The Nehemiah Center of Houston Releases Fresh Design for their Tendenci Website, Just in Time for the Holidays

Houston, TX — December 20, 2018

The Nehemiah Center of Houston has provided a safe haven and enriched learning environment for at-risk children since 1996, serving and following these children and their families from early childhood to college years.

Nehemiah Center relied on the feature-rich Tendenci Content Management System (CMS) to build a fresh modern look and an engaging interface that makes information readily accessible.

Their updated website’s mobile responsive design allows users faster and easier access to information and forms needed for families to connect to the Center, helping to build lasting relationships with families and their children, as well as Center volunteers. The Nehemiah Center website boasts a wealth of information from individual program descriptions and Center events to volunteer and parent portals. In addition, supporters of the Center can donate to their cause at the click of a button in a seamless experience with an embedded donation form. Nehemiah proudly highlights their all-stars on their hompage with easy to manage data and their sponsors using the Tendenci directories module. The random select in their Tendenci photos module allows for a unique experience with every site visit.

Tendenci -The Open Source AMS is proud to partner with Nehemiah Center on their mission to provide assistance to low income families who are invested in seeking a better future for their children through education, emotional wellness and spiritual enrichment, and excited to see what their future brings to the communities of Houston.

Check out Nehemiah Center Live Site!

About Tendenci – The Open Source AMS
Headquartered in Houston with an office in San Francisco, Tendenci – The Open Source AMS develops the is a revenue generating online tool with over one million users overall and earned a spot in Capterra’s Top 20 Membership Management Software Products. Tendenci powers the websites of the Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public PolicyDePelchin Children’s Center, and Americans Citizens Abroad, among hundreds of others. Tendenci also offers web design services and integrates other open source applications into the websites of its international client base. Tendenci Open Source powers websites that encompass a variety of NPO and industry segments around the world. Additional information about Tendenci – The Open Source AMS is available here.

Why does the Internet seem broken lately? Because the Government is shut down and let the foxes in the hen house.

Why does the Internet seem broken lately? Let’s start with the obvious – the government shut down is a horrific occurrence far beyond what people realize.

Why is the Internet slow right “now”? Because DNS is under attack and the government is shut down and incapable of responding. Seriously. We, the InfoSec community, are flying blind. For the average person – you are kind of hosed. (kidding, not kidding….)

What is DNS? “DNS” means “domain name resolution.” and it tells your computer how to find a web site. The thing is, *most* sites pull content from numerous places (think twitter feeds on your page, or a FB badge, or a font, etc.) If *ANY* of these items are slowed down, so is your site.

Not surprisingly, criminals look for opportunities and our politicians gave them a big giant gift by shutting down the government.

The DNS attacks, among others, haven’t made the news because the government has been shut down.

Recovery from one month of nobody managing CyberSecurity for the US Government will take months if not years. Some damage is permanent. (I’m just the messenger.)

If the Internet and cybersecurity are put in the category of “non-essential” then we have a serious problem. And we have a serious problem far larger than the drop in home buying. Hackers are patient. Very patient. Recon conducted over the last month will be used far into 2020. The RATs will persist in silence and nobody will know until they are activated.

Image from:

Additional resources:

Fox News on the impact of the government shut down on cybersecurity

Krebs on Security’s take:

#forgotten Hurricane Harvey and Houston

One federal agent with more than 20 years on the job told KrebsOnSecurity the shutdown “is crushing our ability to take the fight to cyber criminals.”

“The talent drain after this is finally resolved will cost us five years,” said the source, who asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak to the news media. “Literally everyone I know who is able to retire or can find work in the private sector is actively looking, and the smart private companies are aware and actively recruiting. As a nation, we are much less safe from a cyber security posture than we were a month ago.”

The source said his agency can’t even get agents and analysts the higher clearances needed for sensitive cases because everyone who does the clearance processing is furloughed.

North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness Releases Revamped Tendenci Website Following Hurricane Florence

Mobile responsiveness was crucial to the design of the new site in order to deliver an optimal user experience to NCCEH members and constituents. The added challenge for the Coalition was the enormous amount of information they host and determining the best way to structure their resources for ease of access and maintenance. NCCEH relied on the feature-rich Tendenci Content Management System (CMS) to build an engaging interface that makes information readily accessible.

