Tendenci is constantly improving the software with better UX/UI in mind. This week we had a hard focus on Invoicing Reports in 12.5.4 version bump. As you know, Tendenci understands and fully supports the complexity of associations and the public fiduciary responsibilities it has to their members.
In the admin menu under Reports, you can now find your Revenue & Key Metrics by Tendenci. Your invoice reports overview now has even more beautiful comprehensive pie graphs. This new software update 12.5.4, includes the option to use entities for donation allocation and precise reporting and an easy access to export invoices.
Tendenci Invoice Reports Module
Check out more of Tendenci 12.5.4 software update and stay updated with every version bump in Tendenci’s GitHub CHANGELOG.
With Tendenci, your data is as safe as ever. All of our clients are now running on our latest software version T12.0. To stay on the loop and learn how our version bumps work, please visit Tendenci Lifecycle. For our Tendenci Community, please upgrade to our newest and polished version.
Check our Github changelog for updates and cool new features on your Tendenci site.
Stay in the now with news about Tendenci and about our latest software projects. Get inside information on release dates, software features and other happenings. Security is our top priority which is why your email will be kept confidential, and you’ll only receive a message when we have something cool to say. Much love and appreciation to our Tendenci Community. Subscribe to our newsletter at https://www.tendenci.com/forms/newsletter-signup/
The team at Tendenci has been working to make improvements to our T7 software. The batch of updates noted in this release are mostly centered on: the Tendenci Nav, Reports, and Newsletters. You can look for these changes on your T7 site.
Notable changes:
New top menu (for both admin and logged in users)
Newsletters format update and clone feature
Reports format update (including invoices, memberships, ..)
Events views – Added sub menu for month view, week view, day view
Separated join approval and renewal approval for membership notices
Wysiwyg editor – Enabled the image title input field in the image dialog. Added class dropdown to the tinymce link dialog box
Updated the directories categories to make it easy manage
Added drag-drop functionality to the testimonials
Added memberships overview report
Added a link on Profile page to view past events.
More minor changes
(Security) Disabled GZipMiddleware to prevent BREACH attacks
(Security) Prevent fraudulent simultaneous reuse of PayPal transactions
Resolved the issue regarding manage.py hangs when caching is enabled. Re-enabled the cache for site settings.
Resolved the subprocess venv issue.
Fixed exports for directories, jobs, resumes, pages.
Fixed “Most Viewed Files” report.
More fixes
Tendenci Nav
The Tendenci Nav has been reorganized to help you find what you’re looking for. We hope you’ll take the time that review your new Tendenci Nav and get familiar with some of these changes. Here’s a screenshot of what it should look like:
*For all of these updates, some sites will display slightly different fonts and design features based on the site theme.
Screenshot of the new Tendenci Nav in T7
Updates in the Reports module includes consolidation of all reports into their own Tendenci Nav item.
Reports Screen shot Tendenci Nav
This release also includes an update to the Invoices module, making invoices faster to browse visually in a table-based format. To view invoices in the new navigation on your site, click: Reports > 5. Financial > Invoicing.
New Tendenci Invoices Screenshot
The Newsletters module works almost exactly the same as before. We have made a few features a little bit easier to use. For example, if you’d like to re-assign the newsletter to a different group, you can now do so even after you’ve generated the Newsletter in the first step. We’ve also made some layout improvements that take advantage of Bootstrap’s framework.
The “clone” feature has also been added to this module. With clone, you can send a test e-mail, then clone it and send it to your target audience rather than copying and pasting the contents from the first send.
Screen shot of Tendenci’s new “clone” feature in Newsletters
This week, our team rolled out the following updates to the Tendenci software!
Theme Editor Saving Just Got Easier!
When updating in theme editor, you can save as you’re working and the editor stays on the current line. You know your work has been saved because a little message pops up next to the save button.
WYSIWYG Update – Maintain Proportions on Images
We fixed some glitches in the WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) editor so you can now resize images in the editor easily. Just update the value you know (Width or Height) and leave the other blank – make sure the “Maintain Proportions” box is checked and then click “Update Image.”
WYSIWYG Update – File Gallery Improvements When Importing Media
When uploading media to a page, the “File Gallery” tab shows you all the media uploaded to that page. If there are a lot of files uploaded to a page, this page can get long and take some time to load. Our team created a new File Gallery using AJAX that loads 10 files at a time (and loads 10 more as you scroll through) for much faster loading!
UPDATE: As of Tendenci 6+ Full Newsletter Functionality is Enabled through Extremely Low Cost Email Relays like Mailgun. If you are hosted in the Tendenci Cloud you may want to read the helpfile on how to send email through Tendenci.
Over the past year, we have been updating several sites to the 5th version of Tendenci which we lovingly call T5. The new software brings several of the features you love from Tendenci like:
Association and Membership Management
Event Calendar and Registration
Job board listings
Stories for featured content
Photos and Photo sets
Basic Pages
Articles, News, Resumes, Business Directory, and many others
We have added a few new features as well, such as:
Boxes for quick content editing
Easier template editing
Videos gallery
Case Studies
Staff Profiles
Tendenci 5 has been launched on several sites, including the Houston Technology Center (HTC) and Discovery Green. We also run T5 on Schipul.com with 12 different dynamic content areas on the homepage alone.
HTC CalendarDiscovery Green HomepagePhoto Albums
The Tendenci development team is making updates and adding new functionality daily, all of which is automatically added to all Tendenci 5 sites. We’d like to highlight a couple of the backend features that we think make Tendenci a standout product.
Open Source Platforms
Tendenci 5 is built on top of several open source technologies. We utilize apache for our web server, a free software that powers some of the largest sites on the internet. Our databases our in Postgres, which provides similar functionality to Microsoft SQL databases without any of the licensing fees. Our servers live in the cloud, to provide maximum uptime and durability. The Linux operating system powers our servers, and provides us with great open source tools to help enhance the websites that run on top of it. And the specialized search indexing functionality comes from Solr, an open source product that provides fast, accurate search results for sites with thousands of pieces of content.
The crown jewel is Django, a framework built in python that supports thousands of websites. The Django community continues to provide active development and security updates, which helps keeps Tendenci secure. Django and python offer speed and functionality for publishing content and have a highly flexible template system to make your site your own. The built-in tools in Django allow the Tendenci development team to makes changes quicker and make the software more flexible.
T5 Additions
Tendenci allows organizations to manage memberships as well as groups of people that may not be paying members. T5 takes these associations and allows admins to create selective benefits for members on the website. For example, a site could have a set of Members-Only pages where members could read articles or see news updates that weren’t available to the general public. These selective benefits also apply to event registration, so specific member groups can be offered a lower rate than non-members. These controls allow organization administrators to provide extra benefits to their membership which can help increase member turnover and grow the organization.
New advancements have also been made in site-wide search. Tendenci utilizes Solr search combined with Haystack to create a fast and accurate search across multiple apps at once. This means you can search for Articles, News releases, Jobs, Resumes, and Photos all from the same search box. The search also handles all of the selective benefits, so each member can only search content they are permitted to see. Site-wide search allows administrators to filter through all of their content and site visitors to find the info they need.
Tendenci has advanced features for administrators that let them perform advanced actions more quickly. There is an admin bar across the top of the website where admins can quickly jump to different apps in the software like articles or events. Admins can view reports, update their template, or add a new photo set all from the admin bar. Because of the selective benefits described above, different site users may have access to different pieces of content.
UPDATE: Impersonation was removed for increased security: Tendenci 5 comes with impersonation, the ability to view the website as another user. Admins can quickly impersonate a user to see how the website looks for them. We have found this to be a time-saving feature that gives administrators a quick tool to check security settings for their content.
In previous versions of Tendenci, it was difficult for a single website to have a customized feature in the “core” code. Tendenci 5 helps this in two ways: Templates and Plugins. Templating is a feature of Django, and Tendenci leverages it to allow site owners to customize every part of the visual display of their site. From customizing automated emails to changing a list to a grid, template customization gives site owners the power to make the software work for their organization. Plugins are completely new to Tendenci. Our plugin system allows site owners to activate custom plugins for them. This may be in the form of an app like a Testimonials list or a Donations plugin. These plugins can be completely customized. Get with our sales team for more information on custom plugins.
In addition to this post, we will be spotlighting some of the newest functionality in Tendenci 5 right here on the blog, so be sure to subscribe if you have already migrated to T5 or are interested in migrating. For more info, please contact Tendenci..
The Tendenci team is excited to announce that as of July 1st, 2010, at 12pm CST we have released our new WYSIWYG content editor tool to all of the modules in Tendenci.
For the last few months, we have been testing it out in our newsletter module and gathering feedback from you on our Get Satisfaction page. We’ve had some tweaks here and there – and are ready to get this WYSIWYG party started!
Check out this handy blog post to see some of the updates to your content editing toolbox. We can’t wait to hear what you think!
Let us know what you think about the new editor, it is currently only live in the newsletter editor – so check it out next time you send out another snazzy email to your Community!
Does your organization use Constant Contact to send out emails and newsletters to your members, sponsors or clients?
We’ve just completed the finishing touches on integrating your Tendenci and Constant Contact users. This means that when a visitor comes to your Web site and fills out a contact form, your Constant Contact mailing lists can be updated too!
Here’s to seriously streamlining your email marketing campaigns and growing your Community as never before! Keep an eye out for further upcoming Constant Contact integration with Tendenci and give us a call to quote you on your site’s integration today at (281) 497.6567, ext. 700.