May 18 Tendenci updates – cool new stuff!


We made some updates to your Tendenci software today.  As always, give us a ring with any questions:  (281) 497.6567.  Check these out:

  1. Favorites – You can now ‘favorite’ articles on your Web site for easy access to content you like.  Mark your favorite as public or private, giving different access to site members who view your profile. ~ We will be adding favorites to many more modules within Tendenci – so stay tuned!
  2. Improved membership
    – If you, as a site administrator, are searching for a member (“Jones”) and are unable to find a membership record, Tendenci now looks at the user’s
    table and displays any records for "Jones" and prompts you to add from the
    user record.  Ask us for a demo – it will help simplify your life!

  3. New Survey description fields
      New TopCMID and BottomCMID fields have been added to the Surveys module so
    you can add paragraphs and extra text to surveys.

  4. External registration links on Calendar Events
    Offering registration to organization events other than your own?  Your calendar event pricing pages can now be linked to external  registration pages to keep things clean and simple for your members.