A fond farewell from Rachel and a celebration of new beginnings

Rachel Schipul

To our Tendenci clients, you are changing the world. It has been a privilege to be a leader for the company and the community, and I thank you all for the opportunity.

It is with mixed emotions that I say that last Friday December 6, 2019, was my last official day with Tendenci. I say “official” because you never really leave a community that you care deeply about. (And don’t worry, Ed is still guiding the ship with the help of a strong team.)

I have been an avid part of the growth of Tendenci from a small, proprietary software product launched almost twenty years ago into the global, multilingual, open source resource it is today. My enthusiasm for Tendenci is as strong now as ever. And I’m proud of what we have accomplished.

I have truly enjoyed working with so many great people over the years, both the amazing employees who feed my soul and the wealth of Tendenci users who keep me challenged. Software, like a garden, is never finished. It is designed, built, tended, and constantly improved. Keeping things fresh, adding new functionality, and building on the latest technology are the core of a thriving environment.

To everyone I have worked with, keep moving forward. I know there are great things ahead for you and all of the Tendenci community!

Feel free to connect with me (Rachel on linkedin) as I move forward knowing Tendenci is in good hands and our clients are safe and growing! I will still be in the background keeping Ed in line and celebrating the future successes of Tendenci and the community as they happen. Rock on y’all!


SuperUsers Reset on Tendenci Sites Today as a Precaution

Norton Data Breach Report

All super users / admins on all Tendenci hosted sites will need to reset your passwords today. This can be done at <your site> /accounts/password/reset/

Why? People reuse passwords. You shouldn’t, and you know that, but you probably do. Therefore, in an overabundance of caution given the large number of data breaches on the Internet this year, we are resetting all superuser passwords to a long randomized string unique to each. I’d also like to emphasize that:

  1. We have not had a data breach,
  2. Your site has NOT been hacked to our knowledge (every site has it’s own “silo” meaning your site is isolated from all others in it’s own containers.)
  3. A LOT of other companies have reported breaches and humans tend to reuse passwords.

A quick visit to https://haveibeenpwned.com/ will show you how pervasive the problem is.

Next step: go to your login page and click “reset password” and pick a unique password hopefully with a space ” ” in it. Tendenci accepts spaces in passwords so USE THEM!

To make passwords easier to remember, use sentences or phrases. For example, “breadandbutteryum”. Some systems will even let you use spaces: “bread and butter yum”.

From: https://www.it.ucsb.edu/password-best-practices

Security is our top priority. Security is an inconvenience. Security best-practices are far better than the alternative. We apologize for the inconvenience but it is, after all, what we are paid to do.

This decision was made by me, Ed Schipul, the founder and CEO. And it was done without advance notice specifically to prevent bad-actors from knowing about it in advance and sending phishing emails to you. The Internet is unfortunately a rough place right now. Stay safe out there!

The freedom in the Tendenci open source software


A program is “free software” if the program’s users have the four essential freedoms:

  1. The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.
  2. The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  3. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
  4. The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

If software is licensed in a way that does not provide these 4 freedoms, then it is categorized as nonfree or proprietary.

The Industry Steering Committee of Wellbore Survey Accuracy becomes a Major Resource for the Industry

We are proud to announce that The Industry Steering Committee of Wellbore Survey Accuracy (ISCWSA) is now the place of resource for industry professionals!

The new website design features a marvelous Resource Library where everyone interested in science, engineering, oil & gas, etc., is welcome to seamlessly search and explore the repository of documents.

Continue Reading

Image Graphic for ISCWSA
The primary aim of The Industry Steering Committee on Wellbore Survey Accuracy group is to produce and maintain standards for the industry relating to wellbore survey accuracy. ISCWSA sets standards for terminology and accuracy specifications, and establishes a standard framework for modelling and validation of tool performance by raising awareness and understanding of wellbore survey accuracy issues across the industry.

Don’t miss our October Newsletter!

Hello Tendenci Community, happy month of October, especially for those up in the Northeastern side of the United States, where the leaves are just beginning to change.

Don’t miss out on our quarterly newsletter, subscribe today and stay in the know. This month we have some pretty cool stuff to share, from learning how to Run Campaigns with your Tendenci website to our SEO services and our $500 OFF Coupon!

