Coronavirus DIY Facemask from CEO Ed Schipul

No worries if face masks are running out in stores, because there is always a solution to everything. Here is a DIY Facemask guidance from our CEO Ed Schipul. Because we care about you and your loved ones.

Rough cut comparison of the DIY coronavirus mask and the original.

From the article:

“In Houston the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response has been quite aggressive. And as the third largest metro area in the US, it should be. I get it. Mostly we are quarantined in place except for grocery store runs and emergency needs. (And we can walk the dog, but that’s about it.)

This led to research on what we could do and turned up two interesting pieces of knowledge about the coronavirus. 

A) How long is the coronavirus contagious or viable by surface. As in how long can it be there and still infect you?”

A truly rustic looking diy coronavirus mask



Prepare Your Organization for Potential Quarantines with the Outbreak of CoronaVirus Pandemic

CoronaVirus COVID-18 ESRI Graph

Dear Tendenci Community,

A summary of content is found here to help you and your communities prepare for potential quarantines brought on by CoronaVirus ( COVID-19. )

Some reminders of functionality you have RIGHT NOW via Tendenci – The Open Source AMS

Screenshot of Tendenci Social Services Feature Emergency Responder.

Utilize the Emergency Response and Social Services Functionality built into your Tendenci site:

  1. Use the Emergency Announcement Module to immediately put a notice at the top of every page of your site.
  2. Review all of the built in preparedness and communication functionality that is in Tendenci summarized here:
  3. Use the newsletter module to get messages out to everyone registered on your site fast.
  4. Your site also integrates with many other tools like threaded discussions via Discus or displaying your LinkedIn banner and twitter feed. Use the best tool and integrate:
  5. Use Ad-Hoc queries directly against your database for outlier data that may not have been forseen for a given crisis. This is on your Tendenci site at /explorer/ and there is a great starter helpfile on django explorer reporting here

Please stay safe. Because the Puppy Loves You!

Puppy Loves You

Team Tendenci

Schipul office open Tuesday, 9/16/08 — help our Houston clients!

Opensign We are thankful to have almost an entire office full of Schipulites this morning, some still holding down homes without electricity but raring to go after Hurricane Ike!

Thank you for all of your well-wishes and your patience.  We are just getting things back up and running in the office and are focusing on our Houston-area clients in crisis right now.

If you would like to help out a strong organization in the Houston community, Catholic Charities (a non profit organization client that serves over 100,000 Houstonians) is in need of donations as they are trucking out water, food and supplies to hard-hit Hurricane Ike areas in Texas.

Learn more about Catholic Charities’ Hurricane Ike relief work here

Photo thanks to Flickr user chipgriffin – want to see how Houston is doing?

See Hurricane Ike photos here

Schipul office closed Monday 9/15/08 for Ike recovery

The Schipulites are counting our blessings this morning, after a rough weekend with Hurricane Ike.  All of our employees and their families are safe and accounted for, although some are still without power and water.

Our Schipul office is CLOSED today, Monday September 15th, as our employees are still returning to and recovering their homes with their families.

All Web sites and email have been running without interruption since the weather turned sour.  If you have any Web site related emergencies, please call us at (281) 497.6567, ext. 0.  We have a Core Team in the office again today, but will be responding to training and support issues beginning tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience – we hope you and your families are safe and well.  Photo thanks to Groovehouse, check out some more Houston photos of Hurricane Ike in this Hurricane Ike Flickr group.

Hurricane Ike Update 9/13

11am Saturday, 9/13/08
Ike definitely let his presence be known to all of Houston and surrounding areas. 
We are currently assessing damage and contacting employees.  Everyone appears to be safe from harm and only suffered minor damage to homes.  The biggest challenge is debris and no electricity.  More details to come.
All websites and email accounts appear to be up and running. That’s a bit of good news!  We are monitoring websites and email as much as possible.  Between all employees we have good coverage.  Please contact the office for website related emergencies only.  281.497.6567. 
Please keep all of the people affected by Ike in your thoughts and prayers. 

Schipul office closed for Hurricane Ike (9/12/08)

The Schipul office will be closed tomorrow, Friday September 12th, as our employees will be with their families preparing for the incoming Hurricane Ike

We do not anticipate that this will affect your Web sites or email access.  Our Core Team will physically be in the office, to make sure your sites and email are up and handle any situations that arise due to the inclement weather. 

Should you have any immediate questions or issues during this time, you can reach us at (281) 497.6567 ext. 0.  All training and general support needs will be responded to next week on Monday, September 15th. 

Also, be sure to check out some of these Emergency and hurricane preparedness resources:

  1. Tendenci emergency-related help files
  2. Hurricane tracker site
  3. Houston ‘Hide from the Wind’ site
  4. Houston evacuation site
  5. Houston Emergency Management Office
  6. Emergency kit planning site
  7. Ready American hurricane planning site

Stay safe!  We’ll talk to you next week, but if you need some quality Tendenci time before then don’t forget to check out our upcoming Tendenci User Conference 2008 schedule!

Emergency Prep Part 2: Volunteer coordination with Tendenci

In the time of a crisis, helping hands are desparately needed in a variety of activities.  You can quickly and easily coordinate volunteer efforts via your Web site’s calendar while using a tool familar to your organization, which helps with participation levels.

After posting location and activity details on your Web calendar event (read this help file), you can put a cap on the number of volunteers accepted for each event – ensuring  that you never have to turn away extra volunteers and can re-direct their energies elsewhere.

Publicize your volunteer events with e-newsletters and refine your event listings and press releases with our built-in Search Engine Optimization tools.  Tendenci’s Content Management System also makes it a snap for you to add graphics and details to pre-existing pages on your Web site updating your community on your efforts and volunteer needs.

Want more?  Read about more Tendenci emergency preparation features in the Emergency Prep Part 1:  Emergency First Responders blog post.

Emergency prep Part 1: Emergency First Responders

With the arrival of the 2006 hurricane season,  emergency preparedness is more important than ever.  Did you know that your Tendenci site has many built-in features to help you handle emergency situtations and communicate with your organization during a time of crisis?

Tendenci’s First Responder
module allows you to send timely and effective emergency communications to the members who need it most by granting them priority communication status on your Web site.

The module allows site users to mark their specific training or skillsets, showing you what members can assist you in what ways (pilot, photography, fireman, etc.) should the need ever arise.  Choose what skills you need and send those members your press releases and alerts first!

Tendenci’s First Responder module helps you make every minute count in an emergency situation – and it’s all already built in to your Web site

Interested in learning more?  Read our help files on Tendenci’s First Responder system or give us a call at (281) 497.6567.