Using Tendenci Events, NCCEH hosts a variety of informational meetings, trainings and community events. The flexibiilty of the Events module allows NCCEH to post both paid and free events, collecting registrations and payments online when needed. Event reminders, rosters, invoicing reports and quick addition of offline registrations makes event management simple and complete.

The North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness, NCCEH, serves as an advocacy group and central resource for agencies,organizations and individuals that address the needs of the homeless residents of North Carolina. The recently upgraded Tendenci website has been critical to collection and dissemination of information following the devastation of Hurricane Florence.

Read full story here.

And some thoughts on asynchronous communications.

I believe humans as a whole, put too much faith in technology. Not all phone calls ring on the other end. SMS/text doesn’t always get delivered. Even worse is – sometimes they get delivered hours or days later and the recipient sees a time stamp that may be yesterday, or just this instant. I think that is why phone calls can clear up misunderstandings so quickly. 

I believe we need to be kinder to each other in general. And give people the benefit of the doubt instead of doubting their credibility when they say “I sent that to you!” They probably did. 

In this regard – technology unfortunately can divide us. We should try to focus on the positives and be kind with each other when communication isn’t perfect. Be it a turn of the phrase, delayed chat, or just a message lost in the ether. 
Be kind. Especially with our families. I know all of you are really awesome people. 

-Ed Schipul

Joy, Happiness & Health to You and Your Loved Ones

To Our Open Source Family,

As the holiday season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and those who have supported us and the entire Tendenci community. With your help, we continue to work toward our shared goal – Connect the world’s people and do some good.

For many of us, it’s been a tough year with all the changes happening across the globe  – natural disasters, wildfires, shootings, political issues, personal issues, and hardest of all, the loss of our loved ones. All lead us to the greatest lesson—love. It is the action of love that makes our world a better place.

It is why we are sending you our most loving holiday wishes as you embark on your journey into 2019. So Happy Holidays our dear Tendenci friends and we wish you all a Happy New Year!

As leaders in Open Source, we are here for you. Always.

Warmest regards,

The Tendenci Team

Tendenci 7.4.0 Release Notes

Release Summary

The team at Tendenci has been working to make improvements to our T7 software.  The batch of updates noted in this release are mostly centered on:  the Tendenci Nav, Reports, and Newsletters.  You can look for these changes on your T7 site.

Notable changes:

  1. New top menu (for both admin and logged in users)
  2. Newsletters format update and clone feature
  3. Reports format update (including invoices, memberships, ..)
  4. Events views – Added sub menu for month view, week view, day view
  5. Separated join approval and renewal approval for membership notices
  6. Wysiwyg editor – Enabled the image title input field in the image dialog. Added class dropdown to the tinymce link dialog box
  7. Updated the directories categories to make it easy manage
  8. Added drag-drop functionality to the testimonials
  9. Added memberships overview report
  10. Added a link on Profile page to view past events.
  11. More minor changes


  1. (Security) Disabled GZipMiddleware to prevent BREACH attacks
  2. (Security) Prevent fraudulent simultaneous reuse of PayPal transactions
  3. Resolved the issue regarding hangs when caching is enabled. Re-enabled the cache for site settings.
  4. Resolved the subprocess venv issue.
  5. Fixed exports for directories, jobs, resumes, pages.
  6. Fixed “Most Viewed Files” report.
  7. More fixes

Tendenci Nav

The Tendenci Nav has been reorganized to help you find what you’re looking for.  We hope you’ll take the time that review your new Tendenci Nav and get familiar with some of these changes.  Here’s a screenshot of what it should look like:

*For all of these updates, some sites will display slightly different fonts and design features based on the site theme. 

Tendenci Nav Screenshot T7
Screenshot of the new Tendenci Nav in T7


Updates in the Reports module includes consolidation of all reports into their own Tendenci Nav item.

