It’s tough pulling our eyes away from the news after hearing of devastating updates on Haiti’s earthquake victims. We wanted to share some resources our team uses when wanting to stay informed, but still keep our daily lives going and flowing!
Here are a few ways to keep up with the latest news and updates:
Google Alerts
Create a Google Alert with phrases like ‘Haiti earthquake’ or ‘Haiti relief’ and set to send updates as they happen.
Twitter Search
Watch the constant flow of updates on Twitter in one place by searching for #Haiti or #helpHaiti on Twitter search.
Breaking news updates to your phone
If you just want to hear the biggest updates, and have them come to you no less, you can sign up for services like Yahoo! Mobile News, CBS Mobile News or The Washington Post to automatically ping your cell phone with news.
And some links to reputable organizations that will go far in helping assist and eventually rebuild Haiti (beware of scammers!):
- American Red Cross
- Americares
- World Harvest Mission Outreach
- Catholic Relief Services
- Haiti Foundation Against Poverty
- The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Have other links or resources we should know about? Leave a comment and share!
That link didn't work for me, but this one did:
Great post, great resources.