Tendenci Updates – Job Instructions, Catalog Categories, Exporting Members, and all Sorts of Permissions

Well we’re at it again, mid October and we have some more updates for you.

1. Job provides guidance – Small update, but it’s the details that matter. Just a little bit of instruction, we understand that not everyone lives on the internet (just us) and a little bit of guidance never hurt anyone.

Job Provides Guidance

2. Rename (sub)categories in catalogs – Simply click on the category or subcategory, make your changes and click rename. This will update all catalogs with their updated (sub)category name.

Rename Categories

3. Exporting Reports – We’ve recently started providing an export for your reports. Looking at a report is very useful, but that same report is much more useful if you can export the data and manage it – using spreadsheet focused software (e.g. excel, etc …)


4. International Jobs and Resumes – Tendenci has come a long way and we’re starting to stretch our legs a little further than we imagined. We’ve been working hard to make our features more useful to our national and international friends. One of the more recent contributions to this ideal is no longer requiring the U.S. Citizen field in either Jobs or Resumes.

5. Partial Administrator – With some of our latest permission updates, a user can now have permission to be an administrator in only certain sections of your Tendenci powered website.  In other words, permissions are now more robust and administrators can better control their users capabilities. Pretty neat huh?

User Permissions