Polls module got a face lift!

Just released – the Tendenci Polls module with up to 10 answer options (instead of 5).  We also took the time to clean up the individual pages a bit.  No worries, the existing polls with less than 10 answers still work exactly as they did before. 


Latest update includes batch newsletters

Hi everyone!

We posted a Tendenci update this morning that includes a major revision for the newsletters.  It now processes pending newsletters in batches.  No more real-time send.  Why is this good?  It eliminates the web based limitations of session time outs and memory allocation.

How it works:
  1. Generate the newsletter as normal
  2. After agreeing to step 5, instead of seeing the scrolling list of names the newsletter is sent to you will instead see a message saying
    "Your newsletter has been scheduled to send within 10 minutes. You will receive an email notification when it’s done. Please note that it may take several hours to complete the process depending on the size of your group."
  3. The server will check for new newsletters to send every 10 minutes – if it finds one, then it will send each email accordingly.
  4. Once the emails are sent the creator of the newsletter will receive a confirmation email indicating that everything sent successfully, who it was sent to, and a total count.
Other items to note – when searching for emails you now can more easily filter by status (/en/actions/search.asp):
  • Open – still in build and has not yet been finally submitted (has not yet agreed to step 5)
  • Submitted – agreed to step 5 and is awaiting being processes
  • In Progress – the batch process has begun but is not yet complete
  • Closed – the batch process has completed and all emails have been sent
  • Cancelled – the email was deleted (cancelled)

New help files will be added soon, https://www.tendenci.com/en/help/.  If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for there, feel free to call us at 281.497.6567 or email your regular contact.


Directories Random Display

Tendenci_random_directory The latest update also included a mod for directories.  Some of our clients use "sponsors" and wanted a way to display them on the home page.  We created a display function that pulls directories for a specific category and randomly displays them.  The client can determine how many logos display and how the table should be set up (2 rows, 4 columns, etc).  Contact the Tendenci Production Team to implement this on your site!


Calendar Event Daily View got a facelift!

Since the implementation of the new mini calendar, we felt the daily view of the calendar event module was, well, boring.  So we gave it a face lift.  It now includes more details, links, and just looks a lot better!  Just one more reason to start using the mini calendar on your site!  Here’s a screen shot.




Mini Calendar now available!


The latest Tendenci update includes a mini calendar that gives users a  birdseye view of your events!  Dates with events are highlighted in red.  Users can click on the date to see what is taking place that day.  The smaller version of the calendar fits neatly onto any page design.   

Contact the Tendenci Production Team about adding the mini calendar to your homepage!


Course Programs and Credits Released June 2006

Two new Tendenci modules were recently released – Course Programs and Course Credits – both are an extension of the existing Courses Module.

Course Programs
Course Programs allows the admin to designate requirements to complete a certain program or certification such as total credits to complete the program and expiration of the credits.

When adding or editing a course you can designate which program to attach the course to.

Course Credits
Course Credits allows the user to submit for credit for the course, without actually taking the course online.  This works well for credits that need to be captured that don’t necessarily lend itself to an online exam such as whether or not the user has attended a seminar.


Tendenci Updates went out 04-May-2006

Tendenci updates went out on 04-May-2006 – the most notable updates:

  1. Job

    • users can now
      subscribe to notifications for job categories (or just jobs in
    • once subscribed they
      will receive email notifications on jobs that were added since the last
      notification (the user can define the frequency of the emails, and the category
      to receive them on)
  2. QuickBooks Export of
    Accounting Entries

    • Tendenci now exports
      accounting entries in iif format that is compatible with
  3. Careers

    • users can now track
      their career history through Tendenci
  4. New Reports in

    • some of these were
      rolled out some time ago but are worth mentioning

      • Pending Memberships
      • Current Member Roster
      • Export by Join/Renew
      • Export by Expiration


Tendenci software updated 4/25/2006

Tendenci sites were updated with minor revisions throughout all modules on April 25, 2006.

The most noteable change is richer RSS feeds with more content and photos.
