or even a for profit company, to reinvent Amazon.com or Ebay.com. This is particularly true if you are causes-based association or non-profit given the expense.

Does Tendenci AMS work with other providers? Absolutely. Any provider with an API or that supports SSO or RSS or has their own technology like google tag manager.

Non profits don’t have money to waste. Therefore we aligned our product to major industry supported technology.

Our technology stack as of 2018 is:

  1. Tendenci
  2. Django Web Framework
  3. Javascript and jquery
  4. Bootstrap CS
  5. Python Programming Language
  6. Postgres Database with GIS
  7. Docker Containers
  8. Ubuntu

For more on The Open Source AMS integration via API visit our AMS API Helpfile or read up on everything Tendenci Works With. Or if you aren’t into open source, there are definitely alternatives to Tendenci.

If you do pick an alternative, we suggest you consider Security FIRST and go from there.

Communications Needs a Town Square

Communication needs a town square. Step 1 was to implement a forum independent from our site. Encrypted (of course) and endorsed, and with it’s own unique karma.


Talk to us. Tell us what we can do better. Group listen – a challenge to all of us is to listen as a group. To truly listen.

community-tendenci-comAnd the software needs direction. Our job is to listen to and foster the community of Tendenci users across the globe while respecting that ultimately we, they, you, them, us, are all independent individuals and organizations, cultures and people, nonprofits and companies, we speak different languages, the only thing in common with the global tendenci community is our diversity. Just as the only constant is change.

We wouldn’t be cause related software developers or working at cause related companies that aspire to the #openeverything OSCON type of ethos to begin with.

First – it is to serve.

To achieve our communication goals we are using some amazing open source software based on django and postgres just like tendenci of course – The Misago Open Source Discussion Forums is used to power the new https://community.tendenci.com site to provide a “place” for that dialog to take happen. Developers are welcome to continue posting issues on github of course, clients who prefer to have us (or you!) manage their tendenci hosting will submit billable tendenci support requests, but there is something different about a forum that is toned down and not quite as public. I can’t quite explain why.

Join us?