Schipul Cheer Gift Guide ’09’ For People Who Have Everything

Quick Note: Our Schipul Cheer ’09 Contest ends at 5pm TODAY! So make sure you enter by submitting a photo of your Christmas tree in the blog comments or on Twitter with the tag #schipulcheer09!

Some people are harder to shop for than others, and not just because they have a stinker of a personality. This week’s gift guide will feature more unusual gifts that you can get for those people who have everything. Or those people who you kinda know, but wouldn’t really call them a friend because they are acquaintances and you have to buy them a gift because you heard that they bought you a gift.

Peanut Butter of the Month Club:

Om nom nom nom
Om nom nom nom

This gift only works for those not allergic to nuts. While there are several “of the month” clubs, peanut butter gets added to the list simply because it is peanut butter and it is amazing that it can come in flavors other than peanut.
Price: $17.95/month – $19.95/month

Penguin Water Carbonator:

Did they call it a penguin because it looks like one? Or did they make it look like one on purpose?
Did they call it a penguin because it looks like one? Or did they make it look like one on purpose?

Do you often drink water and think, “This could really use little bubbles of carbonation”? If so, this penguin is here to help. It will even allow you to customize Β  carbonation to suit your taste.
Price: $199.95

“Our Lady of Lucha Libre” Candle:

Body slaaaam!
Body slaaaam!

Never give a boring candle as a gift ever again. Look at this thing. It is amazing. And it also comes in Christos Mysterio Jr.
Price: $14

Bow Tie AND Button-Down Collar:

Sir Kitty McFluffikins don't mess
Sir Kitty McFluffikins don't mess

This. Cracks. Me. Up. And no, you do not HAVE to buy it for your crazy cat loving friend. You can buy it for your crazy dog loving friend too.
Price: $17

Tentacle Scarf:

Mmmm... octopus
Mmmm... octopus

The product description is so good that I am simply going to copy and paste it: Have you ever dreamed you were being attacked by a giant squid? Of tentacles wrapping around you, pulling you down to the depths, where an eye as big as a dinner plate looked back at you…

Now you can make your dream come true, without all the fear and discomfort of the nightmare realm.
Price: $45 (Etsy shows very very few left in stock, so act fast!)

Ninja Salt and Pepper Set:

Cutest ninjas ever!
Cutest ninjas ever!

Guess which one holds the pepper.
Price: 16.95

Krylon Spray Paint Lamp:

No worries, the paint was removed first. For graffiti purposes.
No worries, the paint was removed first. For graffiti purposes.

Know someone who is younger and into urban design? Snag them one of these lamps. Tear off the tag and tell them you made it yourself.
Price: $75

Novel Tea:

Nerdiest tea ever.
Nerdiest tea ever.

Tea can only be made better by one thing! No… I’m not talking about vodka. I’m talking about literary quotes from folks like CS Lewis, Alice Hoffman, and others that you only pretend to know about. Great for book nerds and your friends who prefer tea over coffee (for some really insane reason).
Price: $2.50/pouch – $12.50/box

Baker’s Edge Brownie Pan:

Buy two of these. The first one will wear out in no time.
Buy two of these. The first one will wear out in no time.

Perhaps the greatest thing produced this decade. No longer will people fight over corner pieces and edges. You can read through the unique features on the product page, but let’s face it, you saw it and knew it was a winner.
Price: $34.95

Coffee Cuff:

Comes in different colors of wood.  Yes, wood comes in different colors. I was shocked too.
Comes in different colors of wood. Yes, wood comes in different colors. I was shocked too.

Coffee cuff! Both fashionable and practical. Wear it as a unique cuff and when you grab that hot cup to go, slip the cuff onto the cup as a sleeve. Not a good gift for absent minded people who may toss the cuff with the cup. Like me. Because I did.
Price: $68

Mr. Beer Beer Kit:

I have no idea if this works, but the idea is cool.
I have no idea if this works, but the idea is cool.

