Firestorm Breaks Down the Swine Flu Pandemic: How to Get Your Organization Disaster Ready

Is your Organization and family prepared for Disaster? If the answer is no, then the time to get prepared is now. Don’t know where to start? Schipul client Firestorm recently hosted a great Webinar with some great advice for you and yours.

The Webinar was led by Firestorm CEO, Harry Rhulen, the first Doctor to identify the SARS disease in the United States, Dr. Stephen Cunnion, and Founding Partner of Global AgriTrends, Richard Fritz, and they definitely crammed our brains!

Dr. Stephen Cunnion explains Swine Flu:

  1. The swine flu is not transmitted by eating pork. People catch the flu from other people passing the germs.
  2. The first reported case was on March 22nd. The gestation of the influenza virus can be up to a week long so we still don’t have exact facts and figures.
  3. The flu virus is the number one cause for lack of productivity for companies any given year.
  4. The BEST WAY to avoid contracting the Flu is the use of Hand Sanitizers and the avoidance of super crowded places.

How is the Flu transmitted?

  1. Directly via human to human contact, droplet or airborne contact
  2. Indirectly via objects handled by someone who has contracted the flu

Why do we discount risk?

  1. Time alters our perception of risk.
  2. We think “It can’t happen here.”
  3. “It can’t happen to me.”
  4. “It won’t be so bad.”
  5. “I’m smarter & better prepared!”

What can you do to prepare for a Disaster?

  1. Predict: It is important for you to understand the magnitude of the disaster you’re facing.
  2. Plan: Before a disaster strikes, you need to identify your primary stakeholders (family, employees, customers, etc). Bases on that identification, define a course of action and implement a plan that will be used should disaster strike.
  3. Perform: Contain the spread of the infection (Hand Sanitizers!!) and ensure the continuity of operations by using your Disaster Preparedness Plan.

Check out these great Disaster Preparedness and Swine Flu Resources:

  1. Center for Disease Control & Prevention Swine Flu FAQs
  2. Good Health Habits Can Help Stop Germs
  3. FREE In Case of Emergency Plan Outlines for Family and pet

Something to keep in mind if you’re a decision maker at your company, Duty of Care is a legal obligation on you to perform with care anytime you are faced with a decision that could harm those in your employ. This Duty falls under the Business Judgment Rule, which calls company decision makers to make an “in good faith decision” regarding facts that they are presented with, whether or not those fact lead to action or a decision to disregard the threat. You can read more about the Business Judgment Rule here.

Firestorm CEO Harry Rhulen will be in Houston at the end of May for a visit. If you are interested in more information on Disaster Prep or in having him come speak to your organization, email Katie Laird for information.

The primary objective in ANY Disaster Preparedness plan is getting your family ready first. Click here to download a free PDF of Firestorm’s book, Disaster Ready People for a Disaster Ready America. The book reminds readers that they are their own first responders as it guides them through the steps they need to take to get their Disaster Plans in order.

Do Work.

by: Courtney Pemberton

Sometimes you read a book that makes you want to jump out of your seat, start singing ‘Man in the Mirror,” and gather all of your co-workers for an office musical. Sounds quite delightful right? I assume you are now wondering what kind of book could make someone experience this type of euphoria… possibly leading them to a Tony nomination.   It’s Called Work for a Reason! by Larry Winget. No, I did not stutter. Out of all the great business reads in the world, this one was my monumental epic to date…besides Harry Potter of course.   A successful wizard is difficult to come by these days.

I am aware of the fact that many of you have read, heard, or even been offended by Larry’s books…good. His ideals about what it takes to become successful are unparalleled and dare I say, hilarious. He doesn’t spout off statistics and graphs…he tells you the truth, and doesn’t care if you like it or not.

Why couldn’t Larry have been there when I thought I looked cool dominating a game of Vortek VR Desert Gunners?

I believe for something to be effective it must spark an action. “It’s Called Work for a Reason!!” does just that…hell, I’m even writing a blog post about it already. I compiled a list of quotes from the book that inspired me, made me chuckle, or simply needed to be shared. Here are my Top 10 favorite quotes that could possibly start an office revolution:

  1. There will be parts of this book you won’t like.” How much more honest can a guy get? It’s like the medicine commercials that give a disclaimer about the strange side effects which often times leave you to wonder if you’re better off just enduring the pain for the rest of your life. You must always tell the client the good then follow it directly with the bad. Candor is great in any   business…plain and simple.
  2. We have become spectators instead of doers.” It’s easier to be a big loser by sitting on your butt watching the biggest loser than it is to get off your butt and lose weight yourself.” Guilty as charged. If you want something to get done, don’t write it on a Post-It, just go do it. We all know the glue on the back of a Post-It note fades in a day anyways.
  3. Stop blaming your male-pattern baldness on your lack-luster results.” Own up to your failures, just like you own up to your achievements. It’s a two-way street and we all know what happens on a one-way street…lots of traffic.
  4. You dress like a hobo on Fridays because it’s ‘casual day.’” I blame my favoritism to this quote on my deluged stream of consciousness that tends to have a mind of its own. I guess the point I am trying to make here is that I think ‘Casual Fridays” at Schipul should be renamed ‘Hobo Fridays.” I’m just throwing it out there…Ed, you can throw it right back if you deem necessary.
  5. “…organizations that refuse to accept poor performance at any level and that take the time to deal with every slip in service do well regardless of economic conditions. They thrive in spite of it all just because they expect, demand, and deliver excellence at every level.” I am not an expert on economics by any means and I will admit that I often confuse NASDAQ with Aflac, but I will tell you that if you think you are going to fail at something, most likely you will fail. If you believe that the economy will be the reason your business goes bankrupt, most likely your business will go bankrupt because of the economy. It’s called the ‘Self-Fulfilling Prophecy,” which name sounds angelic and magical but don’t be fooled. It is the equivalent to the cute little dinosaur from Jurassic Park that purred at you and the next thing you know it has dispersed bat like wings and shot you in the eyes with venom that resembles dirty oil. What I am trying to say before this turned into a discussion about dinosaurs is that a bad economy shouldn’t hold the fate of your company’s success.
  6. I just checked and found there are more than thirty-nine thousand books listed with the word ‘secrets’ in the title. Are there really that many secrets?” No there is not. The reason your cooking sucks isn’t because there is a secret ingredient…you just didn’t read the recipe right. The same holds true with a successful business.
  7. Larry explains that your job is like every relationship in your life…you must work at it. Sometimes you get ‘stuck in a rut” and you might need to spice it up a bit. Here’s a suggestion: make a list of what you originally loved about your job.” Maybe set out some candles and set the mood with a little Marvin Gaye. In my case, I would bring my job a bouquet of cal lilies, a bag of Trolli Apple O’s, a 6-pack of Miller Lite and call it a day. Rekindle that love you felt when you locked eyes with your job for the first time. Because like Ol’ Larry says, When you love your job, enjoy your job, and have fun at your job, you will be better at your job.”
  8. No one can compete with a truly unique individual or company. I don’t believe in competition, but I will bet money on uniqueness.” Nike is a great example of a company that took the basic idea of a running shoe and turned it into a unique brand image that is recognized by millions all over the world. Another example…Bermuda shorts. I am not a big fan and to be quite frank, I think they are hideous and do nothing for the female form. But they are unique…not quite shorts, not quite pants…it’s like you came here to work but you also came for the rain party. What I am trying to say is despite my preferences, they are constantly selling off the racks. Offer something truly original and whether it’s good or bad, people will take notice.
  9. The companies that do well in a sagging economy are the ones that provide the best service.” Ultimately, the customer is your boss. No explanation necessary.
  10. The real key to business success is to be good at what you do. Excellence does not just come from enjoyment or passion or love or fun. Excellence comes from study. Excellence comes from experience. It comes from screwing up and doing it wrong until you finally, finally, finally get it right. And it comes from good old-fashioned hard work! The other things help, but alone they are mostly hot air. Sweat changes things-not hot air.”

Most of the things I have told you are common sense and it’s likely you have heard these tactics before. But my question is, if so many businesses are failing then are they really using common sense? I guess it doesn’t hurt to repeat things.

Thanks for the photo Amen-Ra

Schipul Book Club: Want to win a signed copy of Outliers?? Here’s How!

Okay. It is not a secret that we Schipulites LOVE Malcolm Gladwell. But it wouldn’t align with our commitment to knowledge sharing if we didn’t spread the love to our community right? This week we are giving away a copy of Outliers!

And here is a little icing on your Outliers cake…. we’ve got a copy for you that has been signed by the one and only Malcolm Gladwell!

I can hear you now…. “Come on Maggie! Stop talking and tell us how to win it!”

Easy. Just leave a comment on this blog post telling the world who your favorite Outlier is and explain to why they are your favorite. Next Wednesday we’ll use a random number integer picker to randomly determine which comment takes the cake. Whichever number is first on the generated integer list will be the winner!

Think this sounds too tough? I’ll get you started with an example of my own.

The Outlier I respect the most is my best friend Monica. She never lets an opportunity to improve herself slip through her fingers. She is a force to be reckoned with and someone I look up to every day.

And that is all it take folks! You can be as wordy or as wordless as you want as long as you have a favorite Outlier and the reason why you love them.

So comment away 🙂 tools for professional speakers (and mobile site for everyone)! recently announced some advanced tools for professional speakers!

  1. Individuals can register as professional speakers on SlideShare
  2. Conference organizers can register their conference on SlideShare

Both the speaker and conference directories have the potential to be extremely valuable resources for connecting speakers and listeners! According to, SlideShare had 1 million unique visitors in February 2009, proving it is already successfully connecting presentations to a wide audience.

If you are a professional speaker or planning a conference, we highly recommend you take advantage of these exciting tools!

Do these tools make sense for me?

  • You should register in the speaker directory if you have a presence on SlideShare (including a healthy number of quality presentations), and have spoken for at least one conference in the past (this is required in the registration form).
  • You should post your conference on SlideShare if you are willing to provide a discount (coupon or promo code) for SlideShare users. This is a great opportunity to get the word out about upcoming events in your organization!
  • You should not post your name or conference on SlideShare if you are looking for an opportunity to spam SlideShare’s database. Common sense works best here.

Mobile Site!

Also, be sure to check out SlideShare’s new mobile site,! Here’s what it looks like right now on my iPhone: