Tendenci and helpful tools

There is a new section on the Tendenci home page called "Tendenci & Other Tools" where you can find some novice to advanced tools that may help you while using the software. Some of these tools include a style sheet editor for your site and picnik (an online image editing tool).


View all Comments made on my Photo Album

Did you know you could easily see all the comments made to a
photo album?

Photo Album Comments

Whenever you’re viewing a
photo album, you will always see the number of comments associated with that
album. If the album has at least one
comment you can click on the link and view a full list of all the comments made
for this one album.

Click on Comments

New Membership Reconcile Page for Admin

As a site administrator, sometimes you need to look at some data and run the membership reports. The membership reconcile page gives you a centralized place to quickly access to your membership data.

It lists the total members and users with links to a list of active members, pending members and expired members.


Besides the totals, It contains the links to  1) memberships reports, 2) members data, 3) exports.

For more information, please visit the help file What Can I Expect from the Membership Reconcile Page?,

A New Membership Add-on – Special Interest Groups

MembershipsThe special interest groups (SIGs) are user groups that requires payments. The module has been released recently. If you’re using membership module, you can integrate it into your membership application and give members the options to join the special interest groups when they are applying memberships. It allows you to have the separate membership payment for regular membership and for special interest groups in one payment transaction.

Integrating SIG to membership is easy; it takes two steps: 1) Add special interest groups in the SIG module. 2) Add the SIG section to your membership application. For detailed information, visit the help file Special Interest Group with Membership.

Private Events

Tendenci now gives you the ability to create private events. Private events are the same as any regular old
event — with one added bonus — it’s hidden. The only way to view the event details and have the ability to register
for the event is if you know the exact URL .

Only administrators and the creator of the event have the
ability to view the event within the calendar. I’d show you a screenshot, but it’s private … shhh.

Membership Expiration Update

If your site is currently using the memberships module and the corporate memberships module and has both members associated with corporate memberships and individual members not associated with a corporate membership, then this update applies to you. The expiration methods for individual and corporate members may now be set differently.

Here is an example of the old functionality:

The membership application has the ability to tie a member into a corporate membership:

  • Membership A and B both expired on 11/1/2007
  • The corporate membership C has an expiration of 11/1/2008
  • Membership A is bound to a corporate membership C
  • Membership B is not bound to a corporate membership

Both A and B  renewed on 1/1/2008. Assuming the grace period is 30 days, A‘s expiration date would be set to 11/1/2008 (the same as its associated corporate membership C‘s expiration date) and B‘s expiration date would be 1/1/2009 (one year from the renewal date)

Now you can choose the expiration method for the memberships that are not bound to the corporate memberships. For example, if you select to expire annually on November 1st, the expiration date of B would be 11/1/2008 (the next November 1st from the Renewal date).

To update your membership expiration method for the individual memberships not bound to corporate memberships, edit your Membership Application and on Step 4, set the individual expiration method to expire by the method you prefer. If you are unsure of whether or not you have a membership application that ties into corporate memberships then go to Step 2 and see if the Show check box is checked for Corporate Membership ID.

Please refer to the screen shots below:

On Step 4 – Setting the individual membership for memberships applications tied into corporate memberships


On Step 2 – Checking to see if you are tying the membership application to a corporate membership


You can now merge usergroups in Tendenci

Good news Tendenci users!  You can now merge or append usergroups.

Merging usergroups allows you as an admin, to take users from one group and add them to another. You  have the option to delete the group entirely.

Append usergroups allows you to merge usergroups while keeping the source group.

You will need a site authentication string to do the merge.

Check out the help files.

  1. Merging usergroupshttps://www.tendenci.com/help-files//v/484
  2. Appending usergoupshttps://www.tendenci.com/help-files//v/485

Corporate Membership Module Added Renewal Process and Renewal Reminder

We have recently rolled out the corporate membership renewal process and renewal reminder. Although they are the basic functionalities in the corporate memberships module, for some reason, they didn’t get included in the initial release. For those who were waiting for this process, we greatly thank you for your patience!

The corporate membership renewal process let you renew your corporate membership as well as the individual memberships under the corporate membership provided that the individual membership type is tied to the corporate membership. For more information on how to renew your corporate membership as an admin and as a dues rep, visit the help files How do I renew a Corporate Membership as an Admin? and How do I renew a Corporate Membership as a Dues Rep?

The renewal reminder will be sent to the dues representative certain days before or after the expiration date. The default setting is 7 days before the expiration date. To turn on or off the renewal reminder, and change its frequency on your site, simply go to http://www.yourdomain.com/en/corporatememberships/ and you’ll find the links to do so. Certainly you must be a site admin.

Newsletter Images Are Now Displaying Properly

What happened?

The software update to help make our email compliant, caused a slight change in the way newsletters were created. This required one extra step to make all paths to your images absolute paths instead of relative paths.

If you have experienced trouble with your Newsletter images displaying this week, The programming team has fixed this for you. Yay! Thank you Programmers!

What did the Programming Team do?

A snippet of code has been added that will automatically turn your relative image paths into absolute image paths for you. This change is automatic so your Tendenci Newsletter images will now display properly in preview mode and in your inbox. The code was accidentally overlooked on the first update, so we apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused.

What is the difference between the paths?

A relative path is a path to an image or a page that does not include your full website address. You will use relative paths when you are linking to images or pages that live within your Tendenci site. This is an example of a relative path to an image:


An absolute path is a path to an image or a page that does include your full web address. You will use an absolute path when you are linking to images or pages outside of your Tendenci site. This is an example of an absolute path to the same image:


For more information on uploading images and creating newsletters, please visit our Tendenci help files.