Facebook and its users are having a rough day. A serious Facebook virus is attacking the network’s users.
For the laymen:
If you receive a Facebook message (or a Facebook message alert in your email) with a questionable subject line, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK IN THE BODY!
All of the information in this post was garnered from an awesome article from news.com.au by Narelle Towie.
Questionable subject titles vary from “Maan,yyou’re great!” to “your ass looks not bad in this video”, “Some0ne thinks your special and has a *Hot_Crush* on you. Find out who it could be*” or a youtube link that says ‘”i can see yooooooooo”. These links disguise a trojan worm and should not be clicked.
This trojan comes just months after Facebook said it was working to protect its user from phishing scams.
For the tech geeks, here is a more detailed explanation of the virus from Towie’s article:
FACEBOOK users are under attack from a virus sweeping through the online social network.
The virus is technically a trojan worm that disguises itself as an email from facebookmail.com.
People are enticed to click on a misspelled video or picture link that directs to a malicious web site.
The worm spreads its tentacles by emailing everyone on the victim’s friend list.
According to anti-virus software company Symantec, the trojan works by executing a worm called W32.Koobface.A that searches for cookies on the user’s machine.
If the worm finds the appropriate Facebook cookie, it modifies the users account settings and profile – adding links to malicious sites to trick others into installing the invader.
Facebook discussion boards talk about the trojan directing users to a page which looks like YouTube.
The phony page asks the user to install a video player upgrade.
Installing the fake upgrade allows the worm to work its magic and access files on the victim’s machine while destroying their Facebook account.
Facebook has begun combating the virus by deactivating link when it can.
Facebook has not released an official comment regarding the attack.
**Thank you Flickr user pshab for the awesome Facebook photo.
Is your company just jumping into the Facebook and Social Media world? Schipul can help!
Check out our Social Media page and be sure to attend our upcoming Blogging seminar!
Do you want to better understand the cost and logistics of starting a blog for your company? Do you want to know how Schipul can help? Would you like a free lunch?
Then we have the seminar for you! On Wednesday, November 19, Schipul will be hosting a blogging seminar in our office and Aaron Long will help our clients and friends understand the blogging phenomenon a little better.
A growing number of companies are harnessing the power of Social Media and “starting a blog”, and while this has been successful for some, other companies who have jumped head first into the blogosphere have ended up doing a royal belly flop.
Those companies didn’t understand the very basics of blogging. If you don’t have a clear message and target audience, it is easy to get lost! Don’t worry, Schipul is here to help you.
Aaron is going to be presenting Schipul’s customizable line of blog offerings for anyone interested in blogging for their business. We offer blog hosting and can set you up with anything from a simple template to a full fledged design that includes a social media platform.
Today’s luncheon is not a training class; it is a seminar and a chance for us to show you how we can help guide you through the sometimes murky Social Media waters with our blogging products and services.
Bring an empty stomach and your handy dandy notebook because Aaron will be filling your mind with knowledge while Schipul fills your belly with food.
Aaron will be discussing things such as:
How a blog can increase your company’s exposure and profits
The marketing cost savings you accrue by leveraging Social Media
The value of communication with your customers
Just how Schipul can help you get started!
Here is a little Schipul blogging resume for you to see some of our work!
Take a flip through Ed’s slides to see how Modern Day Storytellers are using Social Media mediums to grow their organization’s brands.
Storytelling is an incredibly important part of the way our societies have always handled change, explained the unexplainable and entertained themselves — this presentation provides an interesting overview of how the fundamentals of storytelling and character development are alive and well even in this digital age.
Ed Schipul has been out on the road this week with a stop in Detroit for the International PRSA Conference to chat about how Non Profit public relations professionals can implement Social Media tools into their Communications strategy (strategy being the operative term here).
The Schipul crew are passionate about blogging and Social Media (you can check out some of our personal brands here) and love to help other folks launch and grow their corporate and personal brands online as well.
Blogs receive 77.7 million unique visitors in the US
Facebook receives 41.0 million unique visitors
MySpace receives 75.1 million unique visitors
With a total Internet audience of 1889. million
Even if your company doesn’t have a Social Media Marketing strategy, you are already being talked about in the Blogosphere — 90% of all Bloggers report that they write about brands, music, movies and books they love/hate
Bloggers are active in other Social Media realms too and average at about 5 other activities (besides updating their own Blogs):
I think I’ve seen the book before at Barnes and Noble and pretty much overlooked it because it was a book about sales so it didn’t really apply to me.Going into the seminar by Gitomer I definitely was not very excited and had really low expectations.I’ve found that most speakers have decent but unoriginal speeches (except for Ed Schipul’s speeches-you never really know what he’s going to say!).The speaker will tell some cutesy anecdotes, then spout out some inspiring quotes from people like Winston Churchill , or Viktor Frankl .Of course I am inspired by those great men.While I love hearing stories I also love to hear speakers who truly make me laugh and think with their own original ideas.
I was pleasantly surprised when Gitomer told the hilarious story of how he cold-called Roger Staubach’s office and told Staubach to his face how much he hated the Dallas Cowboys.After that incident, Staubach now uses Gitomer’s sales seminars to teach over 3,000 of his sales employees.Now that’s cool!
After that story, I decided that Gitomer was worth listening to.During the presentation, I was thinking yeah this is great, but how does that apply to my clients who are marketing their businesses online and how can I help them use these very same principles that Gitomer is telling us?
It’s apparent that a lot of people are going to be tightening their financial belts after everything that is going on in the economy right now like the Bailout and Hurricane Ike recovery.So I came up with a few ideas and strategies on how to get the most out of your Internet Marketing campaign while our economy gets sorted out.
1. Stay in front of your audience with newsletters‘ Gitomer said if you aren’t sending out a newsletter once a week then you aren’t staying in front of your audience.Your newsletters should be filled with information that your audience can use.For example, if you are a home builder you can write in your newsletters weekly do-it-yourself tips.You know, stuff that is actually helpful!After all, it’s really all about what your customer wants anyway, right?
2. Connect with your customers using Social Media (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube)‘ Just having a standard website can be pretty impersonal.So why not let your customers find out a little more about you and engage them on a personal level? I know that’s directly against what I just said about newsletters, but the truth is your audience does want to know what you can do for them. Next they want to know your expertise and if you actually know what you are doing.
Here’s what Gitomer suggested: Get some of your top clients and record them giving testimonials about your company.Let your clients speak for you. Gitomer said to make DVDs and slide them under doors.But my idea is better.Post your video on YouTube and put the video on your website.Not only are you letting your customers learn about your, but you’re also creating a stronger web presence by linking to other websites.Remember to keep it light and fun.Don’t be to promotional.Use these tools to meet and interact with people.
3. Update the content on your site ‘ If the content is the same as it was three months ago it’s time to refresh!Adding new content to your site keeps your site visitors interested so that they will come back for more.Stale content is the equivalent to turning off the open sign and the lights and locking the doors.People are going to think you’re out of business.Plus, fresh content will help you get found in the search engines.Gitomer said, ‘Get Googleable.â€Gitomer said post white papers, articles you have written or that have been written about you, and let people know when you’ve won awards and achievements.I have nothing to add. He’s right.This guy knows what he’s doing.Type in Jeffrey Gitomer and he’s listed on the first 78 page results.
4. Keep statistics’ If you’re not using Google Analytics on your site, why not?Sign up now for Google Analytics and track the visitors on your site. This is where you actually get to see the real numbers and ROI.
The amazing thing about all these options is that, for the most part, they are free! All you’re really spending is your time and it could really payoff in the end.I don’t want to be a doomsday prophet, but the business that are able to keep their customers happy and loyal are the ones who are going to thrive.
So build your connections with your customers and stay in constant contact.Maybe you won’t see results right away but you will eventually.Gitomer told us, ‘Small errors in judgment can cost you your entire career.â€As an example he used Peter Best, the original Beatle’s drummer who quit three months before the Beatles went on their first world tour.Gitomer estimates that that error in judgment cost Best $2 million dollars.Gitomer’s encouraging words were, ‘Be your Best, not Peter Best!â€
This sure would be a great time to register for the Tendenci User Conference 2008 on October 2nd – 3rd! It’s free, it’s fun and you’ll be even more brilliant and Social Media savvy by the time you leave 🙂
If you have pals, family or colleagues that are not Tendenci users, but are interested in learning more about Social Media (and want a hands on time to create profiles with a pro) and Search Engine Marketing for their organizations – we have sessions for them too! As long as you’ve got a curious brain and a desire to fill it, all are welcome!
Here are some of our more recent additions to our Tendenci User Conference 2008 updates:
We have added a lot of excited new dynamics for our second year and think it’s going to be a blast. Don’t forget… if you can’t make it out for the whole two day affair, you’re more than welcome to drop by for just a day or even just a session!
So without furthur ado…
Day One:
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Come see us in the Tendenci Lounge! Members of the Programming and Support teams will be available for questions all day! The Lounge will be a great place for you to network with other Tendenci users, Schipul staff, or just drop in and check your email.
8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.: Registration (a necessary evil)
8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.: State of the Union Address with Ed Schipul, CEO… Lets talk about where Tendenci is going and how far we’ve come together (because we just couldn’t do it without you)!
10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.: Breakout Sessions Room One: Tendenci Toddlers – Intro to Tendenci – A Quick Boot Camp Room Two: Tendenci Titans – Advanced Tendenci – Improve Your User’s Experience On Your Site
11:00 a.m – 11:45 a.m.: Understanding Site Analytics – From DeepMetrix to Google… We promise we’ll try to keep this as fun and as painless as possible! Rumor has it our SEM Director, Jason McElweenie has something cool up his sleeve (don’t tell!).
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.: LUNCH (WOOHOO!)
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Fireside Chat with Programming & Support Teams… You’ll have all morning to submit questions and get them answered. This will be a great opportunity to hear other people’s Tendenci experiences and use them yourself!
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Breakout Sessions Room One: Organizing Your People Through Tendenci… How are you keeping track of your users?? Room Two: Maximizing the Calendar Events Module… Everyone loves a good event. How do you tell your members about yours?
3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.: Fireside Chat with the Partners of Schipul–The Web Marketing Company. This will be a great opportunity to talk with the Partners and hear the real deal on Schipul and what we’re about.
Day Two:
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Come see us in the Tendenci Lounge! Members of the Programming and Support teams will be available for questions all day! The Lounge will be a great place for you to network with other Tendenci users, Schipul staff, or just drop in and check your email.
8:00 a.m. – 8:30 am: Registration (in case you could only come for one day!)
8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.: Keynote Speaker – How Tendenci Makes Companies Soar… This talk will focus on an extra special Tendenci superstar. Announcement soon!
10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.: Breakout Sessions Room One: Tendenci Toddlers – Keep Your Members in the Know With Newsletters Room Two: Tendenci Titans – Driving Campaign Strategies Through Your Newsletters
11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.: Breakout Sessions Room One: What’s the Point of Social Media Anyway? Room Two: Little Known Facts About Tendenci – What Are You Missing?
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.: LUNCH
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Breakout Sessions Room One: Fireside Chat About Billing/Accounting Room Two: Hands-On Social Media Profile Creation… This will be a chance to really get your claws into the meat of Social Media. Schipulites and other Tendenci friends will be on hand to help!
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Interactive Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Session… Another Jason McElweenie trick is expected for this panel. Lets make SEM fun! 3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.: Closing Comments with Ed Schipul, CEO 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Closing Reception; Location TBD PAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY!
As you can see, it’s all about communication and enabling you to better address your communities!
Don’t forget:
1. Bring your laptop! University of Houston has free wireless and sessions will be interactive! 2. No spare change needed for parking – University of Houston has you covered! 3. Need a detailed list of presentations? You’ll find them here soon!
So. You know what a blog is, and you’ve decided you want to join the roost. Since a blog is a fantastic way to dive right into the social media waters, you immediately get to typing. And typing. And typing. And typing. Phew! All that blood, sweat, and tears, poured out into a blogging template. Hooray! And yet, while you’re churning out scads of awesome blog posts, you’re beginning to think that no one is reading the results of your hard work and research.
The truth is, maybe they’re not.
Why? Because! Aside from writing stimulating content, you’ve also gotta participate in the community. That’s right. You’ve gotta turn the blogging community’s cheek your way.
Luckily, you wield the power.
“Well, how do I do that?” you ask. Don’t get exasperated already. It’s easier than you think! For starters, Chris Brogan offers a great list of nine ways to promote your blog posts, including (but not limited to!) social bookmarking, Twitter (of course!), and community-building plugins.
But the fun doesn’t end there! The discussion continues in the comments, with recommendations of claiming your blog in Technorati, posting a submission to Digg, and installing a widget on your blog, giving you insta-access to a blogging community.
The fact of the matter is that there are literally thousands of ways to promote your blog. And there’s no right or wrong way! It all boils down to the bottom line – build your community meaningfully, and they will come!
In the comments, tell us about your favorite ways to promote your blog, whether it be a corporate blog or your personal blog. We want to hear your stories!
We’re mixing things up a little this year thanks to all of your feedback, with a lot more Q&A and hands-on-training. No matter the subject or speaker, we want your input!
Day one will feature a crash course in Tendenci on both the beginner and advance levels. We’re going to show you how to best maximize the various Tendenci Tools and integrate Social Media applications to enable the community you already have and expand it. Day two will be packed with panels to really help you grow your story and captivate your audience.
We’ll also have a group from our production and programming team constantly available to you in our Tendenci User Conference Louge… feel free to pick their brains!
A list of presenters and panels will be coming soon. Check back here or on the Tendenci Blog for more info!