SchipulCon Web Marketing conference starts tomorrow!


Our team has been getting crazy-excited for this week's SchipulCon event at the Houston Zoo.  Check out the SchipulCon agenda for information, learn about our great speakersand brush up on your Zoo animal trivia! 

If you weren't able to make it this year, we'll miss you but will also have some great content going up during the SchipulCon event, with special follow up videos, interviews and articles after the fact as well.

Want to keep an eye on SchipulCon's progress?  Here are some good places to start:

Huge thanks to our wonderful sponsors – you rock our socks off!


For all of you lucky attendees (although, let's be honest here… we feel like WE'RE the lucky ones getting to bump elbows with you!), be sure to print out this handy FAQ sheet and a map to the Houston Zoo.  We'll see you soon!