We’ve been posting quite a bit lately on how non-profits can better use the Web for fundraising. Here’s a great example of putting these fundamentals in action. We just posted an announcement about the new Web site we’ve launched for theFund, San Antonio’s United Arts Fund. Like a lot of non-profits, theFund is facing significant recession-related funding challenges. But unlike a lot of non-profits, the organization is not hunkering down and waiting out the storm. They are accelerating their fundraising efforts and they are making Web marketing a core component of their strategy — making sure their offerings are in sync with what people want, their information is relevant and making it as easy as possible for people to give. Take a look at the Web site the Schipul team designed and let us know what you think.
Helping the Y connect with Houston
Congratulations to the YMCA of Greater Houston, which has unveiled www.ymcahouston.org, an upgraded and interactive Web site. The Schipul team is proud to be associated with such a highly respected Houston institution. Can you imagine the challenge of connecting with 100,000 people served every day? That challenge is why the Y’s Web site plays such a major role. For example, we made sure every page features a zip code search tool to make it easy to find the closest center. The Web site also makes it easy to apply for financial aid, join the Y as a facility member, register for upcoming programs and subscribe to receive e-mail alerts. We are also helping to roll out Y-Online, a new online registration system that will provide a faster and more user-friendly experience.
Safety Vision cams keep you safe — and new Web site tells (and shows) their story
The Schipul team recently released a new Web site design for Safety Vision, a global provider of mobile digital video solutions. It is a great example of the power of incorporating video clips to illustrate the core benefits of an organization’s products and services. The site includes actual examples of video captured by Safety Vision’s client cameras, including one case in which a parent gets on a school bus and (I suppose we should say allegedly, although it’s right there in the video) attacks one of the students.
Take a moment to take a look. It might give you some ideas about taking some existing video of your operations and posting them on your site.
A news account of the attack from CBS Evening News that also featured the Safety Vision video is below.
Stefan Sagmeister shares “Happy Design” at TED
Every Monday morning we have a training session in our weekly meetings. This Monday’s training featured a TED talk by Stefan Sagmeister focused on happy moments in his life that were enriched by design.
One of the most profound moments in Stefan’s talk is when he discusses the moment in his life when he decided to only work on projects that matter to him. Although focused on design, Stefan’s message is applicable to whatever career you may have. Are you doing something that makes you happy?
We’re Hosting a Blogging Seminar!
Do you want to better understand the cost and logistics of starting a blog for your company? Do you want to know how Schipul can help? Would you like a free lunch?
Then we have the seminar for you! On Wednesday, November 19, Schipul will be hosting a blogging seminar in our office and Aaron Long will help our clients and friends understand the blogging phenomenon a little better.
Sign up here!!!
A growing number of companies are harnessing the power of Social Media and “starting a blog”, and while this has been successful for some, other companies who have jumped head first into the blogosphere have ended up doing a royal belly flop.
Those companies didn’t understand the very basics of blogging. If you don’t have a clear message and target audience, it is easy to get lost! Don’t worry, Schipul is here to help you.
Aaron is going to be presenting Schipul’s customizable line of blog offerings for anyone interested in blogging for their business. We offer blog hosting and can set you up with anything from a simple template to a full fledged design that includes a social media platform.
Today’s luncheon is not a training class; it is a seminar and a chance for us to show you how we can help guide you through the sometimes murky Social Media waters with our blogging products and services.
Bring an empty stomach and your handy dandy notebook because Aaron will be filling your mind with knowledge while Schipul fills your belly with food.
Aaron will be discussing things such as:
- How a blog can increase your company’s exposure and profits
- The marketing cost savings you accrue by leveraging Social Media
- The value of communication with your customers
- Just how Schipul can help you get started!
Here is a little Schipul blogging resume for you to see some of our work!
Business to Consumer:
- Blog for our very own Houston Zoo
- Redesign for Houston’s Premier Green Hardware Store, New Living, is coming soon
Business to Business:
- Blog Career Partners International will be live soon!
Personal Blogs:
- Ed Schipul (CEO)
- David Stagg (Graphic Designer)
- Maggie McDonald (Operations)