Growing up did you ever get that one gift that made you realize your ultimate dream in life? This may be a sentimental exaggeration, but ‘Yello†by Jem is currently spinning on my headphones and that is partially to blame.
The gift could have been a book about becoming a world renowned ventriloquist. [I won’t name names.]
Maybe it was a Superman cape and tights…
Or, it could have simply been the pencil and notepad you got on your first day of school.
Now I ask, how many of you have taken that gift and created a livelihood. I’m aware the notion is a bit extreme but for a little lady named Bethany Quillin, it all started with a small point-and-shoot camera.
Bethany is a local Texas talent who I recently had the pleasure to speak with after a little birdie pointed me to her web site. I am not a photographer, nor am I a critic, but I do know when I see something special…and Bethany’s photography is something to marvel at.
“My favorite subject to shoot is children. They are so uninhibited and don’t care that there is a camera around. You will never capture the same thing twice.”

So basically, children aren’t worried if the camera is catching them on their ‘good side†or not. Oh to be young again…
Along with intimate shoots, Bethany has also found a passion for live music photography.
“You set up to shoot the concert, but you will always come out with something completely unexpected. The end product is like listening to music in a picture…I really can’t describe the feeling.“

Bethany will be showcasing her first exhibit this Wednesday, October 28th at Three Oaks Wine Bar from 7:00 p.m.’ 11:00 p.m. You will be able to purchase prints, drink wine and of course meet the lovely artist in person.
Find out more information on the Facebook event page!
Connect with Bethany on Twitter!
Listen to Bethany’s playlist while scrolling through her galleries!
FYI – The man that says he owes all of his success to his Superman cape and tights must contact me a.s.a.p…because you sir, are awesome.
This sounds like an awesome event. I hope I can make it!
I love reading the Schipul blog for the funny and well-written posts. (Yes: I'm Schipul stan).
Thank you for the compliment! We love that YOU LOVE to read them :). I hope to see you at this wonderful event. Bethany is truly talented.
And and and she has Dixie Chicks playing on her site! Now I really wanna go.