Tendenci – The Open Source AMS October Newsletter

Tendenci – The Open Source AMS October Newsletter

Via Colori Street Painting Festival on Nov 23 & 24 in Houston, Texas

Via Colori | Live Street Painting,  200+ Artists, 3 Stages,  Food Trucks and More!

Houston we have a street painting art festival at Downtown City Hall ! Be a part of this wondering event at 5 PM CST.

Via Colori raises more than $300,000 annually to fund health and educational services for children with hearing loss in Houston through The Center for Hearing and Speech and its renowned audiologists, teachers and speech-language pathologists. 

Tendenci Celebrates 22 Years of Community

Ed Schipul and his daughter. Photo taken in 1997, where it all began.

A Message from the Founder and CEO Ed Schipul 

Dear Tendenci Community,

This week marks the 22nd year that we have been in business. It seems like both a very short, and very long, time to walk this path.

We started out with a vision of connecting people and communities throughout the world, and while the technology involved has changed rapidly over time, our commitment never has. 

Tendenci was built on the shared needs of organizations and nonprofits, designed by you to help people engage in fruitful discussion and support each other in individually specific ways.

Taking Tendenci open source was always the goal, a return to the roots of the Internet itself. Sharing information leads the way to bigger ideas, dreams that can be realized more quickly and more completely when we work together.

With developers around the world collaborating on Tendenci, the entire open source community benefits from a diversity of thought, a culmination of ideas that allow us all to step forward together. 

We could not have taken this journey without you and thank you all for your support throughout the years. Tendenci will continue to grow and expand, knocking down barriers and delivering communication opportunities to people of all nations, regardless of circumstance. 

Our vision and mission is still the same. To connect and organize the world’s people. Do good.

As a community, we can make that happen.


Ed Schipul

Founder and CEO

Keeping It Real | Event in Singapore

Authenticity & Connecting with People

Organized by Nüwa at https://www.nuwa.sg Speaker: Elaine Friedlander – Founder of Nüwa , and Co-founder of Nüwa Jobs,

“Change is constant! The world around us, the climate, our technology, the careers and jobs open to us are changing rapidly and will continue to do so in the coming decades. 

In our lives the roles that we take on at different stages will change, we learn new skills, acquire new experiences, but ‘who we are’ is consistent.

If you ask people what are they good at, what do they enjoy doing? Most can answer and it probably won’t change from their 20s, to their 40s to their 60s.

If we can take note of who we are; what it is that we are good at, and what we love to do, navigating change, finding a role that we can excel in, and building a network around us becomes second nature.”

Our mission is to Connect and Organize the World’s People. Do Good.

Let’s remember Richard Stallman’s wise words

Why? Because Tendenci – The Open Source Association Management Software is open source and available to the world.

Richard Stallman asked himself a simple question. What does society need?

“What does society need? It needs information that is truly available to its citizens — for example, programs that people can read, fix, adapt, and improve, not just operate. But what software owners typically deliver is a black box that we can’t study or change. 

Society  also needs freedom. When a program has an owner, the users lose freedom to control part of their own lives.

And, above all, society needs to encourage the spirit of voluntary cooperation in its citizens. When software owners tell us that helping our neighbors in a natural way is “piracy”, they pollute our society’s civic spirit.

This is why we say that free software is a matter of freedom, not price.”

— Richard StallmanWhy Software Should Not Have Owners

Serious question: What differentiates Tendenci from all other AMS?

  1. Well, what other MAJOR AMS can you self deploy on the servers of your choice? In the data center of your choice? In the country of your choice? With the encryption and firewall restrictions of YOUR CHOICE. That’s just the beauty of open source.
  2. The price starts at zero. It. Is. Fully. Open Source. Here is a list of alternatives to Tendenci AMS (hint: almost all aren’t open). 
  3. We take security very serious. Tendenci is the strongest and most secure web-based software platform for NPO’s globally. We also understand there are no “perfect” or “completely secure” systems. But we do more than just try. Transparency is the key to Open Source AMS – no in-betweens. So there’s that. 
  4. Languages? Ok! You can translate your AMS into the language of your choice. Although, you might find someone has already done this for you – 70+ languages of them.