Facebook as a phone book? #FBFAIL


A recent (and much heralded) update to the Facebook iPhone 3.0 app brought some much needed functionality to the Facebook junkie on the go – access to Facebook events, the ability to ‘like’ content, notes and zoom in on photos.   Yay!

What many did NOT anticipate, however, was the contact update that allows you to call your Facebook friends that list their phone number(s) directly from the updated app.   That’s right, if you have your phone number(s) posted in your profile accessible to your friends/contacts, they can CALL you all easy-like.

Last night, scrolling through the updated Facebook contacts on my iPhone and saw a blue phone icon next to a very famous publisher’s contact info. Assuming it would just go to an office line and an answering machine, I gave it a call – and what do you know…. it was his cell phone. And we chatted. He was a little surprised, as was I.


Lesson learned here – Facebook privacy settings are your friend.   This morning, as you surf the Web, take a look at your ‘Contact Information’ settings and double check who sees what.   Want to share all of your contact info with close friends or family only?   Select the appropriate Friend List and you’re done.

Don’t want anyone seeing your information at all? Keep your settings to private or hey, just keep them blank… unless you’d like a late night phone call from one of the Schipulites too. Talk to you soon?



Houston Humane Society’s 1st Annual Suds-n-Safety: Are you and Chauncy prepared?

BathtimeWhether you have been tuning in to KPRC’s beloved Frank Billingsly…or the hairs on your arm are suddenly pointing due east, you are well aware that hurricane season is vastly approaching. Not only that, but you are beginning to realize that the wretched smell radiating off of your furry friend Chauncy can no longer be succumbed with five squirts of Febreeze.

Come on people…cleaning the dog with air freshener? That’s so pedestrian.

But alas! You no longer need to fret my little angora rabbits…the wonderful folks at the Houston Humane Society are at it again! This Saturday from 10-2, bring your rats nest…that’s you Chauncy, down to the 1st Annual Pet Paradise Suds-n-Safety, a dog wash benefiting the Houston Humane Society.

Suds-n-Safety will offer information on how to get you and your tail-wagger ready for hurricane season. The event is also featuring $20 microchips for those pups who yearn for the taste of adventure and a vaccination clinic for those pups who…I guess you can say also yearn for the taste of adventure.

So come on out to Suds-n-Safety this Saturday…Chauncys’ all over the world will thank you.

Pet Paradise
7511 Monroe Rd.
Houston, TX 77061

For more information:
Lisa Pogue at 713-341-3311 or e-mail lpogue@houstonhumane.org

If you would like even more information about disaster preparedness, check out Schipul’s recent blog post, ‘Preparing for disaster at home and in the office’ are you ready?”

Thanks Jenah Crump Photography for the adorable   photo!

Congrats to our Schipul Fan Mania winners!


We've got our lucky Fan Mania winners announced on our Schipul Facebook Fanpage!  Didn't get a chance to fan us on Facebook yet?  No worries – be sure to visit us at www.facebook.com/schipul to check out our other exciting Facebook promotions, giveaways and events!

As always, thanks for being part of the Schipul and Tendenci family – we are huge fans of YOU!

Our winners (as determined by the Random Integer Generator):


Wine Tasting to Benefit the Houston Humane Society!

Houston Humane Society wine tasting with Fayza and QCait

photo by Courtney Pemberton

Last night Schipul and the Houston Humane Society hosted a wine tasting event at Vineyard on the Square in beautiful Sugarland square. It was a great evening for a great cause! Thanks to all who came out to support the Humane Society and the fantastic Lisa Pogue and Natalya Sumner for their hard work putting everything together!

Houston Humane Society volunteers Natalya and Lisa Sugarland Square

photos by Courtney Pemberton

Here are some things we learned about wine from our EXCELLENT sommelier:

  • 90% of wine is NOT meant to be aged – drink white wine within 2-3 years of the date on the bottle and red within 3-5
  • Wine does not like temperature fluctuations – after you open a bottle, keep it in the fridge (even red!) to make it last longer and keep it out of the Houston humidity
  • If storing wine long term, keep it in a dark place where it won’t get moved like under your bed or in your closet
  • Most people start out liking sweet wines (our instructor admitted to drinking nothing but boxed wine 5 years ago) and then graduate to fuller, dry wines. If a wine is too dry for you, try eating it with something acidic (like an apple or smoked gouda) and it will mellow out on your palate.
  • You can only actually taste a few flavors – salty, sour, sweet, bitter, and savory. The rest come from your sense of smell. If you don’t believe it, try eating a strawberry while holding your nose!
  • Drink what you like! As we heard over and over – “it’s your disposable income, spend it on what makes you happy!”

But don’t worry! Even if you missed out this time, there are lots of things you can do to help the Houston Humane Society.

How can I help the HHS?

  1. On Twitter?
    Follow @HoustonHumane on Twitter for the latest updates and tell your friends!
  2. Adopt!
    Check out the Houston Humane Society on YouTube to view videos of the dogs available for adoption!
  3. Already have a furry friend in your family?
    Check out the Houston Humane Society clinic! HHS offers spay/neutering, vaccinations, and microchipping at an affordable price. All of the  proceeds benefit shelter animals.
  4. Shop at Whole Foods!
    On Wednesday, June 24! 5% of sales on that day at any of the Houston Whole Foods locations will go to the Houston Humane Society!

Shop at Whole Foods June 24 to support the Houston Humane Society!

Participating Whole Foods markets:

  • 2955 Kirby Drive, Houston, TX 77098
  • 4004 Bellaire, Houston, TX 77025
  • 6401 Woodway, Houston, TX 77057
  • 11145 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77042

For more information call 713-341-3311 or e-mail lpogue@houstonhumane.org.

Safety Month: Hurricane and weather Blogs to know


Ah hurricanes, they’re not just for sipping on in New Orleans .   If you’re in a hurricane-effected area like we are (in Gulf Coast neighboring Houston!), you’ve probably already been talking about the possible rains, winds and candle lit evenings ahead with neighbors, family and co-workers.

With that in mind, here are a few of our favorite hurricane and weather blogs – that’s right, we geek out on weather too:

The WeatherMatrix (one of many Accuweather.com Blogs)
You can really tell when a Blogger is passionate about his subject matter and Jesse is SERIOUS about weather.   One big bonus on The WeatherMatrix’s Blog is that it’s not only packed with tips, national weather updates galore – it’s always full of gorgeous weather-related visuals, photos and projections.      If the WeatherMatrix Blog isn’t enough for you, there is also an entire WeatherMatrix community for weather enthusiasts.

Weather Underground’s co-founder Jeff Masters writes up the world’s weather as he sees it.   Twisters, climate change and more.   Perhaps what’s even more interesting than Jeff’s posts are the incredible number of comments and intensely focused contributions from www.wunderground.com members.

WeatherBlog for ABC13
While this is technically a local Houston weather Blog, you’ll find all sorts of great weather-focused posts on topics like the Saffir-Simpson Scale re-vamping, hurricane workshops and NASA-TV.   Great weather brain candy.

Cloudy and Cool
Meteorologist Paul Yeager unleashes his weather brain power on this great Blog, featuring everything from 2009 hurricane season predictions to commentary on global warming to reminiscing on impactful weather events from his career.

Where do you get your weather fix?   Be sure to comment on our Schipul Book Club post this week for a chance to win an emergency kit and a copy of The Survivor’s Club.

Image above thanks to Jesse – every single hurricane worldwide from 1851 to 2007, colored by intensity when known.   Visualization at its finest!

Schipul Book Club: Win a copy of The Survivors Club’ The Secrets and Science that Could Save Your Life

the-survivors-club-book1Highlighting Safety Month, we wanted to focus on three things we love. Preparedness, Data and Stories.   Author Ben Sherwood delivers on all in The Survivors Club!

Ben Sherwood studied data from survivors of all kinds of events to find the commonality. Who survived and why? The range of things life throws at each of us includes everything from losing a job in a recession, being diagnosed with cancer, surviving a plane wreck or a even a burning building. The science of studying the people who survived catastrophic events revealed amazing similarities.

The Survivors Club book leads us through the answers to two questions, ‘(1) What does it really take to survive? and (2) What kind of survivor are you?”

  • Part 1 tells the extraordinary stories of survivors and their traits that gave them the advantage to overcome improbable odds. Their data helps unlock the mystery of survival and teaches you about the 5 personality types and twelve tools of survival.   These stories were amazing in detail and inspiring in their hope and faith.
  • Part 2 builds on the same traits, but focuses on you, the reader, and helps you determine your Survival IQ. Ben Sherwood, includes an internet based test to determine your survivor personality type. Don’t worry… you can’t fail the test, but it helps you realize your strengths in an everyday situation or a major catastrophe.   Ahem… some people have been known to skip to the test first. Just sayin’. Oh yeah, if you don’t win, there is a shorter version online.

We took the test and found… well, once you take the Survival Profile, you also get to read about other survivors of your same type and match your traits with theirs! Do you know which survivor you are most like?

And, a big hint before reading the book or taking the profile test. Everyone is a Survivor… everyone has inherent tools available to help them. The first step is identifying your tools and then learning to use them as your talents, your strengths. After reading stories of people who survived lion mauling, extraordinary combat situations and overcoming cancer, you will believe anything is possible. You will also learn how simple things can make the biggest difference in your safety and the best advice of all, ‘Do not waste a breath.”

We hope you never need it, but we enjoyed reading how instincts, perspective and preparation can all make a difference in life threatening moments.

In honor of this month’s Safety Month, we’re giving away a copy of this book AND an emergency supply kit to keep in your trunk to help you take your emergency preparation to the max!

Join our Schipul Facebook fanpage and leave a comment here on this post about your favorite preparedness tip.   What are you doing to keep your family, friends and business ready for anything?   Do you have any survival stories you’d like to share?

Leave your comments here and we’ll be selecting a random commenter (after double checking they’re a member of our Facebook fanpage of course’ it’s also Schipul Fan Mania month!!) on Friday, June 26th at 2pm CST.

Trend Tuesday – Will Bing cut into Google’s market share?

You’ve probably seen the commercials, and maybe even the tweets. Microsoft is putting its hat into the search ring (again). This time, it’s shiny and new (and rebranded) with Microsoft’s “Decision Engine” called Bing.


How it works

Bing is marketed as a “decision” engine – it displays results based on what Bing thinks is most helpful. Bing is fully equipped with what Microsoft is touting as a powerful set of intuitive tools to “help you make smarter, faster decisions.”

Bing decision making engine

Image searches allow you to view related searches, filter results by size, layout, color, style, and people… and customize your view. Mouseover an image and to give feedback on the result, and view similar images.

search for "kitten" images on bing

So, how’s it doing?

The SEM blog reported Bing’s release two weeks ago. So what has happened since then?

Bing had 11% of the search market share last week, according to Comscore. Much of this has to do with the fact that it’s Internet Explorer’s default search engine, and the television commercials may have people going on to just “check it out”…   but the bottom line is that 11% after two weeks is nothing to sneeze at. For now.

Also, advertisers are reporting that heat tracking studies have shown Bing’s ad placement to be more effective than even Google’s. There’s that good old Microsoft know-how at work!

bing - finding sushi

See for yourself

Keep watching this little engine that could. If Microsoft continues to innovate and give the people what they want – a way to cut through the clutter of search – they could take a niche group out of Google’s market share. One thing’s for sure – it’s “differentiate or get out” time… and that’s what Microsoft seems to get.

Oh, and no, there is no Bing iPhone app yet!

Ten Things I Love About Tendenci Updates!

3330871182_0690ae80c3 This week has been a big programming week! We've got a bunch of super cool updates coming for you guys to look forward to that will make your Tendenci powered site even more functional and fun to use…. for both your users and you.

  1. Tendenci sites have gone mobile! They can now have the power to detect mobile browsers and redirect; this will make browsing on the go easy as pie for your user. Check out Reliant Park's mobile site for a great example. 
  2. Want to choose how your albums are sorted in Tendenci? You now have the ability to sort your photo albums in whatever order you want!
  3. We love Numbered Lists and we've incorporated that into our Comments. Counting comments are a thing of the past because now they are numbered! This makes it easier to manage your comments than ever before.
  4. You'll be able to get stats from Google Analytics with ease. Sign up for the SEM Newsletter to get more information on this update later this week!
  5. Wonky User Group Names will soon be a thing of the past. As we move forward we will be substituting the User Group Name with the
    prettier User Group Label used in Custom Contact Forms. 
  6. Tendenci now works with Constant Contact! It's pretty basic for now but we'll be making it more robust in the future. Check out our blog post from last week for more information!
  7. It will be even easier to use the Photo Module to tell your story! When these updates are complete you'll be able to pull the photos from your Tendenci Photo Module to a cool button anywhere on your site you'd like.
  8. The Resume Module and the User Module are no longer tied together. This means you can make the Resumes Module inactive if you aren't using it and it won't affect your Users in the least bit. Contact Support for help!

Read about awesome updates 9 and 10 in this blog post about Calendar Events!!

These updates aren't live yet but will be by the end of the week so get excited! You'll be able to search our helpfiles for more information and as always, you can contact Schipul Support for help.