Guys–well, mainly guys–can be a little weird about beer. They love it, can tell you where it came from, the type, how it can be improved, and so forth. But they can’t seem to remember where their keys are. Know a dude who might get a kick out of home brewing? Then this is the gift.
Price: $42.46

Hall Gallery Frame Set:

I wouldn't bother replacing the frames with real photos.
I wouldn't bother replacing the frames with real photos.

Yes, photo frames. How is this unique? It isn’t. BUT! This is one of those gifts that is great for people you may not know very well. Like… your mother-in-law. Or an Aunt that you got in the Secret Santa name pull deal.
Price: $89.99

Mini Baja Race:


Racing! Dune buggies! Obstacle course! You can actually purchase a mini Baja race ride! How cool is THAT? Screw giving it as a gift, I’m buying it for myself. Because, ya know, it is right outside of the Vegas strip.
Price: $240 – $545

Architectural Name Frame:

Feel free to spell out dirty words.
Feel free to spell out dirty words.

Photos of architecture and nature that resemble letters are put together according to whatever name you type into a box. Done in black and white photos since everyone seems to think that pictures are more artistic without color.–Architectural-Name-Frame_p_2235.html
Price: $71.99 (cheaper if only purchasing a 3 letter name)

WowWee Rovio Wi-Fi Robotic Webcam:

If you squint, it kinda looks like a little dog.
If you squint, it kinda looks like a little dog.

It was a wi-fi camera on it. And microphone. But, I think the description on the site pretty much makes this product. It really sells you on the idea that you never have to interact face-to-face with family, collegues, or elderly people ever again.
Price: $299.99 …small price to pay to never see someone again. Just sayin’.

Piano Wire Bracelets:

Chocking hazard. GET IT? HAHA... ok, I watch too much CSI.
Chocking hazard. GET IT? HAHA... ok, I watch too much CSI.

For anyone interested in music, this could make a great gift. Finally give a gift of jewelry without breaking the bank or making it seem like you are totally all for a serious commitment.
Price: $24.95 – $34.95

The Land Sailor:

Sailing. On land.
Sailing. On land.

Forget the sailboat and having to deal with water – get a land sailor. Rather than selling you on this totally rad product, I would much rather mention that there are group meet-ups for people who land sail. Think Hells Angels with polo shirts and that whole not being hardcore thing.
Price: $999.95

Mezzo Roserva Wine Enhancer:

Sound waves for your wine
Sound waves for your wine

This is a gift for those snooty wine people you know. Place a bottle of wine on one of these and through the power of sound waves and… stuff… it can enhance the flavor of wine. Β  It even (supposedly) eliminates red wine headaches. Buy me this and a couple of bottles of wine and I’ll test that theory for ya.,Product.asp
Price: $84.99

Custom Fingerprint Rings:

Super romantic? Or kinda creepy?
Super romantic? Or kinda creepy?

Have a ring custom made with your fingerprint put on the inside. This is ridiculously awesome and thoughtful and my gosh, just amazing. Probably the most “special” gift on this list.
Price: $150

Bottle of Fernet-Branca Liqueur:

They all kinda taste bad.
They all kinda taste bad.

Why should you get someone a bottle of Fernet? Easy. Fernet can be used to prevent and/or cure hangovers. That is right, taking a shot of this bitter drink before a night out will keep you functioning in the morning. Just keep in mind that it generally tastes terrible.
Price: $25.95 (prices vary on brand and where you buy)

Stovetop Glass Vacuum Coffee Maker:

I can smell it from here.
I can smell it from here.

There are wine snobs and then there are coffee snobs. Tell them to ditch their drip maker and give them this as a gift. Makes fresh coffee (if you have fresh beans and grind them) and is so much better than a machine doing the work.
Price: $74.79

Feed Cats, Hang out with Sealions:

That lion isn't THAT big.
That lion isn't THAT big.

The Houston Zoo (yeah, they are a client) offers people the chance to Β  get close to large cats and feed them. Not only that, but the deal comes with a chance to hang out with the sealions and get your picture taken. I’ve done this and I gotta say, it is pretty awesome. Especially with cool Zoo Keepers.

