There are so many things in life we take for granted. We all realize that from time to time. Lately I have been faced with the one thing that I think we all take the most for granted…Our health. I am thankful not only for my own health but for the health of those whom I love around me. Our bodies are so complex and function in the most delicate of balances. We don’t realize how lucky we are until something goes wrong.
My fiancé and I have been spending most of our time in the Methodist Hospital CV ICU waiting room the last two weeks. A very close member of the family underwent a pretty intensive surgery called esophagectomy . The surgery was a success but due to other complications he is having a hard time recovering.
It has been very difficult for the entire family but through these hard times I have witnessed some amazing acts of faith and support. I often wondered how some people make it through what seem to be impossible hardships in their lives. Now I’ve seen it. It is through Faith and a great support system. This support can come from your family, friends, manager and co-workers. It can even come in small doses from a complete stranger in the hospital waiting room offering you homemade cookies. It all adds up and it does make a huge difference. Your support system can also give you Faith. When things seem hopeless, it is through the faith of others that I sometimes find myself pulling through. In the ICU waiting room, this is what I consistently see around me, Faith and support.
So here it is. I ask everyone to please think about how lucky you are to have your health, to think about how Faith has gotten you through life and to be thankful for your support system.
Thanks for sharing this story Lyndia – it's amazing how, out of times we'd COMPLETELY rather not have to go through, families and support circles rally together and make something beautiful out of something so difficult.
Much love to you and your family.