The Jain International Trade Organization – JITO USA Chapter Joins the Global Tendenci AMS Community

JITO Organization – USA Chapter continues to expand in the United States with the support of Tendenci – Open Source AMS software. JITO USA has recently launched a website for its U.S. members to join chapters in San Francisco and New York, as well as units – in the works to become chapters – in Chicago and Los Angeles.

There truly is no limit for JITO USA with Tendenci’s scalable entity-pointer system, which increases efficiency and productivity of their chapter leadership teams by allowing all chapters to operate under the same umbrella!

JITO USA Responsive showcase on four iPhones by Tendenci

The Jain International Trade Organization – USA Chapter continues to pave the way and lead industries for its members’ continued success.

Click to read more about JITO USA with Tendenci software!

A year ago today | Global Pandemic

Used medical face mask during coronavirus pandemic

A year ago today, the COVID-19 Global Pandemic was declared. It felt like we were living in a movie, right? At times, it still feels like it. No one expected this deep economical shock, the innumerable deaths and the continuous griefs to hit us this hard. Yet, uniting and working together has been the only way to crush the uncertainties of covid-19. Each one of us at Tendenci, have been working hard in restoring the confidence of nonprofits and associations around the world, especially in our nation. Being open source is the advantage we proudly hold.

We appreciate and support the community of NPOs and associations who continue to push everyday. Keep your head up!  We are also thankful to our President Joe Biden for lifting optimism in our American hearts and positive developments regarding America’s battle with COVID

For preparedness support read Coronavirus (COVID-19) Preparedness Guide for Your Association with Your AMS

Love, Peace & Grooviness

Team Tendenci

Happy International Women’s Day 2021 from Team Tendenci

Women's March 'Hear Our Voice'

Tendenci AMS, a mostly women-led power team, joins the #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge pose, in love and support to all women leaders, to show our commitment to choose to challenge inequality, call out bias, question stereotypes, and help forge an inclusive world!

Happy International Women’s Day

“All the many brands of suppression – racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, classism – are historical; they have not been always with us. It was not ever thus. And it’s not going to be this way, come the revolution.” –Clara Setkin, Founder of International Women’s Day

Shirley Rodriguez, Team Tendenci #seeher

On behalf of our CEO Ed Schipul and Team Tendenci – Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer. Juntas lograremos un futuro igualitario.


Six Reasons to Switch Your Proprietary Software and LOVE the Open Source with Tendenci AMS

Tendenci is a gift to the world. And during this month of love, we want to share with you six reasons why you should switch your proprietary software and LOVE the open source with Tendenci AMS.

Open Source wins over closed proprietary softwares. Check out our list of closed source alternatives to Tendenci.

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Love Open Source Software with Tendenci AMS

You have a lot of options when choosing an MMS or AMS. But if you need to scale to support hundreds of thousands of members, have recurring individual and corporate level memberships, and need the full features of a seasoned large scale enterprise AMS, it’s possible you might hit some limits with the new kids on the block.

Proprietary vendors are companies first and communities second. Tendenci is a community first, and though there is a small company behind it, with the support of the Open Source community, Tendenci software has grown far bigger than we ever expected. And given it started in 2001, when you switch from a proprietary solution, it’s an upgrade!

Open Source is the voice of the people – a shared language that brings everyone together.

Think Free In Terms of Freedom with Tendenci AMS

  1. Free Software, Free Society – In the selected essays of Richard M. Stallman Second Edition ‘Four Freedoms’ he wrote “A program is ‘free software’ if the program’s users have the four essential freedoms:
  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  1. Tendenci Software Means Greater Functionality and Usability on a Global Scale – Tendenci is a very large project with robust functionality. But it’s still a great low-cost AMS solution for small Associations too! You can easily disable modules you don’t need and keep it simple. Functionality will be there as YOUR small association needs to expand in the future! Freedom is actually pretty cool. Pay less with Tendenci and get greater functionality. 

Note: Tendenci AMS, as measured by an independent third party ranking firm, is the only top 5 AMS on the market that is Open Source on a global scale. We are people who understand the power of associations. And the importance of freedom from centralized platforms and the tyranny of regimes limiting access for all. 

  1. Tendenci Is Community First – Open-source is in line with our core values at Tendenci. Our mission is to Connect and Organize the World’s People. Do good. We are change makers who understand the power of associations, which is why we built a software to help NPOs anywhere with any budget to further their cause both nationally and internationally.
  1. Freedom to Choose With Tendenci AMS – Looking to make real changes in the world? Host your site and your data on your own server if needed. We dig that! Tendenci, however, is not just for hosting websites. Tendenci is an investment that results in a financial gain to our clients. And while you can certainly host with us, you don’t have to. It’s okay to support local open source developers in your own country and community as well. Or even get started with our Tendenci AMI and grow!  
  1. Freedom to Customize Tendenci To YOUR Associations Needs – You have innumerable ways to customize Tendenci. Association Management Software is complex because associations are complex! So if you are looking to make some minor changes, do it! Looking to write an entire app specific to your organization that integrates with Tendenci? We love it!

Tendenci scales  to support large national and international organizations with multiple chapters, who may also benefit from a custom server configuration. 

Need even further customization for your organization’s unique needs? You can fork Tendenci AMS on GitHub at Every Tendenci site lets you pull down and customize existing templates as well. You can try that out on our free Demo site.

  1. Tendenci Is Accessible To The World – Languages, languages, languages! Translation and localization of your AMS is possible because the community uses the amazing Django Project web framework and thanks to the people at Transifex who support open source. The world is anxious for growth and because your organization needs to communicate with different constituents in the language of their choice, Tendenci  allows each individual user to specify the language of their choice. 
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Love Open Source Software with Tendenci AMS Technology and Science Engineering in Robotics

Lastly, our CEO Ed Schipul has attended enough board meetings to understand your organization is likely made up of volunteers and the rules for nonprofits are different. Tendenci – The Open Source AMS software is a relationship marketing application that fully meets the needs of large organizations. Have any doubts and concerns? Contact us today. We are here to serve you. Join us

We want to say THANK YOU to all of the developers out there who are contributing, translating, updating and maintaining a very complex piece of software. Tendenci AMS software is inclusive of other languages and cultures, and run by a team that believes in security and privacy. We love and very much dearly appreciate you all. Let’s continue to do good today, and tomorrow even more, together. 

Remember, all of the code is on githubdocumentation is on readthedocs, and translation is crowd-sourced on Transifex. Self-host or host with us – your choice, your data, your association.

Give us a call, let’s talk at (281) 497-6567 or visit us at 

Much open love always,

Team Tendenci

Tendenci Puppy Logo

Tendenci Software Update Version 12.4.1 & 12.4.2

Wondering What Version of Tendenci Do You Have? No worries if hosting with us. All Tendenci sites were updated to the latest version yesterday to 12.4.1 and today too to 12.4.2.

Updates include things like: Updated django to 2.2.18Tendenci is built on the Django framework. As such, Tendenci support mirrors that of the DjangoProject lifecycle.

Check out Tendenci Changelog – a chronological list of user-facing changes made to the Tendenci platform. 

Why Managed Hosting with Tendenci?
Got a question or two? We are here to support you!

The Puppy keeps your data safe.

Did you know your iPhone is tracking you without your consent?

Thanks to the Austrian activist Max Schrems, earlier this week we found out from Business Insider that Apple illegally tracks iPhone users to target them with ads, EU privacy activism group claims in lawsuit. Please read article for full story.

From the article:

“A useful guide on how to use Apple’s new privacy features in iOS 14. Within that, I included some steps detailing how you can prevent advertisers from tracking you ahead of the planned opt-in feature—which will hopefully become available in an updated version of iOS 14 in 2021.

So for now, in your Settings, go to Privacy > Tracking. Here you can turn off the ability to allow apps to request to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies.”

In Tendenci there is are no back doors or default accounts. NOT NOW OR EVER. Tendenci takes security and privacy very seriously. You have all of the tools you need to remain GDPR compliant with Tendenci’s open source software. It is entirely your responsibility to use the software responsibly. For example all web sites use cookies. And data does not delete itself. If you haven’t already, please read about GDPR at Tendenci as we share the same values. Privacy is important and it matters.

The Puppy keeps your data safe.

The New Colossus

The New Colossus

Lady Liberty, NYC World Trade Center, photo by Ed Schipul
State of Emergency – Photo by Ed Schipul

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Emma Lazarus
November 2, 1883

Now is the moment to focus on cyberattacks during COVID-19 times

Cyberattacks during COVID-19 have been more worrisome at a time when virtual learning is at its peak, at a time where countries are encouraging citizens to stay, learn or work from home. It is why NOW is the crucial time to focus on cybersecurity, whether it’s for yourself or your workplace.

COVID-19 Cybersecurity Image by INTERPOL
#washyourcyberhands From the source:

Here is a list of must reads. Let’s take care of each other during these heavy times due to COVID-19

  1. Wash Your Cyber Hands with INTERPOL :
  2. Cyberattacks Disrupt Learning Even More During COVID-19:
  3. Resource Guide for Cybersecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
  4. See Cyber Global Infection

Tendenci software can integrate with an LMS (Learning Management System) or MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). If you wish to know more, please give us a call at (281)497-6567 or submit a support ticket. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Stay safe.

This Week Tendenci is Celebrating Twenty-three Marvelous Years of Serving the World’s People

Tendenci Celebrating Twenty-three Marvelous Years. Graphic image designed by Team Tendenci.

This week our team at Tendenci is celebrating twenty-three marvelous years of serving the world’s people! So, cheers to our clients and to the Open Source Tendenci Community! Our success is yours. Your success is ours. 

Twenty-three years ago, our Founder and CEO Ed Schipul started this wonderful company which was first known as Schipul The Web Marketing Company and today, with a broader global vision, is known as Tendenci – The Open Source AMS. 

We would like to take this moment and express that we understand we are living through uncertain times due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has brought us all a deep economical shock. And it is especially in times like this, everyone needs to unite. 

Nothing is more satisfying to us than to continue to help organizations reach the far corners of the world, even through our hardest times.

Yes, we are all being challenged, but crushing coronavirus uncertainty is a must. And restoring the confidence of nonprofits and associations is our mutual goal. Greatfully, Tendenci software – being open source is the advantage we hold. Proudly. 

Building on last year’s message from Founder and CEO Ed Schipul, we would like to reinforce our message – thankfulness is more important than ever before. 

Continue Reading

Happy Twenty-three Marvelous Years!

With Love,


Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Photo by Josh Johnson

As we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, we recognize that the constitutional “We the people” didn’t always apply to all of the country’s people. Yesterday marked 100 years since women finally won the right to vote. However, this victory was far from complete.  It wasn’t until 1965 that the voting rights of Black women and men were also protected.  And even still, voters fight to protect their constitutional rights.

With that in mind, and the struggle our country is currently undergoing, we understand the lack of fanfare marking this momentous event in modern feminism – a feminism that celebrates diversity.

Tendenci, a mostly women-led power team, would like to take this moment to recognize all of the contributions of women throughout history, and more specifically, women’s suffrage.

Happy (belated) Women’s Equality Day!

With love,

Team Tendenci