Photos “A Celebration of Entrepreneurs” Gala, Honoring Raymond Plank

Houston Technology Center's Annual Gala
Houston Technology Center's Annual Gala
HTC’s – A Celebration of Entrepreneurs Gala, Honoring Raymond Plank

Photos from a recent client event – “A Celebration of Entrepreneurs” Gala, Honoring Raymond Plank by the Houston Technology Center.

I was honored to be one of the recognized Entrepreneurs although definitely not in the same league as the people crossing the podium!

While I always joke that I live on an airplane, Houston is home. So it is still such an honor for me to know that to know our Open Source Software serves clients like the HTC and learn firsthand just how amazingly funny but determined a man like Raymond Plank is.


And this last week I got to see an inspiring and truly amazing personal friend of mine speak. None other than Grace Rodriguez who now works with TED. She spoke at one of our other client’s luncheon this month, the American Advertising Federation of Houston. A few of those photos are on the Tendenci AMS site as well and cross posted to the AAF-Houston site. I am a former board member and have been involved in AAF Houston for years.

Grace Rodriguez photo gallery
Grace Rodriguez Speaking at AAF Houston

The best part about attending client events, well there are several really, but they include things like:

  1. Attending a client event – It’s a chance to say thank you to our client! With over 300+ that we host it gets harder and harder to say thank you as I don’t know many of you personally. A while back we added up a count of users logging in different Tendenci sites just in our data centers (we have three). Just the totals of course with no identifying data, and it was over 1.2 million souls. It makes me proud and also nervous when we tweak the Tendenci user interface!
  2. Attending a client event – I listen and YOU tell us how to improve what is both yours and our product! Yes, Tendenci is fully open source and you can download it from github at So there may not be a direct financial benefit. Yet that is truly OK as Tendenci is clearly not just about the money. And a lot of y’all do host with us.  We appreciate both the developers who use and tell us how to improve and the clients we host and manage everything for them.

Speaking of feedback – be sure to tell us how to improve the software on our new community discussion forum at We talk to a lot of developers on github so the forum is more for…. you know… humans who use the software day to day. What are your needs? What would you like to see in Tendenci?

What is your priority on our Roadmap for example?

I’ll do another blog post about the Tendenci community forums soon. (This also means that we now have forums integrated with Tendenci. We found another great Django based open source project named Misago which works great with Tendenci given we also use Django. Next is the single-sign-on server process….

Onward! And have a great Friday y’all!


Flexibility, Portability, and Resiliency in Today’s IT world

Yesterday, I watched with great interest the Apple announcements coming out of Cupertino regarding the latest products such as the iPhone 6.  And, as an almost ‘afterthought’, they brought out the iWatch, a wearable device that goes with you anywhere.

This reinforces the notion that the “Internet of Everything” offers anything, anywhere, anytime, to anyone, and presents some challenges to the IT community – how can we provide content and services to anyone, anywhere, anytime, while at the same time ensure that this data is updated, patched, backed up, secured, and protected from disasters, data loss and corruption?  It’s sort-of like trying to pave and re-pave an interstate highway while people are driving on it all-day and all-night.

Here at Tendenci, one of the hindrances to providing site availability 24×7 was literally the hardware these sites were running on.  The servers, hard-drives, power supplies, cables, switches, routers, power-distribution networks, even having them all in the same building meant that, if the building lost power, the sites would be down.

So, we began looking for the most effective ways to solve this problem.  Rather than re-invent an entire infrastructure to protect us from failure, why not utilize services from someone who has already solved the problem?  Hello Amazon Web Services.

Recently, Gartner published a report on Cloud-based services and rated Amazon’s portfolio as “Highly Innovative, agile, and responsive to customer needs”.

(the full report is here)

By farming out the hardware to Amazon’s distributed architecture, it has allowed us to focus on more important pieces of the equation – new features and innovation, new technologies and subsystems that streamline performance and capacity, and customer enhancement requests we have received from the community.

As the next version of our product design looms on the horizon, it brings with it all of the heart and soul that open-source community provides.  Watch for some very cool innovative ideas in this space soon!

Scott Pederson


OPEN EDUCATION – one more thing to be excited about!

