Mobile responsiveness was crucial to the design of the new site in order to deliver an optimal user experience to NCCEH members and constituents. The added challenge for the Coalition was the enormous amount of information they host and determining the best way to structure their resources for ease of access and maintenance. NCCEH relied on the feature-rich Tendenci Content Management System (CMS) to build an engaging interface that makes information readily accessible.
Using Tendenci Events, NCCEH hosts a variety of informational meetings, trainings and community events. The flexibiilty of the Events module allows NCCEH to post both paid and free events, collecting registrations and payments online when needed. Event reminders, rosters, invoicing reports and quick addition of offline registrations makes event management simple and complete.
The North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness, NCCEH, serves as an advocacy group and central resource for agencies,organizations and individuals that address the needs of the homeless residents of North Carolina. The recently upgraded Tendenci website has been critical to collection and dissemination of information following the devastation of Hurricane Florence.
Read full story here.