Give your people an instant login after filling out a customized form

We've added a new feature to our custom forms.  This feature allows the person who fills-out and successfully submits your form to become an instant active user on your Tendenci powered website.

This works perfect for customized registration forms and customized contact forms.  Just thought you'd like to know!  :)

Event Updates – No More Prepage and Show Off your Attendees

We made some changes to the events module.  There is no longer a 'pre page,' we're not really sure what it was doing there to begin with, but it's gone so you don't have to worry about it anymore.

We have also given you the ability to show-off your attendees.  This feature allows you to display the attendees to administrators, members, users, or everyone.  Now the people you invite can decide whether they'll come to your get-together based on who's already going, we've all done this at one point.

View who's attending your event

Both of these updates have already been released and ready for your enjoyment.

Safety Vision cams keep you safe — and new Web site tells (and shows) their story

Safety Vision's new Web design by Schipul
Safety Vision's new Web design by Schipul

The Schipul team recently released a new Web site design for Safety Vision, a global provider of mobile digital video solutions. It is a great example of the power of  incorporating video clips to illustrate the core benefits of an organization’s products and services. The site includes actual examples of video captured by Safety Vision’s client cameras, including one case in which a parent gets on a school bus and (I suppose we should say allegedly, although it’s right there in the video) attacks one of the students.

Take a moment to take a look. It might give you some ideas about taking some existing video of your operations and posting them on your site.

A news account of the attack from  CBS Evening News  that also featured the Safety Vision video is below.

New Tendenci Web site launched: Safety Vision

SafetSafety VisionyTake a moment to check out the new Safety Vision Web site. Designed by Schipul – The Web Marketing Company and powered by Tendenci, the site grabs the Web user’s attention with its use of online video. This is actually something all organizations can consider: why aren’t you fully utilizing the video you have already produced? Safety Vision took some examples of real customer videos to showcase the benefits of their solutions. You probably have video that can similarly be utilized to give your Web site some additional power and life. If you don’t have video, why not shoot some? It doesn’t take a production crew and days of editing anymore. Just find a room with good lighting, have someone being in their video cam and have one of your executives walk through your services. It will take just a few minutes and could pay huge dividends.

The Houston Zoo has a new (very tall) baby boy!

It’s a boy!!   Congratulations to the Houston Zoo family (disclosure: a Schipul client) on their latest arrival:   a brand new Masai giraffe!

Early Friday morning, January 30 the Houston Zoo welcomed the birth of a bouncing baby boy Masai giraffe. ‘He was born around 6:30 a.m. and by 7:50 a.m. he was standing on his own,” Giraffes are the tallest living terrestrial animal.   The average male giraffe can reach a height of about 17 feet tall and can weight up to 3,000 pounds.   The average female giraffe can reach a height of 15 feet tall.   The average gestation period for Masai giraffes is 14 months.

Tendenci 5.0 coming – leave your thoughts in our Tendenci Forum!

Our Tendenci programming team has some super-exciting HUGE plans in the works for Tendenci this year – we are re-inventing our already super software to make it an even more profitable Web platform for your organization and members.

The sleeker, faster Tendenci 5.0 will migrate to the LAMP (Linus, Apache, MySQL, PHP) open source Web platform.  This transition will still maintain our extreme devotion to Security that we have always had, but with greater scalability and improved data management.

By being part of a vibrant open source community and collaboratively working on a lot of the 'basics' of the Tendenci software, we will be able to spend more time working on cutting edge features like social network integration.  Your Tendenci-driven Web site will be even more effective in the search engines and you'll find your entire site experience to be even more user friendly and beautiful.

So in the months to come, expect to hear more news on Tendenci 5.0.  Change is good – we can't wait to share with you what we've got in store for Tendenci! 

In the meantime, please check out our Tendenci Forums and let us know what kind of functionality YOU want your Tendenci-powered Web site to have.

Do you want to be world famous? Go Fish!

What makes you get out of bed every morning?

Let that thought marinate for a moment…

Now how many of you thought: “because I’m pumped to go to work and become world famous!!!”

Slap me with a fish if I’m wrong, but I’m guessing not many. But if I was to ask the hearty men that work at Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, Washington the same question…well, there answer is clear, and I’m pretty sure I would still get slapped with a fish in the process:

‘…our commitment to having fun while we work and making a difference in the world is what makes us “World Famous.” ‘John Yokoyama, Owner of Pike Place Fish Market

When John Yokoyama bought Pike Place Fish Market in 1965 his first order of business was not about fish, but more of ‘who do we want to be?” They set out to cultivate a workplace in which ‘…customers leave with the experience of having been served. They experience being known and appreciated whether they buy fish or not. And it’s not good enough just to want that – it takes an unrelenting commitment.” My thoughts are if a group of men that constantly permeate a fish-esque fragrance are able to love their job…why can’t you?

‘We may not be able to do exactly what we love at the present time, but any of us can choose to love what we do. We can bring our best qualities to our work-it is our choice.”Fish!

The book, Fish!, is a fantastic little tale that is based off the Pike Place ‘world famous” mantra, and of course, is all the rage here at the Schipul office. In fact, we even had ‘fish” cupcakes to celebrate the distribution of copies to all the Schipulites. (Thanks happykatie!) Yes, the book is that great.

Fish! relates to any sector of an organization and implores you to realize that you don’t have to be stuck in a ‘toxic energy dump” forever. Unfortunately, some people live their lives just going through the motions…wake-up, eat, work, ‘deposit,” sleep, repeat. I promise there are things in between daily patterns that can truly enrich your life; you just have to want it.

Here’s a little suggestion, I laugh at everything. You can tell me my zippers down or I have spinach in my teeth and I will just giggle and say, ‘Appreciate ya!” Aside from my suggestion, the lessons in this book can be life-changing…but once again, that’s if you want it to be.

The Fish! Philosophy:

  1. Choose your attitude: You can easily blame your lackluster enthusiasm on a smelly co-worker, a dismal work environment or the angry phone calls that stream in, but you have the power to control your reaction and ‘as long as you’re here, why not choose to be world famous rather than ordinary?”
  2. Play: Ok this is not an excuse to bring back recess, although a little monkey bar action would be nice. Running a business is serious, but if you don’t have fun with it, are you really bringing your whole self? I mean honestly, if you come into work one day and your company has set up plasma car races in the parking garage, wouldn’t that give you incentive to work your butt off for anyone who views life this way? Mind you, this was my first day at Schipul…and I’ve been waking up excited ever since.
  3. Make their day: You must find a way to ‘engage” your customers. I mentioned the importance of names in my recent blog post, ‘Why Dale Carnegie would be an awesome blogger…” and I believe it stands true here. Make an effort to not only remember a customer’s name, but also their birthday and how little Billy Joe did in his soccer game.   People love to feel important; make your success their success.
  4. Be Present: There are a lot of ways to communicate these days, and a lot of them you can do simultaneously, but to be present you must take interest. ‘When you are present with people you look right at them…just like being with your best friend…everything is going on around you but you’re still taking care of just them.” Well you want to be world famous right? You can’t do it alone.

It’s so simple. Don’t make me slap you in the face with a fish to make you realize the this.

Over and Out,

Courtney Pemberton

Thanks yohann.aberkane for the splendid flickr pic!