One of the things that excites us the most at Tendenci is seeing other people really accelerate open source across all sectors. Not surprisingly we see community building as essential in both academics and in business. Because business… can be just a bit too “business like” when we like to work hard but also play hard. Another thing I love to do is talk to clients. And being open source, and as a company with no commissions but that takes care of our people by doing the right thing, it’s fun sometimes to highlight great open source projects that aren’t directly related to Tendenci (but OK, all of these do integrate with Tendenci as they are all based on Django as well.)

Open Source Django projects that Integrate with Tendenci

How about a community discussion board with karma points, community building, banning of bad guys, rewards for the helpful. It includes a playful board you could say personifies the balance between making a gamified application and what some refer to as gamification. I don’t want a gold coin, but I do like the respect of my peers. Misago is just that. And being Django it integrates with Tendenci which is also Django. Misago Django Discussion Boards Screenshot

Or EdX Online Training – great for tracking CE credits and timely releases of assignments and much more.

Open EdX screenshot
Open Courses for an open world. We love EdX

Our implementation of EdX for internal use isn’t quite as pretty but it still shows that we love education. EdX is great to train employees, members of your association, your volunteers and much more. The screenshots below are our actual EdX demo site as well as the one we use internally.


EdX open learning
EdX Open Learning Screenshot on Tendenci

Course Writing in EdX - screenshot


Course writing in Django EdX. Oh, and you can import courses from other people as well! Sharing is one of the values of Open Source!  But what about course material? How about CNX Openstax! Write your textbook online, let people download it or print on demand. Most CNX textbooks are even free! And of course CNX is also written in Django and Python like Tendenci which makes it part of our big integrated solution that you can deploy OPEN SOURCE. You stay in control.

CNX OpenStax
Write that Textbook!

Is this a trend? Yup. We aren’t the only ones who have noticed. You can read about the growth of MOOC’s or massive open online courses in several tech and education articles and quickly moving into the mainstream.

growth of MOOCs and open online courses
The growth of MOOCs and online courses

How do you track all of those students if you are a giant school? Well, how about Django-SIS? Yup, manage an entire school, even alumni with django SIS (School Information Systems).

Open Source Django SIS School Information Systems
School Information Systems – School Management Software


Administer School Grades in SIS software


The future is exciting folks. And it’s accountable.  Let’s just celebrate the HUGE growth in open online education we are seeing in the community.

Know of a great education, CE, learning resource? Tell us in the comments!

Moving with the cheese…

Ann Marie Olivo

Ann Marie Olivo

When I joined the Tendenci team a year ago, I had just finished my PhD in Linguistics at Rice University. While I loved lecturing, researching, and expanding college students’ young minds, I felt like I wanted to do more outside the ivory tower. I had plenty of experience in public speaking, academic research, and formal writing, but I was pretty green when it came to the world of technology. Sure, I had done a bit of marketing for our graduate linguistics society and the Italian club. I even maintained a static HTML journal website throughout high school (before LiveJournal was a thing). But let’s be real–I didn’t even know how to clear my browser cache.

Needless to say, the learning curve was steep and grueling. Lucky for me coming straight out of academia, I was used to steep and grueling learning curves! I was quickly thrown into the world of website project management. I was meeting with clients, collecting DNS info, and making CSS changes.

Within a few months, I was put in charge the Programming Team. It became my responsibility to look after the product, ensuring feature updates responded to our clients’ requests and reported issues. I was crowned “client advocate” and a passion for user experience grew in me. One of the best parts of my job has been calling a client to let them know that we’ve implemented a feature they suggested or fixed a bug they uncovered. We love our clients here at Tendenci, and it was such an honor to foster such a unique relationship with them.

After a whirlwind of a year, I am moving on to my next adventure (or moving with the cheese, as one of our required New Guy readings goes). I’ll be combining my expertise in language and communication with my newly gained web marketing knowledge to step up as Marketing Manager for a local engineering solutions provider. Having been raised by an engineer who had a passion for precision and efficiency, I’m looking forward to working with folks of the same engineering mindset. Learning a whole new industry will be intense to say the least, but after all, one doesn’t go complete 6 years of doctoral study because they hate learning. 😉

At Tendenci, I’ve had the opportunity to work with the most brilliant developers and project managers in Houston. They’ve inspired me and guided me, and I’m so glad to call them my friends. Our clients are lucky to have such a caring, thoughtful team of Tendencians that work for them.

I’ll be working with the Tendenci software in my new position and for that, I am absolutely thrilled. I have an idea of what’s in store (don’t worry–I won’t leak any spoilers), but I am especially looking forward to see where Tendenci goes next.

Tendenci Presents at OSCON: Make your Open Source More Open – Conquering the Accessibility Challenge

OSCON 2015 Presentation in the Main Hall

Tendenci was honored to be invited to speak at OSCON (the Open Source Conference) this July in Portland to run a work shop on the accessiblity challenge in software and web applications.

CEO of Tendenci, Ed Schipul was joined by blind motivational speaker Rachel Magario along with moderator Becky Leven from Tendenci to run a workshop examining some of the challenges and tackling workshop participants own individual projects on the accessibility front.

You can view the workshop slides on slideshare:


SXSW V2V – Proprietary to OS: Giving Away $6 Million is Harder than you Think

SXSW V2V DJ by eschipul

What would it take for you to give away $6 Million worth of source code?

What types of road blocks would you expect in the transition from a marketing company with a proprietary  software to an open source software company?

These are questions that our CEO, Ed Schipul explored in his talk at SXSW V2V in Las Vegas where he was invited to speak for the SXSW V2V annual conference.

Big themes that emerged from the talk were cultural perspectives of “open source” vs. “proprietary” thinkers, the value of focus within a company, and serving the client above all else.

You can view Ed’s slides on slideshare at:

Look out soon for the video release of the talk on youtube!

Opportunity Houston 2.0 – PRSA Houston Event Recap


Yesterday, PRSA Houston led a luncheon at the Houston Racquet Club where Drayton McLane Jr., chairman of the McLane Group and former owner of the Houston Astros, spoke about Opportunity Houston 2.0.

Opportunity Houston 2.0 is a 6-year marketing/fundraising initiative focused on lead generation for economic development organizations in Houston.

Its predecessor raised $40 million and created more than 600,000 local jobs.

McLane was an engaging speaker; funny and energetic. He spoke about improving Houston’s growth and external image.

Turning Points

McLane addressed the turning point that exists when big ideas surface. In the early 20th century, Houston was not as big or populated as it is today. Believe it or not, Galveston was the biggest city in Texas and still might be if not for two movements towards Houston’s expansion:

Houston is attractive because it provides opportunity: new jobs and a promising place to live. According to McLane’s research, today’s youth look for a place to live, then find a job. Millennials are interested in a city that fits their lifestyle and interests such as outdoor activities, nightlife, restaurants and attractions. This is a shift from before when people would first find a job within their industry and then willingly relocate, without truly evaluating the city itself.


City Image

Opportunity Houston 2.0 has implemented programs to develop the city as a whole with these areas of focus:

  1. Better communication in the realm of work-force development
  2. Creating / attracting educated people to run businesses
  3. Improving Houston’s image, nationally and internationally

Amongst internal and external perceptions of Houston, there are some hiccups (weather and traffic) every Houstonian is familiar with. But contrast those with a thriving job market and economy coupled with a vibrant nightlife, there’s no reason not to love Houston!

The Power of Technology and The Millennial Generation

Becky Leven Portrait

14NTC LogoMillennials are important!

They’re a technology-rich, internet-laden demographic that has untapped potential, if you can figure out how to engage them.

Join Tendenci‘s Becky Leven, a proud Millennial, as she discusses The Power of Technology and The Millennial Generation, a 14NTC panel today at 3:30 EST/2:30 CST.


The panel features five other experts from nonprofit and tech companies. Speakers include:

These 6 experts will go into depth about how to leverage, engage and collaborate with Millennials. If you’re attending 14NTC, you can find the event details here.

What If I Didn’t Go to 14NTC?

Never fear! This talk will be livestreamed at 3:30 EST/2:30 CST so you won’t miss a thing.

Register to watch the livestream here.

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with SXSW Today

SXSW Film Logo

Nothing can make sense of the tragedy that happened last night in downtown Austin during SXSW.

All of the facts aren’t known yet, but we do know that innocent lives were lost and many more were injured in the accident.

First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

The Austin American Statesman newspaper is providing details on their website as they become available: