Via Colori | Live Street Painting, 200+ Artists, 3 Stages, Food Trucks and More!
Houston we have a street painting art festival at Downtown City Hall ! Be a part of this wondering event at 5 PM CST.

Tendenci – The Open Source AMS Blog
Community Blog for Open Source AMS Makers
Houston we have a street painting art festival at Downtown City Hall ! Be a part of this wondering event at 5 PM CST.
The Schipul gang are crazy fans of the Houston Via Colori street painting festival, an annual event that benefits The Center for Hearing and Speech. Every year artists from all over the country descend upon the sidewalks of Houston to draw, sketch, color and amaze – all for a tremendous cause.
This isn’t anything like the summertime driveway scribbles you may have loved as a kid, this is fine art at its most pedestrian (well… at least NEAR the pedestrians <grin>) and temporary. Be sure to swing by to view the over 200 artists and their work (including one of our Schipulites – Ben Gillin!), listen to music and watch dance performances, take a Houston Center for Photography 101 lesson and so much more!
What: Houston Via Colori Street Painting Festival
When: Saturday + Sunday, November 21 – 22, 2009
Where: Sam Houston Park (Allen Parkway and Bagby)