Helping the Y connect with Houston

YMCA of Greater Houston has unveiled an upgraded and interactive Web site designed by Schipul' The Web Marketing Company.
YMCA of Greater Houston has unveiled an upgraded and interactive Web site designed by Schipul' The Web Marketing Company.

Congratulations to the YMCA of Greater Houston, which has  unveiled, an upgraded and interactive Web site. The Schipul team  is proud to be associated with such a highly respected Houston institution. Can you imagine the challenge of connecting with 100,000 people served every day? That challenge is why the  Y’s  Web site plays such a major role. For example, we made sure every page features a zip code search tool to make it easy to find the closest center. The Web site also makes it easy to apply for financial aid, join the Y as a facility member, register for upcoming programs and subscribe to receive e-mail alerts. We are also helping to roll out  Y-Online, a new online registration system that will provide a faster and more user-friendly experience.

Tendenci Updates – Job Instructions, Catalog Categories, Exporting Members, and all Sorts of Permissions

Well we’re at it again, mid October and we have some more updates for you.

1. Job provides guidance – Small update, but it’s the details that matter. Just a little bit of instruction, we understand that not everyone lives on the internet (just us) and a little bit of guidance never hurt anyone.

Job Provides Guidance

2. Rename (sub)categories in catalogs – Simply click on the category or subcategory, make your changes and click rename. This will update all catalogs with their updated (sub)category name.

Rename Categories

3. Exporting Reports – We’ve recently started providing an export for your reports. Looking at a report is very useful, but that same report is much more useful if you can export the data and manage it – using spreadsheet focused software (e.g. excel, etc …)


4. International Jobs and Resumes – Tendenci has come a long way and we’re starting to stretch our legs a little further than we imagined. We’ve been working hard to make our features more useful to our national and international friends. One of the more recent contributions to this ideal is no longer requiring the U.S. Citizen field in either Jobs or Resumes.

5. Partial Administrator – With some of our latest permission updates, a user can now have permission to be an administrator in only certain sections of your Tendenci powered website.  In other words, permissions are now more robust and administrators can better control their users capabilities. Pretty neat huh?

User Permissions

Tendenci Updates for October – Cloning, Clean Console, Manage SEM, Password Updates, and Stuff

It’s the month of October and we have some spooky — ok exciting — updates to talk about.

1. Clone your forms and surveys – Now when you put in all the time to create either a form or a survey, you can duplicate your work simply by clicking a copy/clone page in the more options link.  Now you don’t have to start from scratch and you can simply edit the pieces you wish to change on your new form or survey.

Clone/Copy your Forms and Surveys


2. Cleaner Console – Your console page has hidden the ‘other modules’ inside of a drop-down menu.  We’re neat-freaks just like you and don’t enjoy clutter.

Cleaner Tendenci Console


3. Delete CMS Pages – You can now permanently delete a CMS page.  Simply click on the delete link found in the more options tab and click delete cms page.  This will take you to a page that will let you decide between moving an item to the trash or completely deleting it.

Permenantly Delete a CMS Page


4. New SEM Page + Google Analytics Tool – First and foremost, we have one page dedicated to helping you maintain your web sites search engine optimization tools.  One of the newest tools we’ve added is the ability to update your own Google Analytics code.  You can find this link to Manage your SEM on your console page.

Manage your SEM


5. One less step when building a web site – When you first create
  your web site, you are no longer required to fill out the
  authentication code.  Now the easy/fast creation of a web site just got
  one step faster.

6. New Password Procedures – As mentioned last week.  We’re a little more strict (read: secure) with your password.  You can no longer retrieve your password, only reset it.  This update was done with everyone’s security in mind, resetting your password is also a piece of cake.  Click on forgot password, follow the link sent to your email, and reset — then boogy down.

As always we appreciate your comments and look forward to creative genius.

Password Field on Membership Edit Page Looks Funny

When updating your membership, you might notice that the passwords look a little longer than usual.  I’m here to tell you, no need to worry.  What your seeing is just a reflex of some of our more recent updates.  Obviously we will get to correcting this deceptive field from looking so scary/confusing.

Till then, I’m just here to say it’s cool and all of your functionality will work well, as always.


Long-Looking Password

Tendenci User Conference 2008 CANCELED

Due to Hurricane Ike‘s impact on Houston, we are canceling our Tendenci User Conference 2008

A tough decision, most definitely!  The entire Schipul team was really looking forward to meeting some new Tendenci users, catching up with the seasoned Tendenci veterans and filling our brains with your stories and suggestions.

We will definitely be holding a Tendenci User Conference in 2009 and will be sending out details on the date, time and location.  Keep an eye on our Conference page at for up-to-date info!

Schipul office open Tuesday, 9/16/08 — help our Houston clients!

Opensign We are thankful to have almost an entire office full of Schipulites this morning, some still holding down homes without electricity but raring to go after Hurricane Ike!

Thank you for all of your well-wishes and your patience.  We are just getting things back up and running in the office and are focusing on our Houston-area clients in crisis right now.

If you would like to help out a strong organization in the Houston community, Catholic Charities (a non profit organization client that serves over 100,000 Houstonians) is in need of donations as they are trucking out water, food and supplies to hard-hit Hurricane Ike areas in Texas.

Learn more about Catholic Charities’ Hurricane Ike relief work here

Photo thanks to Flickr user chipgriffin – want to see how Houston is doing?

See Hurricane Ike photos here

Schipul office closed Monday 9/15/08 for Ike recovery

The Schipulites are counting our blessings this morning, after a rough weekend with Hurricane Ike.  All of our employees and their families are safe and accounted for, although some are still without power and water.

Our Schipul office is CLOSED today, Monday September 15th, as our employees are still returning to and recovering their homes with their families.

All Web sites and email have been running without interruption since the weather turned sour.  If you have any Web site related emergencies, please call us at (281) 497.6567, ext. 0.  We have a Core Team in the office again today, but will be responding to training and support issues beginning tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience – we hope you and your families are safe and well.  Photo thanks to Groovehouse, check out some more Houston photos of Hurricane Ike in this Hurricane Ike Flickr group.