5:30 PM
All sites are back online. If you continue to see errors or have any questions at all, please let us know!
Questions? Contact us at support@tendenci.com or (281) 497-6567 ext 411
2:30 PM
Some sites are beginning to come back online as we continue to work through the server issue. You should begin to see these Tendenci 4 sites back online.
9:30 AM
This morning, one of our Tendenci 4 Servers is experiencing an outage and some Tendenci 4 sites are down.
Our team is actively working on the issue to get the sites back up as soon as possible.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will update here with more information as soon as we can.
Questions? Contact us at support@tendenci.com or (281) 497-6567 ext 411