All my life, I have always moved around. I’ve lived in different parts of Mexico, I’ve lived in the UK, in France, in 3 different states in the U.S and have been happy doing that: A constant cycle of packing and moving, adapting and finally feeling at home.
I’ve come to have so many friends that have become extended family to me. These people went from being complete strangers, to friends, to people I can count on. No matter how far they are or how long it’s been since I’ve seen them, they in some way show me that they are still here with me as I am with them.

I am the only person in my family to be living in Texas, and sometimes it can be hard especially when you are going through tougher times. I’ve come to realize that when you are on your own, and these times emerge your sense of fight or flight kicks in. Suddenly you just want to go back to your home – your root home, and just embrace the old familiar.
I think everyone goes through that, and in all honesty if I had moved back home it would have been okay- there is nothing wrong with that really. But I stuck around and plan on staying in Texas, a place that I now happen to love and call home.
With that said, the people you work with are a huge part of your life in general. I mean, You spend more than half your week with these people! You could be doing what you love the most, but without a good team your job would for a lack of a better word – suck.

I have yet to work in a place where I do not like/love the people I work with. These people define(d) my day, they make it better and shift my attitude to a positive whenever it’s at a low. And if I were to go down the list of everyone I am thankful for, it would be a really long massive list.
I’ve met some of my best friends at work (this includes my very awesome boyfriend) which are now family. There have been so many times where I wasn’t able to fly home for the holidays and my friends pretty much took me in as an extension of their own family.

The people in my life just make me feel insanely lucky, and I don’t care if it sounds cheesy. They say actions speak louder than words, and it genuinely is something else to have someone show you they are there for you.
It’s little things like when I’ve been sick and gotten chicken soup, stuffed toys and sticker books (a Frankenweenie sticker book, to be exact) to cheer me up. There’s times where I have been devastated, like when I lost my dog Benito and my friends from all over pulled me back together some way. For example they all changed their Facebook profile pictures to their favorite Benito picture to remember him, and remind me that they were there for me any way they could.

I could not have better people in my life that have become an addition to my already truly amazing family. So that is my “30 days of Thanks” Thankful post, I am thankful for all of you, because you just make me feel lucky and extremely loved, and I hope you guys know how much you are loved in return. Thank you.