Update: We Have a WINNER!
Happy Thanksgiving folks! I hope that you have a wonderful Holiday. Thanks to all the folks who shared their comments about being inspired.
Now onto the important FREE Book thing – we dropped the names in the magical internet hat at www.Random.org and Jim Struck has won the Schipul Thanksgiving Book-Away! We will be sending over a copy of Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership. Congrats Jim! We would love to hear your thoughts on the book once you get a chance to read it.
Thanx again everyone for sharing – now… go eat some Turkey!
It’s November again in Schipul-land (well, it’s really November everywhere else too, but is makes for a good opener) … and we are once again focusing on thankfulness. This November we are celebrating the sources of our inspirations… those people, quote, movies, books, etc. that have influenced us, motivated us, inspired us to do bigger, better, awesomer things.
To celebrate our celebration of inspiration we have a super special giveaway!
While our blog posts are sharing those things that have helped us get farther down the road of life, we want to give away a copy of book that focuses on how we can all give to someone else’ to inspire them, help them grow, lift them up, guide them through the obstacles of the work place, or community space, or fill-in-the-blank space.

Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership is a book devoted the idea that the goal of genuine leader is to help others. To help those around us become more capable, confident, and accomplished than we are. That’s right… a leader’s goal is help the people we lead to be Greater Than Ourselves.
‘Real leadership, in other words, is an extreme act rooted in love and motivated by a desire to create a better world’ whether it’s the world of your company, team, neighborhood, or family.â€
Written using the now very popular allegorical form, Greater Than Yourself wraps the three tenets of Greater Than Yourself’ Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself – inside a fictional narrative. We follow the main character on his journey towards understanding and embracing the ‘GTY†way of life. The book is a short and sweet read… ending with a perfectly useful recap of the steps to the Greater Than Yourself philosophy. It strips out the entire story and gives you the guidance you need to embark on your ‘GTY†way of life. The book is also supported by a vast and active online community at www.greaterthanyourself.com
My favorite quote of all time, the one that keeps inspiring me over and over again is the Marianne Williamson quote stating, ‘as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.†It will come as no surprise then that one of my favorite quotes from this book is right in line with this idea…
‘One tricky part of a Greater Than Yourself project is that you cannot truly give in a worthwhile way to those around you without accepting within yourself the qualities the program emphasizes. You must be willing to expand yourself, to give your abilities to another, to tap into the greatness inherent not only in you, but it those around you.â€
So’ we want to inspire you! We want to inspire you to inspire others! We want to give you a copy of ‘Greater Than Yourself.â€
How do you win this amazing book? Glad you asked:
- Leave a comment below’ who or what has been a source of inspiration in your life?
- That’s it!
We will pick a winner using the random integer generator on Wednesday, November 24th.
PS –Be sure to let us know a good way to contact you when you win!
I am inspired daily by the selfless way my BFF faces life while being treated for two different forms of cancer.
My mother-in-law inspires me. She is totally blind. She cannot see a thing. She lost her eyesight only one year ago, and remains cheerful through her daily struggles. When I'm having a hard day, I just think about what she goes through, and my struggles (I'm disabled) seem manageable.
Susan – thank you SO much for your comment. It is a nice reminder that no matter what the circumstances of my day are, I can always choose to be grateful and joyful.
My wife inspires me. When I moved from being a CEO to developing my coaching practice she didn't bat an eye, even though it meant living on half what we used to. Four years later, and some rough economic times, she continues to say, "You took on my kids and my debt when we got married. This is the least I can do. Besides, you love doing this and are good at it."
On the days that are particularly tough I think of her at her job, when she would rather be gardening and am inspired to do my best work.
Jim – its so wonderful to read about spouses that inspire each other. I know my husband does the same for me… he encourages me to go after my dreams. Sounds like your wife does the same and that is just plain ol' awesome!
Mother Teresa and John Maxwell have been great sources of inspiration for me. I continue to read great books so that I can learn and remind myself what being a good leader is all about.
Linda – thanx for turning me on to John Maxwell… I had not heard of him before. His new book "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" seems really interesting and I am going to add it to my reading list for 2011.
I was about to buy this book. My manager/mentor, who inspires me, told me to read it!
Emily – I really enjoyed it! We will be randomly selecting a winner very soon… so keep your fingers crossed!
Joan – I see your love for Noah shine in your eyes whenever I hear you talk about him. Your relationship with him is an inspiration to me as a mom of boys… Thank you for popping over to share.
Thanks! This bit is exactly I was after. Please keep writing and I’ll keep coming back your site.
Hi I just dropped by and desirable to say you to love a Merry Xmas. Let all your wishes get come true for you and your home and lets hope the incoming year be prosperous for all us. Merry Xmas
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