Imagine a place where you never hear “you can’t” – a place totally focused on learning what you CAN do…
Imagine you live life with a challenging illness or special needs… you get told “you can’t” a lot.
Imagine a place where they don’t say you can’t do that… only… let’s find a way so you CAN do that.
From giant swings to giant turtles… to canoes… to tree houses… to finding gold… there is a place that is solely focused on helping people learn what they CAN do… for people of all ages and abilities. Camp For All is a unique, state of the art facility that is totally barrier free, not just accessible.
Camp For All is a unique camping and retreat facility that works in collaboration with other non-profits to provide life changing programs for children and adults with challenging illnesses and special needs. Campers of all ages and abilities gain self-confidence and independence while having fun, learning new skills and bonding with others who share their challenges in a safe and understanding environment.
Campers learn what they can do at Camp For All, not what they can’t do. For the first time, they are surrounded by others with the same challenges and the feeling of loneliness goes away. Surrounded by understanding and acceptance and immersed in the Camp For All activities and positive environment, they have an opportunity to focus on the joy of life. That feeling of independence and confidence goes home with them. And regardless of how much longer they have to live, they are not just survivors, they have become strong survivors.
This unique barrier-free organization has partnered up with one of our favorite Houston based suppliers of libations, St. Arnold’s Brewery, to throw a party! A party to raise funds to help children and adults with cancer, HIV, epilepsy, spina bifida, sickle cell, burns and so much more have a chance to DISCOVER LIFE!!

The No Barriers Bash is coming up on:
- Saturday, September 18, 2010
- At Saint Arnold Brewing Company
- From 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Why do folks reward Obama like he could be a Oplagt?!?!?!??
Is Rafael Nadal the most boring number one tennis player ever?
“It means that you have an unpaid amount somewhere, or someone has used your identity and the amount is unpaid, and it has come back to bite you in the butt. You can contact chexsystems and find out more.”