Ready for Hurricane Season? We’ve got a Free Webinar for you!!

HurricanIkeHurricane Season is here and with Ike fresh on our minds, we want to make sure all of our Schipul friends are storm ready with a FREE Webinar on Hurrican Preparedness this Monday, July 13th from 2 -3 PM CST.

You’ll walk away with some great, actionable information to get you in the know and ready to go:

  • Basic disaster preparedness knowledge
  • How to create an emergency plan for your family
  • What supplies to be stockpiling before any storms strike
  • What you need to build a ‘go-bag’ for your family

Featured Webinar speakers are:

Gen. Honorè has dedicated his life post-military to creating a “Culture of Preparedness” here in America and he will be offering personal insights and stories during the Webinar. He cites a lack of a awareness to our personal responsibilty to prepare as one of the leading issues during a crises. He’ll remnd us the the besr first responder is YOU.

Sign up soon as space is limited and you don’t want to miss out on all the rockin’ brain candy these preparedness pros have to offer so register for this free webinar soon!!

Safety Month: Hurricane and weather Blogs to know


Ah hurricanes, they’re not just for sipping on in New Orleans .   If you’re in a hurricane-effected area like we are (in Gulf Coast neighboring Houston!), you’ve probably already been talking about the possible rains, winds and candle lit evenings ahead with neighbors, family and co-workers.

With that in mind, here are a few of our favorite hurricane and weather blogs – that’s right, we geek out on weather too:

The WeatherMatrix (one of many Blogs)
You can really tell when a Blogger is passionate about his subject matter and Jesse is SERIOUS about weather.   One big bonus on The WeatherMatrix’s Blog is that it’s not only packed with tips, national weather updates galore – it’s always full of gorgeous weather-related visuals, photos and projections.      If the WeatherMatrix Blog isn’t enough for you, there is also an entire WeatherMatrix community for weather enthusiasts.

Weather Underground’s co-founder Jeff Masters writes up the world’s weather as he sees it.   Twisters, climate change and more.   Perhaps what’s even more interesting than Jeff’s posts are the incredible number of comments and intensely focused contributions from members.

WeatherBlog for ABC13
While this is technically a local Houston weather Blog, you’ll find all sorts of great weather-focused posts on topics like the Saffir-Simpson Scale re-vamping, hurricane workshops and NASA-TV.   Great weather brain candy.

Cloudy and Cool
Meteorologist Paul Yeager unleashes his weather brain power on this great Blog, featuring everything from 2009 hurricane season predictions to commentary on global warming to reminiscing on impactful weather events from his career.

Where do you get your weather fix?   Be sure to comment on our Schipul Book Club post this week for a chance to win an emergency kit and a copy of The Survivor’s Club.

Image above thanks to Jesse – every single hurricane worldwide from 1851 to 2007, colored by intensity when known.   Visualization at its finest!

Schipul Book Club: Win a copy of The Survivors Club’ The Secrets and Science that Could Save Your Life

the-survivors-club-book1Highlighting Safety Month, we wanted to focus on three things we love. Preparedness, Data and Stories.   Author Ben Sherwood delivers on all in The Survivors Club!

Ben Sherwood studied data from survivors of all kinds of events to find the commonality. Who survived and why? The range of things life throws at each of us includes everything from losing a job in a recession, being diagnosed with cancer, surviving a plane wreck or a even a burning building. The science of studying the people who survived catastrophic events revealed amazing similarities.

The Survivors Club book leads us through the answers to two questions, ‘(1) What does it really take to survive? and (2) What kind of survivor are you?”

  • Part 1 tells the extraordinary stories of survivors and their traits that gave them the advantage to overcome improbable odds. Their data helps unlock the mystery of survival and teaches you about the 5 personality types and twelve tools of survival.   These stories were amazing in detail and inspiring in their hope and faith.
  • Part 2 builds on the same traits, but focuses on you, the reader, and helps you determine your Survival IQ. Ben Sherwood, includes an internet based test to determine your survivor personality type. Don’t worry… you can’t fail the test, but it helps you realize your strengths in an everyday situation or a major catastrophe.   Ahem… some people have been known to skip to the test first. Just sayin’. Oh yeah, if you don’t win, there is a shorter version online.