Since Schipul is based in Houston, it is easier to list the Houston Zoo, but definitely check out your local zoo to see what they have to offer.
Price: $100

miShare iPod Transfer System:

Looks a little like a camera. Just thought I'd mention that.
Looks a little like a camera. Just thought I'd mention that.

First, let me state that this is NOT compatible with the iPhone or iPod Touch. But outside of that, this is one hell of a nifty tool. You can actually transfer music between two different iPods in a matter of seconds. I mean, do I even have to say anything else about this? No. No I do not.
Price: $99.50

That’s a wrap! Submit a photo of your Christmas tree to win some prizes, take some time to do some online shopping, and stay tuned for next week’s gift guide! It’ll be brightly colored and the last one!

Thirty Days of Thanks – Imagination

Wonka (
“There is no, life I know, to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you’ll be free. If you truly wish to be.”

That line is from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, one of my favorite movies of all time. I first watched this movie when I was real young after borrowing it from a neighbor and went on to watch it so many times that I wore out the tracking on the VHS (yes… VHS).

That was probably the first instance I would say I was really influenced by the power of imagination and I believe it has had an effect on who I am today. I have now come to place great value on imagination and creativity and the Β  uniqueness it brings to the world. On Colin Cowherd’s radio show, he frequently talks about the importance of being interesting and the value it brings and I completely agree.

We have the ability to use our imagination to solve basic problems or fill certain needs, but we also use our imagination to go further and answer “What if…”. Imagination can take us beyond what just has to be done to “Yeah we can do that but wouldn’t it be cool if…”. Imagination drives us to do new things, fills our need to create and keeps the world interesting.

The Internet provides a great outlet for people to unleash their imagination and share with the world. Sometimes it is entertaining (Pearl the landlord) and other times it is helpful (how to carve a turkey maybe). Sometimes it is a cool t-shirt, a new website like Twetches that allows you to further use your imagination, and sometimes it is just cats playing keyboards. However it is expressed, imagination keeps things fresh and interesting and often leads to bigger things.

Because of people’s imagination, really amazing things are brought to life. World changing events and inventions come from questions like:

  • “Imagine if we got in a rocket and actually shot ourselves into outer space?”
  • “Imagine if we could just pick up some object and speak through it, with the ability for someone on the other side of the world to hear us?”
  • “Imagine if there were a group of people that could travel around the universe, moving objects with their minds and fought battles with swords. But not just swords, light sabers!”

Maybe life would go on without Star Wars but if no one ever imagined the possibilities in “What if”, we wouldn’t have the telephone and we wouldn’t have ever walked on the moon. Imagine that.

Got something that has triggered your imagination? Some great example of imagination at work you really dig? Let’s hear about it!

Derek Key

Photo from the film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Thirty Days of Thanks – Lists

Moleskine Lamy ListsNot sure when it happened, but I fell in love with lists. I am Thankful for lists.

All kinds. Printable, written, embedded, moleskine, post-its, numbered, unordered, digital, iPhone apps. All.

Fortunately, I work with tons of other people who share this passion and a few have contributed to my addiction.

  1. Ed‘ loves him some numbered lists. He even wrote about lists and communication
  2. JMO‘ taught me about Evernote and how to make lists from just about anywhere
  3. Brandi‘ LOVES Twitter lists and I hope to make it on one of her lists someday.
  4. If I keep going, the whole office will want a list. Of their own.

Most of my day is consumed with lists. Making them, marking things off, adding to the lists. I use GTD as a general practice. Thanks David Allen for your workflow process in addition to helping me to control my lists. Goodness knows, they could get out of hand and I would have lists of lists.

I love lists as visual information, but sometimes they can be chronological:

  • 1992. First played with Internet
  • 1995. Graduated Architecture School
  • 1998. Tried Sushi for the first time
  • 2001. Celebrated Millennium. Again.
  • 2003. Bought a bike
  • 2005. Walked 60 miles in 3 Days
  • 2007. Took a random train to Rabat
  • 2009. Listened to Vint Cerf describe future of Internet, Thanks Schipul.

