Quick Note: Our Schipul Cheer ’09 Contest ends at 5pm TODAY! So make sure you enter by submitting a photo of your Christmas tree in the blog comments or on Twitter with the tag #schipulcheer09!
Some people are harder to shop for than others, and not just because they have a stinker of a personality. This week’s gift guide will feature more unusual gifts that you can get for those people who have everything. Or those people who you kinda know, but wouldn’t really call them a friend because they are acquaintances and you have to buy them a gift because you heard that they bought you a gift.
Peanut Butter of the Month Club:

This gift only works for those not allergic to nuts. While there are several “of the month” clubs, peanut butter gets added to the list simply because it is peanut butter and it is amazing that it can come in flavors other than peanut.
Price: $17.95/month – $19.95/month
Penguin Water Carbonator:

Do you often drink water and think, “This could really use little bubbles of carbonation”? If so, this penguin is here to help. It will even allow you to customize carbonation to suit your taste.
Price: $199.95
“Our Lady of Lucha Libre” Candle:

Never give a boring candle as a gift ever again. Look at this thing. It is amazing. And it also comes in Christos Mysterio Jr.
Price: $14
Bow Tie AND Button-Down Collar:

This. Cracks. Me. Up. And no, you do not HAVE to buy it for your crazy cat loving friend. You can buy it for your crazy dog loving friend too.
Price: $17
Tentacle Scarf:

The product description is so good that I am simply going to copy and paste it: Have you ever dreamed you were being attacked by a giant squid? Of tentacles wrapping around you, pulling you down to the depths, where an eye as big as a dinner plate looked back at you…
Now you can make your dream come true, without all the fear and discomfort of the nightmare realm.
Price: $45 (Etsy shows very very few left in stock, so act fast!)
Ninja Salt and Pepper Set:

Guess which one holds the pepper.
Price: 16.95
Krylon Spray Paint Lamp:

Know someone who is younger and into urban design? Snag them one of these lamps. Tear off the tag and tell them you made it yourself.
Price: $75
Novel Tea:

Tea can only be made better by one thing! No… I’m not talking about vodka. I’m talking about literary quotes from folks like CS Lewis, Alice Hoffman, and others that you only pretend to know about. Great for book nerds and your friends who prefer tea over coffee (for some really insane reason).
Price: $2.50/pouch – $12.50/box
Baker’s Edge Brownie Pan:

Perhaps the greatest thing produced this decade. No longer will people fight over corner pieces and edges. You can read through the unique features on the product page, but let’s face it, you saw it and knew it was a winner.
Price: $34.95
Coffee Cuff:

Coffee cuff! Both fashionable and practical. Wear it as a unique cuff and when you grab that hot cup to go, slip the cuff onto the cup as a sleeve. Not a good gift for absent minded people who may toss the cuff with the cup. Like me. Because I did.
Price: $68
Mr. Beer Beer Kit:

Guys–well, mainly guys–can be a little weird about beer. They love it, can tell you where it came from, the type, how it can be improved, and so forth. But they can’t seem to remember where their keys are. Know a dude who might get a kick out of home brewing? Then this is the gift.
Price: $42.46
Hall Gallery Frame Set:

Yes, photo frames. How is this unique? It isn’t. BUT! This is one of those gifts that is great for people you may not know very well. Like… your mother-in-law. Or an Aunt that you got in the Secret Santa name pull deal.
Price: $89.99
Mini Baja Race:

Racing! Dune buggies! Obstacle course! You can actually purchase a mini Baja race ride! How cool is THAT? Screw giving it as a gift, I’m buying it for myself. Because, ya know, it is right outside of the Vegas strip.
Price: $240 – $545
Architectural Name Frame:

Photos of architecture and nature that resemble letters are put together according to whatever name you type into a box. Done in black and white photos since everyone seems to think that pictures are more artistic without color.
Price: $71.99 (cheaper if only purchasing a 3 letter name)
WowWee Rovio Wi-Fi Robotic Webcam:

It was a wi-fi camera on it. And microphone. But, I think the description on the site pretty much makes this product. It really sells you on the idea that you never have to interact face-to-face with family, collegues, or elderly people ever again.
Price: $299.99 …small price to pay to never see someone again. Just sayin’.
Piano Wire Bracelets:

For anyone interested in music, this could make a great gift. Finally give a gift of jewelry without breaking the bank or making it seem like you are totally all for a serious commitment.
Price: $24.95 – $34.95
The Land Sailor:

Forget the sailboat and having to deal with water – get a land sailor. Rather than selling you on this totally rad product, I would much rather mention that there are group meet-ups for people who land sail. Think Hells Angels with polo shirts and that whole not being hardcore thing.
Price: $999.95
Mezzo Roserva Wine Enhancer:

This is a gift for those snooty wine people you know. Place a bottle of wine on one of these and through the power of sound waves and… stuff… it can enhance the flavor of wine. It even (supposedly) eliminates red wine headaches. Buy me this and a couple of bottles of wine and I’ll test that theory for ya.
Price: $84.99
Custom Fingerprint Rings:

Have a ring custom made with your fingerprint put on the inside. This is ridiculously awesome and thoughtful and my gosh, just amazing. Probably the most “special” gift on this list.
Price: $150
Bottle of Fernet-Branca Liqueur:

Why should you get someone a bottle of Fernet? Easy. Fernet can be used to prevent and/or cure hangovers. That is right, taking a shot of this bitter drink before a night out will keep you functioning in the morning. Just keep in mind that it generally tastes terrible.
Price: $25.95 (prices vary on brand and where you buy)
Stovetop Glass Vacuum Coffee Maker:

There are wine snobs and then there are coffee snobs. Tell them to ditch their drip maker and give them this as a gift. Makes fresh coffee (if you have fresh beans and grind them) and is so much better than a machine doing the work.
Price: $74.79
Feed Cats, Hang out with Sealions:

The Houston Zoo (yeah, they are a client) offers people the chance to get close to large cats and feed them. Not only that, but the deal comes with a chance to hang out with the sealions and get your picture taken. I’ve done this and I gotta say, it is pretty awesome. Especially with cool Zoo Keepers.
Since Schipul is based in Houston, it is easier to list the Houston Zoo, but definitely check out your local zoo to see what they have to offer.
Price: $100
miShare iPod Transfer System:

First, let me state that this is NOT compatible with the iPhone or iPod Touch. But outside of that, this is one hell of a nifty tool. You can actually transfer music between two different iPods in a matter of seconds. I mean, do I even have to say anything else about this? No. No I do not.
Price: $99.50
That’s a wrap! Submit a photo of your Christmas tree to win some prizes, take some time to do some online shopping, and stay tuned for next week’s gift guide! It’ll be brightly colored and the last one!