The following graphs show what a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on an association looks like. The names, rates and volume of the association have been blurred for security reasons. We are thankful to AWS for their own defenses in front of ours, which help us mitigate these issues.
active response to mitigate attacks
Note: The graphic above, is filtered for a 24 hour span for one client. The infrastructure is in place, and highly redundant, so we can monitor and keep our clients safe. For clients in the US or hosted in other countries (we have multiple Tendenci clouds as needed.)
Note 2: Make no mistake – If a bad-actor has the budget – they can and will purchase enough bots to take a site down. This is well documented. Even our resources at AWS are limited in what they can handle. Budget (yes BUDGET) accordingly.
Update: We will be doing a planned reboot of the Windows servers late this afternoon Wednesday January 21, 2014 to begin the process of restoring two of the remaining clients that are still offline.
Scope: This update applies to Tendenci 4 clients on Windows only. It specifically does NOT apply to Tendenci 5 or Tendenci 6 clients on Linux.
To give you an idea of the scope and velocity of hack attacks that continue, these are attempted crimes mind you, I’ve attached a 15 second video taken several days ago of actual attacks on one of our servers INSIDE the allowed ports.
A further update on the 404 errors that the legacy Tendenci 4 clients have been experiencing intermittently. We have been measuring everything possible and tweaking the configuration settings as we see patterns in the logs. Each day generates over 1GB in security alerts across the data centers. All of these are either known attacks, or zero day attempts.
This is what we are fighting and it is relentless. The fact remains that we have protected the legacy sites by moving them from Windows 2003R2 IIS 6 to Windows 2012R2 IIS 8. But to make ASP classic run in IIS 8 we are running the servers in “compatibility mode” which is not an ideal configuration for any technology. And “secure” does not mean “functional” if your sites locked down to the point of not meeting functional requirements.
We have taken a step back and concluded that a technology platform started in 2001 is not up for the cyberwars of 2015. We will have a further update posted later today on possible paths forward for Tendenci 4 clients.