New features added in Tendenci (6/15/07)


Some new features have been added and updated in your Tendenci software.  Let us know what you think!

      1. Self Registration – User self registration now needs to confirm email address. This will ensure the email addresses users entered are valid when they sign up to your site = increased security for your Web site. Click here for more info.
      2. Rating – You are able to rate an article and view the rating results.
      3. Favorites – You can add even more content to your Favorites – like articles, directories, jobs, events and more.  A great way to keep track of the best of your site!
      4. Top contributors – As an admin, you can search the site top contributors by date time and by modules.
      5. Membership multi renewal – Allows an admin to renew multiple members at the same time. For more visit its help here.
      6. Ballots – an online voting module. It’s a great way for organizations to elect office positions, or vote proposals and issues. For more info on how to start to use the ballot module, visit our help files.

May 18 Tendenci updates – cool new stuff!


We made some updates to your Tendenci software today.  As always, give us a ring with any questions:  (281) 497.6567.  Check these out:

  1. Favorites – You can now ‘favorite’ articles on your Web site for easy access to content you like.  Mark your favorite as public or private, giving different access to site members who view your profile. ~ We will be adding favorites to many more modules within Tendenci – so stay tuned!
  2. Improved membership
    – If you, as a site administrator, are searching for a member (“Jones”) and are unable to find a membership record, Tendenci now looks at the user’s
    table and displays any records for "Jones" and prompts you to add from the
    user record.  Ask us for a demo – it will help simplify your life!

  3. New Survey description fields
      New TopCMID and BottomCMID fields have been added to the Surveys module so
    you can add paragraphs and extra text to surveys.

  4. External registration links on Calendar Events
    Offering registration to organization events other than your own?  Your calendar event pricing pages can now be linked to external  registration pages to keep things clean and simple for your members.

Simplify! Updated dashboard makes your life easier

Next week we’ll be pushing out a Tendenci update that will change the look of your Tendenci dashboard.  This simplified interface is streamlining access to your Tendenci modules (like User search and Calendar) and giving you one central link for all new content addition.

Add_button_graphic_2Click on the module links like you usually would to access them or simply click on the shiny new ‘Add Content’ button to add new content to your site.

Here’s the real beauty of the update:  You don’t have to keep it!

If you prefer the look, feel and functionality of a different dashboard design, you can revert to the old dashboard version by following these Tendenci Help File directions.

Search User Relationships

Also included in yesterday’s update is a new search page that allows you to search user relationships.  It includes a checkbox to search for users NOT in a group.  This is helpful to find users that have not subscribed to particular group, like your newsletter.

This item is linked as option D3 on the "Manage Users" page.



Prompt to update user profile

We posted a Tendenci update yesterday morning.  Included is a new prompt for users to update their profile if it hasn’t been done in the past 90 days.  Here’s a screen shot:



Updates are done – new functionality

Hey guys –

We finished the latest round of updates late yesterday afternoon.  Time got away from me so I’m just now getting a chance to create this post.

New features:

Collasable Form: So far we’ve only added this feature to the search pages in articles and users. When you view the page, it looks like normal.  When you enter search criteria and submit the form, the form fields are hidden.  This serves two purposes.  One, it shows an obvious result page, and two, it brings the content up on thep age.  See the Articles module on Schipul for an example,

Here’s a link that shows a submitted search for "marketing" articles.  Notice that the form fields do not display,

WYSIWYG editor:  Many of you have noticed that this update includes a new WYSIWYG editor.  I know, you just got used to the other one, right?  Well, this one is a better product, or so they say.  We seem to think so but you’ll be the ultimate judge.  More to come on specific details of the new editor in a separate post.


Tendenci updates went out today

Hi guys –

We posted a complete update today.  The biggest change involves CAPTCHA, "Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart".  It is now available on the membership applications.  It’s also easier to implement on other forms. 

Here’s an example of CAPTCHA in use on our Tendenci contact form,  If you’re interested in using it on your site, go ahead and complete  the contact form. Be sure to let us know what site and which form you wanted it added to.

Other updates include minor formatting changes to reduce the load on the servers.


Catalogs Module now Tracks Shipping

Hey folks,

With the most recent round of Tendenci updates we added functionality to enter shipping information for the order.  Basically what it does is:

  • Allows the admin to enter the shipping details of an order (it’s status, date shipped, carrier, tracking number, and any additional notes).
    • If the carrier is DHL, FedEx, UPS, or USPS then we build the link to the carriers site to check the status of the shipment
  • The shipping information is visible by the user who made the order, and is indicated and linked from the invoice search page, invoice view page, cart search page, and cart order review page


Calendar Event changes for sponsor and offline registrations

Two new updates for the Calendar Events module:

  1. Sponsor – if the sponsor field is blank, the user group will be displayed on the event details page.  If the user group and sponsor are both blank, nothing will display.
  2. Custom text for offline registration – that block that showed "No [site name] Online Registration for this Event" is now editable on the pricing page in an HTML enabled field called offline registration notice.  It it’s blank, the default message will be displayed.