Reports Screen shot Tendenci Nav
Reports Screen shot Tendenci Nav


This release also includes an update to the Invoices module, making invoices faster to browse visually in a table-based format.  To view invoices in the new navigation on your site, click: Reports > 5. Financial > Invoicing.

Tendenci Invoices Screenshot
New Tendenci Invoices Screenshot


The Newsletters module works almost exactly the same as before.  We have made a few features a little bit easier to use.  For example, if you’d like to re-assign the newsletter to a different group, you can now do so even after you’ve generated the Newsletter in the first step.  We’ve also made some layout improvements that take advantage of Bootstrap’s framework.

The “clone” feature has also been added to this module.  With clone, you can send a test e-mail, then clone it and send it to your target audience rather than copying and pasting the contents from the first send.

Screen shot of Tendenci clone feature in Newsletters
Screen shot of Tendenci’s new “clone” feature in Newsletters

Have software updates you’d like to share?  Fork us on Github!

Special thanks to @PaulSD for lots of fixes and update!

SSL Encrypting all Tendenci Hosted Sites

NOTE: This is a cross post. The original post is at:

Encrypt All The Things

To our clients. The above graph is a filtered subset of what is a *typical* day of network alerts. As the media has stated, the issue is quite real.

We greatly appreciate you and it is important to us that you remain safe. To further advance that objective in the current geopolitical environment, all hosted Tendenci sites will be encrypted going forward per our CEO.

Why? Because security. The Internet has changed and we must adapt.

Adapt? Remember when that Steve Jobs guy invented the iPhone and suddenly sites that were awesome the week before… well… they weren’t as awesome the next day? The. Next. Day. Technology is like that.


Continue Reading:


Comprehensive Membership Profiles for Your Amazing Members

Membership Profiles Display on iPad

Get comprehensive information about your members using our member Profiles. Including: Contact Info, Professional Affiliations, Invoicing, Groups, and Contributions.

Profiles Example from

Profile Images

Make a personal connection with your members by knowing who they are!  Our profile images are powered by Gravatar, so members don’t have to upload their image more than once!
gravatar logo

Contact Information

You work hard to keep your organization healthy!  Get in touch quickly and easily by having fast access to member contact info.

Professional Affiliations and Personal Relationships

Personal information about your members helps give you information about what they might be looking to get out of being a member.  Members can also attract business sponsorship.  Get to know who works for an organization so that you can thank them for their support and involvement with the community and serve them better!


Keep everything in one place, from event tickets to memberships.  Your members can avoid having to ask if they paid for something by accessing invoices directly from their Membership Profiles!


Committees, Study Groups, and Groups are all integrated in to the Tendenci platform to cover your organizational needs.  Grouping people together means delivering more targeted content to those users.  You can address groups with things like: Events, Newsletters, Articles, and more.


Users can track their contributions on your site.  If they have permissions to write articles, create events, or edit other content, they will be able to find which content they have changed by looking that their Profile’s Contribution Logs!

This is just the beginning, find out more about what Tendenci can do.

The Best Tools To Get Started With SEO

At Tendenci, we pay attention to how your website performs. Our goal is to drive traffic to your site so that you are getting maximum touch with your members and prospective members.

There are tons of tools out there to help your organization make better choices for Search Engine Optimization (SEO.) In fact, there are so many that it can be really overwhelming to make a decision about which ones to use. Here are some of our favorite tools to use to boost SEO!

1. Headline Analyzer

Coschedule’s headline analyzer rates your headlines based on key metrics that draw people to click and read, including your word balance of: common, uncommon, emotional, and power words. Yes believe it or not, you might get a higher score here for being more emotional!

Try it out:

2. Keyword Density Analyzer

You probably write a ton of content for different pages of your site. It’s hard to keep track of which words you’re using most on any given block of writing, but your SEO depends on it. Check out if your pages are being read the way you want them to with Keyword Density Analyzer.

Try it out:

3. Google Trends

Trying to make a decision about whether to call your Job listings a “Job Bank” or a “Job Board?” Back up your decision with powerful data by doing a comparison on Google Trends. (Tip: Job Bank is over 3x more heavily searched!)

Try it out: