Good morning—from California!
Myself (David Stagg) and co-horts John-Michael Oswalt (JMO) and Al Hughes (yes, this A.Hughes) are hanging out in San Francisco this week at DrupalCon, the premiere event for users, abusers, and purveyors of Drupal. At Schipul, we believe in using any technology available to fulfill the needs of our clients, and using Drupal is essential to realizing some of our clients’ visions.
We were lucky enough to have the founder and creator of Drupal Dries put our Drupal video up on his personal blog, so while we’re out here, we’re going to be bringing you more videos of what we’re learning about Drupal out here on the West Coast.
Day 0
Our first day (technically Day 0 since it was a pre-conference workshop), we learned all about CiviCRM, Drupal’s answer to membership management. (It keeps a membership database! It sends mass e-mails! It can give your car an oil change in less than 15 minutes!*) We got with Gregory Heller of after our day to re-cap our day, as well as drop some tips about CiviCRM that we learned from the day.
* Not really. But maybe one day.
Awesome guys!!
Great to see all the great stuff you're learning! Thanks guys!!
Looks like a great start. Thanks for the knowledge share!
Greg Heller and the CiviAction crew do amazing work! Very excited that you guys got to chat with him and pick his brain since we work with a lot of wonderful, membership organizations. Bring on home the good stuff guys!