Well, kids, if you have been following the blog during the month of June, then you know that the topic is about geekery and vacation.
The thing is—I am not a vacationer. Also, I am not a fan of summer. Or nature. Or anything that requires hiking, biking, or other forms of physical exercise that takes place in an outdoor setting. However! I am a huge geek.
Geeks lack proper social skills unless with likeminded geeks. Even then, it is horribly, horribly awkward. This is why, as a geek, “vacation” really means: “take off of work to attend a comic convention,” or “LAN party in Austin!” and if you are my friend who will remain nameless, “larping tournament in San Antonio!”
LAN parties have fallen from their former glory and the big comic conventions can be too mainstream, but, I have to write a blog post, so let’s act like we are geeks “vacationing” to a geek event.
Here are the top 5 things I suggest to bring with you to conventions, LAN parties, and gaming tournaments. And let’s throw in “geek-related conferences” for good measure:
Item 1: Power
The first thing you need is a battery charger and/or power cord for a laptop, phone, or camera. Yes, obvious item is obvious. Just like your toothbrush that you always forget to pack. Remember, less is more. Laptop to a comic con? Not necessary and a bit bulky. Pick your items wisely; you have few slots in your inventory until you level up to being Press and Media.
Item 2: Manna
The second thing you’ll need is fuel. No, not coffee. Energy drinks. Personal preference: Bawls. You will need lots, and lots of Bawls. It is not the most powerful energy drink, but there is nothing like a lewd Bawls related joke slurred out at 4am when you have been up for more than 40 hours. Doesn’t. Get. Old.
Item 3: Power +3
Third, you need some instant internet when the free wi-fi fails you and a data connection is crashing. Fellow Schipulite Glenbot wrote about a great source in his post: OH MiFi! What an Internet Connection!
Item 4: Scrolls
Fourth thing you need is a marker and paper or a blank space on a body part of your choosing. Sometimes, you run into amazing people and you want them to draw for you or even sign your favorite comic book. Celebs and artists are usually prepared, but that female version of Kratos that you dig probably doesn’t have a pen to use when you ask for her gchat name.
Item 5: Proof
Fifth thing is pretty simple: a camera. I usually use my iPhone if I know it’s a slow day. For celebrity meetings and convention parties, I might have a nice point-and-shoot or my Canon. Cameras are essential to prove that you go out in public, socialize, and can take down a Zima like nobody’s business.
OH SNAP! Bonus item number six! Bring some dang deodorant. You know who you are. Mass 48-hour LAN party with hundreds of computers whirling can get hot and quite frankly, your smell is whack.
There you have it! Not really an essential guide for those who do it on the regular, but a good starting point for anyone trying to get in the game. I could write a longer list, but I need to go back into my safe shell full of coding magic.
where can i buy the batman and robin suit?
Mom, you are not buying me batman and robin suits.
She's not buying you both. I mean one is clearly for her. 🙂
No. One is CLEARLY for ME. Gosh.
Ugh. You can be Robin. And not even a GOOD Robin. Like… Jason Todd Robin.
She's a girl, so she has to be either Stephanie Brown or Carrie Kelly. I liked both, but overall, Stephanie Brown would be the not-good Robin.
I've said too much.
But Stephanie Brown becomes Batgirl. I cannot give Maggie the satisfaction of being a poor Robin that ends up becoming a good Batgirl. Feh.
She can be Jason Todd. Setting it in Stone.
Having spent the last weekend at a convention, I think bonus item six should be like an H1, especially if you decide to attend the 11AM video-game dance panel and then have to walk around for the rest of the day.
Yeah, nerds can get kinda groddy. I carry handy wipes in my back pocket in case of accidental touching.
I really really really really really like you, Brandi. That's what the post totally reminded me of. Thank you for being a comic geek nerd girl little bundle of coolness. That is all.
HA! I want that last bit on my tombstone.
I laughed so hard at the picture for #5. I have found my next outfit for the next lan event I attend. I will not disappoint.
i can’t wait to see what secret games Capcom are going to annouce today at comic con
Energy drinks are not known for their fabulous taste, but I actually do like the flavor of Monster energy drink. Red Bull and many others just taste like ugly fizz.
I bought a used xbox and I’ve been playing all night.
You really know how to write my friend! 🙂 I am in college at the moment, and am planning on major in writing, so this is extremely helpful -Greg