We took the test and found… well, once you take the Survival Profile, you also get to read about other survivors of your same type and match your traits with theirs! Do you know which survivor you are most like?

And, a big hint before reading the book or taking the profile test. Everyone is a Survivor… everyone has inherent tools available to help them. The first step is identifying your tools and then learning to use them as your talents, your strengths. After reading stories of people who survived lion mauling, extraordinary combat situations and overcoming cancer, you will believe anything is possible. You will also learn how simple things can make the biggest difference in your safety and the best advice of all, ‘Do not waste a breath.”

We hope you never need it, but we enjoyed reading how instincts, perspective and preparation can all make a difference in life threatening moments.

In honor of this month’s Safety Month, we’re giving away a copy of this book AND an emergency supply kit to keep in your trunk to help you take your emergency preparation to the max!

Join our Schipul Facebook fanpage and leave a comment here on this post about your favorite preparedness tip.   What are you doing to keep your family, friends and business ready for anything?   Do you have any survival stories you’d like to share?

Leave your comments here and we’ll be selecting a random commenter (after double checking they’re a member of our Facebook fanpage of course’ it’s also Schipul Fan Mania month!!) on Friday, June 26th at 2pm CST.

Firestorm Breaks Down the Swine Flu Pandemic: How to Get Your Organization Disaster Ready

Is your Organization and family prepared for Disaster? If the answer is no, then the time to get prepared is now. Don’t know where to start? Schipul client Firestorm recently hosted a great Webinar with some great advice for you and yours.

The Webinar was led by Firestorm CEO, Harry Rhulen, the first Doctor to identify the SARS disease in the United States, Dr. Stephen Cunnion, and Founding Partner of Global AgriTrends, Richard Fritz, and they definitely crammed our brains!

Dr. Stephen Cunnion explains Swine Flu:

  1. The swine flu is not transmitted by eating pork. People catch the flu from other people passing the germs.
  2. The first reported case was on March 22nd. The gestation of the influenza virus can be up to a week long so we still don’t have exact facts and figures.
  3. The flu virus is the number one cause for lack of productivity for companies any given year.
  4. The BEST WAY to avoid contracting the Flu is the use of Hand Sanitizers and the avoidance of super crowded places.

How is the Flu transmitted?

  1. Directly via human to human contact, droplet or airborne contact
  2. Indirectly via objects handled by someone who has contracted the flu

Why do we discount risk?

  1. Time alters our perception of risk.
  2. We think “It can’t happen here.”
  3. “It can’t happen to me.”
  4. “It won’t be so bad.”
  5. “I’m smarter & better prepared!”

What can you do to prepare for a Disaster?

  1. Predict: It is important for you to understand the magnitude of the disaster you’re facing.
  2. Plan: Before a disaster strikes, you need to identify your primary stakeholders (family, employees, customers, etc). Bases on that identification, define a course of action and implement a plan that will be used should disaster strike.
  3. Perform: Contain the spread of the infection (Hand Sanitizers!!) and ensure the continuity of operations by using your Disaster Preparedness Plan.

Check out these great Disaster Preparedness and Swine Flu Resources:

  1. Center for Disease Control & Prevention Swine Flu FAQs
  2. Good Health Habits Can Help Stop Germs
  3. FREE In Case of Emergency Plan Outlines for Family and pet

Something to keep in mind if you’re a decision maker at your company, Duty of Care is a legal obligation on you to perform with care anytime you are faced with a decision that could harm those in your employ. This Duty falls under the Business Judgment Rule, which calls company decision makers to make an “in good faith decision” regarding facts that they are presented with, whether or not those fact lead to action or a decision to disregard the threat. You can read more about the Business Judgment Rule here.

Firestorm CEO Harry Rhulen will be in Houston at the end of May for a visit. If you are interested in more information on Disaster Prep or in having him come speak to your organization, email Katie Laird for information.

The primary objective in ANY Disaster Preparedness plan is getting your family ready first. Click here to download a free PDF of Firestorm’s book, Disaster Ready People for a Disaster Ready America. The book reminds readers that they are their own first responders as it guides them through the steps they need to take to get their Disaster Plans in order.