We’re having a great morning at the OMS Houston / IS Conference today at the lovely Hotel ZaZa. The HIMA team has partnered with OMS Conferences to bring great online marketing training to the masses.
Watch the Twitter hashtags: #omshou and #isconference for an in-the-moment look at what’s happening.
Check out our lovely IS Conference photos (thanks to Schipulites Brian Potter) on our Facebook album.
Our first speaker of the morning is Elise Neel of Comscore
Brand that hates parents and thinks torturing kids is fun – Crayola. At least according to Amazon review for Craylola Washable Colored Bubbles – some bubbles re-created, may require repeat washings. Social Media is awesome
- Total minutes on SM sites increased 38% year over year
- 73 Billion minutes a year spent on SM sites
- Who visits – everybody (even 65+ is 96% penetration)
- Almost half of visits on Web are to SM properties
- Better Search opps
- More customization
- Better analytics
- Google can learn from Facebook
Heineken – of 48M impressions in May, 68% were socially enabled. Kraft received about 21% of their campaign from socially enabled platform.
Facebook branding awesomeness
Facebook is hugely powerful – brand pages are the new microsites — nearly 6 out of 10 Facebook users over 18 liked a brand in April 2011. Profiles, newsfeed and other are top time spent. Vast majority of brand exposure happens in the Newsfeed and on Profile pages.
For Starbucks, every one visit to fanpage means 156 impressions (free, awesome and amazing), Southwest Airlines gets 42 and Bing gets 45 impressions per pageview of fanpage.
1.7 Million fans on Facebook = 232 Million Friends of fans for Bing on Facebook – this is AMAZING.
Exposed Starbucks fans tend to spend more at the store and go more — spending per buyer = 8% increase / transaction per buyers = 11% increase
Internet seisometer showed social media buzz around earthquake
Internet traffic that occurred during and after the earthquake on the East coast – the Tweets reached New York from DC before the tremors actually made it (through CNN iReports, Twitter and more – THAT’S social media).
Putting it all into business perspective, Social Media is here to stay, monetized (‘do sh*t for free, it’s FREE money’). Learn more about speaker Elise Neel and follow her on Twitter!