The list can be random (like above), completions, trends, or things to do like Gwen Bell’s Life List. We all love shopping lists, packing lists and I even make checklists for emergencies. I love marking things off my list as much as making new lists.

I can remember specific events and life decisions sometimes based on a pros and cons list. I am not sure they ever swayed a major decision, but they brought resolve and clarity to something that often drowned in possibilities. Thank you. I made a list of things I wanted in a life partner, things to take when I left town for a Hurricane, things to say when I wanted to thank my mom during on our last conversation and things to do this Saturday morning. If I don’t get everything done in a list, or the list changes? No worries. Sometimes it is just as fun to throw the list out the window and just go.

I hope I never run out of lists of awesome things to do.

write blog post about thankfulness of lists. Done.

Tell me your favorite list tool, gadget or hack.

Pick Your Poison at The Houston Zoo

flockWe Houstonians are lucky to have oh, about a million different options for ways to spend an evening – world class theater, sports, museums, live music, and our amazing zoo. Wait, you may be saying – the zoo??

Heck ya the zoo! If you’re in doubt than you obviously are not familiar with Flock, the Houston Zoo’s Young Supporters. This group of young professionals, 21-40, are committed to the growth and stewardship of the Houston Zoo and promote the mission with several awesome events throughout the year. The next, Pick Your Poison, is coming up on October 1 and features food from Pesce and beer from Saint Arnold. Ticket prices are just $25 for pre-sale and $40 at the door – a steal for the excellent food and unique zoo experience you’ll have!

Pick Your Poison will take place at the Zoo’s Reflection Pool and Reptile Amphibian House; but no worries – Β  I can assure you that while you’ll have plenty of opportunities to mingle with fellow Flock guests there will be no required mingling with the Amphibian House residents. I’ll be there for sure, as the lovely MagsMac and I are honored to be on the Host Committee for the event! You’ll likely find me dragging my best friend Michael (aka UrbanHoustonian) to see Toby for yet another millionth time and Maggie and I laughing over silly jokes like twelve-year-olds.

And thus, why Ed keeps us very very very busy.

PetaPalooza: Because All the Dogs are Doing It

My Mother's Photos for Facebook 017
Penny Lane...rockstar puppy and supporter of Houston Humane Society.

I knowÒ€¦

I know the heartacheÒ€¦

The agony of racing to Ticketmaster only to find out that Lollapalooza 2009 was not only sold out, but that Joe Wilson had bought the last 3-day passÒ€¦

No, this was not a cruel jokeÒ€¦and no, Ashton Kutcher was not waiting in the neighbor’s double wide. You simply came to the realization that you just didn’t make the cut. You weren’t fast enoughÒ€¦the endurance wasn’t thereÒ€¦in a nutshell; your Gatorade Glacier Freeze failed you.

So what does one do when they find themselves lying in the fetal position wishing for some ‘paloozaÒ€ in their lives?


Here are the Top 5 Reasons Why Petapalooza will kill your Palooza Blues:

  1. I am aware that Lollapallooza is in Chicago. I’m sure Grant Park is a beautiful place and I’m pretty sure it would be quite a delight to meet Oprah…I guess. Β  But let’s be honest people. Who really needs Oprah when you have Debra Duncan in the great city of Houston? I’ll ‘raise the roofÒ€ for that bit of knowledge.*Disclaimer* Debra Duncan will not be at Petapalooza. But she lives in Houston…so who really knows?
  2. Sure you can go to Lollapallooza and have Cold War Kids entice your inner dance revolution while you ninja kick to Portugal The ManÒ€¦and as night falls, The Decemberists sing you the sweetest lullaby you’ve heard since childbirth. Or you can bring your mobiles to Petapalooza while The Jud Johnson Band serenade you with roses and sparkles. Trust me folks, they are very easy on the eyes. That’s all I really got for that one.
  3. Yes it’s true. There are art exhibits and what not at Lollapalooza. But do they have dog caricatures? Perhaps doggy massages? How about adoptables? The answer is no, no they do not. Petapalooza will. Period.
  4. Whole Foods sponsored Lollapalooza. Great. Fantastic. Whole Foods AND Schipul is sponsoring Petapalooza. I rest my case.
  5. This girl and this girl did not judge an Idol Doggy Trick competition at Lollapalooza. However, they will be in their rarest Paula Abdul form at Discovery Green on September 12, 2009 for Petapalooza. I’m just sayin’Ò€¦

