Tendenci Updates for October – Cloning, Clean Console, Manage SEM, Password Updates, and Stuff

It’s the month of October and we have some spooky — ok exciting — updates to talk about.

1. Clone your forms and surveys – Now when you put in all the time to create either a form or a survey, you can duplicate your work simply by clicking a copy/clone page in the more options link.  Now you don’t have to start from scratch and you can simply edit the pieces you wish to change on your new form or survey.

Clone/Copy your Forms and Surveys


2. Cleaner Console – Your console page has hidden the ‘other modules’ inside of a drop-down menu.  We’re neat-freaks just like you and don’t enjoy clutter.

Cleaner Tendenci Console


3. Delete CMS Pages – You can now permanently delete a CMS page.  Simply click on the delete link found in the more options tab and click delete cms page.  This will take you to a page that will let you decide between moving an item to the trash or completely deleting it.

Permenantly Delete a CMS Page


4. New SEM Page + Google Analytics Tool – First and foremost, we have one page dedicated to helping you maintain your web sites search engine optimization tools.  One of the newest tools we’ve added is the ability to update your own Google Analytics code.  You can find this link to Manage your SEM on your console page.

Manage your SEM


5. One less step when building a web site – When you first create
  your web site, you are no longer required to fill out the
  authentication code.  Now the easy/fast creation of a web site just got
  one step faster.

6. New Password Procedures – As mentioned last week.  We’re a little more strict (read: secure) with your password.  You can no longer retrieve your password, only reset it.  This update was done with everyone’s security in mind, resetting your password is also a piece of cake.  Click on forgot password, follow the link sent to your email, and reset — then boogy down.

As always we appreciate your comments and look forward to creative genius.