Edit your Cascading Style sheets with our new Style Sheet Editor


Tendenci web site CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is now editable by site administrators. The new style sheet editor lets you edit, save, and publish your styles. It also remembers your previously saved styles (revisions) and allows you to restore them if you wish to revert to older styles. Here are some help files that can get you started:

  1. How do I use the style sheet editor?
  2. How do I save or publish a style sheet?
  3. How do I open/restore a revision style sheet?

Tendenci clients that are really rocking the Photos Module

Tendenciphotos We just wanted to remind you about our great Tendenci Photos Module, a powerful new feature on Tendenci.  We’ve seen a lot of clients get really creative with their photos and we think it’s a great way for organizations to tell their story.

Photos are often the biggest traffic drivers for a site and give you more places to put keyword rich content, which is great for Search Engines.  For inspiration, be sure to check out these organizations that are doing awesome things with their Photo Albums:

  1. Out of Africa with the International Festival in Houston
  2. PRSA Houston Events to help advance the PR Professional
  3. Wildlife at the Houston Zoo
  4. Only in Houston Creative Events

If you are a current Tendenci client you have access to the  Web Site Photos Module on your site right now!  Why not maximize the traffic to your site and have some fun while you do it?

Visit our helpfiles to learn how to get started with Photo Albums for your organization!

Tendenci and helpful tools

There is a new section on the Tendenci home page called "Tendenci & Other Tools" where you can find some novice to advanced tools that may help you while using the software. Some of these tools include a style sheet editor for your site and picnik (an online image editing tool).


Jobs Board search will be getting updated

Searching for jobs on your Tendenci jobs board is about to get easier.  Soon, we will be updating the current jobs search to use a new 1-line search much like our Tendenci Help Files.  Instead of choosing what specific field you want to search (which can be tedious and unhelpful), the new 1-line search will look for your text in all of the relevant jobs fields.

We have even updated the look of jobs in the search by removing some of the clutter to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Here is a sneak peek at the new look:

Screenshot of new Jobs Board search

But I need to be able to search by Location!

Don’t worry, with our Advanced Search option, you can search by Company, Location, Category, or specify jobs that do not require travel.  You can do an Advanced Search by clicking the text link just underneath the search bar.  Remember, your Advanced Search will also include your search text (if you type anything in) and use the advanced fields to narrow down your results.

Screenshot of Jobs advanced search

The new jobs search should be launching next week!

View all Comments made on my Photo Album

Did you know you could easily see all the comments made to a
photo album?

Photo Album Comments

Whenever you’re viewing a
photo album, you will always see the number of comments associated with that
album. If the album has at least one
comment you can click on the link and view a full list of all the comments made
for this one album.

Click on Comments

Small Photo Updates

Some small photo updates we think you’ll enjoy. First and foremost we’ve taken care to bake
in some more SEO goodness on your photos. Making sure that all of your photos and related links have relevant alt
and or title attributes on their tags. So make sure to title those photos

An RSS link has also
been made readily available on the albums page so that others can easily
subscribe to your feed.

RSS Subscribe Link to Photos

Pagination has received
a bit of a face lift as well, giving off a crisp display of where you’re at and
where you’re going – making it that much easier to navigate.

Photo Pagination


New Membership Reconcile Page for Admin

As a site administrator, sometimes you need to look at some data and run the membership reports. The membership reconcile page gives you a centralized place to quickly access to your membership data.

It lists the total members and users with links to a list of active members, pending members and expired members.


Besides the totals, It contains the links to  1) memberships reports, 2) members data, 3) exports.

For more information, please visit the help file What Can I Expect from the Membership Reconcile Page?,

A New Membership Add-on – Special Interest Groups

MembershipsThe special interest groups (SIGs) are user groups that requires payments. The module has been released recently. If you’re using membership module, you can integrate it into your membership application and give members the options to join the special interest groups when they are applying memberships. It allows you to have the separate membership payment for regular membership and for special interest groups in one payment transaction.

Integrating SIG to membership is easy; it takes two steps: 1) Add special interest groups in the SIG module. 2) Add the SIG section to your membership application. For detailed information, visit the help file Special Interest Group with Membership.

The Newsletter Generator gets a makeover!

Sending E-newsletters has always been a popular feature of Tendenci, but with all that functionality also comes a bit of confusion. There are a lot of options to choose from when you create a newsletter and it can be a bit daunting, even for an experienced Tendenci Pro. Our goal with the new look is to streamline your ability to generate a newsletter quickly and efficiently while maintaining all of the power you now enjoy.

The fields on the Newsletter Generator have now been grouped into 3 areas:

  1. The "Send To" controls for who will receive your newsletter
  2. The "Subject" area with options to personalize it for the recipient
  3. and the "Module Content" area, for when you want your Newsletter to include content automatically from your Calendar, Articles, Jobs Board, or other Tendenci modules

We have also added a link for those times when you don’t want to include content from other Modules. Before, un-selecting the default options was bit tedious, but now you can click the Do not include Module Content link to set all content to "Skip" and close the section. Don’t worry; you can re-open it if you change your mind!

No fields have been Added or Removed so everything you’re used to using should be roughly where it was before.

Let us know what you think of the new look!


Password Protected Events

Ever wanted to create an event, show it to everyone, but
only give access to a privileged few? Create events and protect the event with a unique password for each one. These events will display as regular events
do but the event can only be registered for and details can only be viewed if
you’re equipped with the super secret password.

Password Protected Events in Tendenci