Let it marinate for awhile. And if all else failsÒ€¦do it for the dogs.

A little side note – Come by the Schipul booth for your chance to win a Flip Camera!

Proceeds will benefit the Houston Humane Society. For more information, please visit

Facebook as a phone book? #FBFAIL


A recent (and much heralded) update to the Facebook iPhone 3.0 app brought some much needed functionality to the Facebook junkie on the go – access to Facebook events, the ability to ‘like’ content, notes and zoom in on photos. Β  Yay!

What many did NOT anticipate, however, was the contact update that allows you to call your Facebook friends that list their phone number(s) directly from the updated app. Β  That’s right, if you have your phone number(s) posted in your profile accessible to your friends/contacts, they can CALL you all easy-like.

Last night, scrolling through the updated Facebook contacts on my iPhone and saw a blue phone icon next to a very famous publisher’s contact info. Assuming it would just go to an office line and an answering machine, I gave it a call – and what do you know…. it was his cell phone. And we chatted. He was a little surprised, as was I.


Lesson learned here – Facebook privacy settings are your friend. Β  This morning, as you surf the Web, take a look at your ‘Contact Information’ settings and double check who sees what. Β  Want to share all of your contact info with close friends or family only? Β  Select the appropriate Friend List and you’re done.

Don’t want anyone seeing your information at all? Keep your settings to private or hey, just keep them blank… unless you’d like a late night phone call from one of the Schipulites too. Talk to you soon?



Houston Humane Society’s 1st Annual Suds-n-Safety: Are you and Chauncy prepared?

BathtimeWhether you have been tuning in to KPRC’s beloved Frank BillingslyÒ€¦or the hairs on your arm are suddenly pointing due east, you are well aware that hurricane season is vastly approaching. Not only that, but you are beginning to realize that the wretched smell radiating off of your furry friend Chauncy can no longer be succumbed with five squirts of Febreeze.

Come on peopleÒ€¦cleaning the dog with air freshener? That’s so pedestrian.

But alas! You no longer need to fret my little angora rabbitsÒ€¦the wonderful folks at the Houston Humane Society are at it again! This Saturday from 10-2, bring your rats nestÒ€¦that’s you Chauncy, down to the 1st Annual Pet Paradise Suds-n-Safety, a dog wash benefiting the Houston Humane Society.

Suds-n-Safety will offer information on how to get you and your tail-wagger ready for hurricane season. The event is also featuring $20 microchips for those pups who yearn for the taste of adventure and a vaccination clinic for those pups whoÒ€¦I guess you can say also yearn for the taste of adventure.

So come on out to Suds-n-Safety this SaturdayÒ€¦Chauncys’ all over the world will thank you.

Pet Paradise
7511 Monroe Rd.
Houston, TX 77061

For more information:
Lisa Pogue at 713-341-3311 or e-mail

If you would like even more information about disaster preparedness, check out Schipul’s recent blog post, ‘Preparing for disaster at home and in the office’ are you ready?Ò€

Thanks Jenah Crump Photography for the adorable Β  photo!

Congrats to our Schipul Fan Mania winners!


We've got our lucky Fan Mania winners announced on our Schipul Facebook Fanpage!  Didn't get a chance to fan us on Facebook yet?  No worries – be sure to visit us at to check out our other exciting Facebook promotions, giveaways and events!

As always, thanks for being part of the Schipul and Tendenci family – we are huge fans of YOU!

Our winners (as determined by the Random Integer Generator):
