Membership Expiration Update

If your site is currently using the memberships module and the corporate memberships module and has both members associated with corporate memberships and individual members not associated with a corporate membership, then this update applies to you. The expiration methods for individual and corporate members may now be set differently.

Here is an example of the old functionality:

The membership application has the ability to tie a member into a corporate membership:

  • Membership A and B both expired on 11/1/2007
  • The corporate membership C has an expiration of 11/1/2008
  • Membership A is bound to a corporate membership C
  • Membership B is not bound to a corporate membership

Both A and B  renewed on 1/1/2008. Assuming the grace period is 30 days, A‘s expiration date would be set to 11/1/2008 (the same as its associated corporate membership C‘s expiration date) and B‘s expiration date would be 1/1/2009 (one year from the renewal date)

Now you can choose the expiration method for the memberships that are not bound to the corporate memberships. For example, if you select to expire annually on November 1st, the expiration date of B would be 11/1/2008 (the next November 1st from the Renewal date).

To update your membership expiration method for the individual memberships not bound to corporate memberships, edit your Membership Application and on Step 4, set the individual expiration method to expire by the method you prefer. If you are unsure of whether or not you have a membership application that ties into corporate memberships then go to Step 2 and see if the Show check box is checked for Corporate Membership ID.

Please refer to the screen shots below:

On Step 4 – Setting the individual membership for memberships applications tied into corporate memberships


On Step 2 – Checking to see if you are tying the membership application to a corporate membership


Adding a CMS page – one added step before you can add

Hey Tendenci lovers!

Before you add a CMS page you will need to confirm whether the page is public or private. This is put in place mainly to make sure you really want to syndicate your content to all RSS readers.

  • If public is selected allow anonymous will be checked automatically and the page will be syndicated.
  • If private is checked administrators are allowed to view your page only. The page will not be syndicated


If you are still wondering why… Here it is in short:

When RSS (syndication) first came around it was a new technology.  A new technology that took time to get popular. When information was syndicated in the past, it was not a big deal because the average end-user was not subscribed to the site.

Now that RSS has grown in popularity we have a much bigger audience.  There are a lot more eyes looking at our content both via the website and through feed readers.

Publishing sensitive information for the world to see can cost a company thousands. Another not-so-cool feature of syndication is that the majority of feed readers cache.  This is the equivalent of sending out "bad" email; you can’t take it back.

Thanks for reading!!!! 

We are taking extra steps to emphasize the importance of syndication and it’s affects.

CMS pages now require our clients to choose whether or not the content on the page is for public or private viewing before entering content.

Upcoming Webinars and In-house Classes for Tendenci training

Have you been to Tendenci training
lately?  It’s fun, it’s free and can really help with the success of
your Web site!  Plus you get to meet Schipul-ites in person and
interact with other Tendenci users.

We have 6 really great classes for you to attend over the next six weeks:

  1. Thursday (3/6): Intro to Tendenci
  2. Wednesday (3/12):  Content Management Using Tendenci (Please note – Online Webinar)
  3. Thursday (03/13): Tendenci Newsletter Training
  4. Thursday (03/20): Content Management Using Tendenci
  5. Wednesday (04/01): Tendenci Newsletter Training (Please note – Online Webinar)
  6. Thursday (04/02): Intro to Tendenci

You can also take a look at the rest of our training classes by visiting our Schipul education calendar here.

Corporate Membership Module Added Renewal Process and Renewal Reminder

We have recently rolled out the corporate membership renewal process and renewal reminder. Although they are the basic functionalities in the corporate memberships module, for some reason, they didn’t get included in the initial release. For those who were waiting for this process, we greatly thank you for your patience!

The corporate membership renewal process let you renew your corporate membership as well as the individual memberships under the corporate membership provided that the individual membership type is tied to the corporate membership. For more information on how to renew your corporate membership as an admin and as a dues rep, visit the help files How do I renew a Corporate Membership as an Admin? and How do I renew a Corporate Membership as a Dues Rep?

The renewal reminder will be sent to the dues representative certain days before or after the expiration date. The default setting is 7 days before the expiration date. To turn on or off the renewal reminder, and change its frequency on your site, simply go to and you’ll find the links to do so. Certainly you must be a site admin.

Newsletter Images Are Now Displaying Properly

What happened?

The software update to help make our email compliant, caused a slight change in the way newsletters were created. This required one extra step to make all paths to your images absolute paths instead of relative paths.

If you have experienced trouble with your Newsletter images displaying this week, The programming team has fixed this for you. Yay! Thank you Programmers!

What did the Programming Team do?

A snippet of code has been added that will automatically turn your relative image paths into absolute image paths for you. This change is automatic so your Tendenci Newsletter images will now display properly in preview mode and in your inbox. The code was accidentally overlooked on the first update, so we apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused.

What is the difference between the paths?

A relative path is a path to an image or a page that does not include your full website address. You will use relative paths when you are linking to images or pages that live within your Tendenci site. This is an example of a relative path to an image:


An absolute path is a path to an image or a page that does include your full web address. You will use an absolute path when you are linking to images or pages outside of your Tendenci site. This is an example of an absolute path to the same image:


For more information on uploading images and creating newsletters, please visit our Tendenci help files.

Tendenci Enhancements Help Newsletters Reach More End Users

The Tendenci team works hard to keep your Web marketing efforts successful and effective.  In a recent effort to combat SPAM, we have implemented some changes in the way your Web site sends your emails, newsletters and notifications.

These changes not only make your site’s email compliant with Internet rules and regulations of email delivery, but also increase your site’s email deliverability.

When an Email notification, Contact Form Submission or Newsletter is sent from your Tendenci site, it will now have a sender address of This email address matches the address of the mail server that is being used to process and send your emails – which looks more legitimate to other mail servers, resulting in increased deliveries.

What are you talking about?

Old Way:
To a server, the following sample email header could look like Spam as it is sent with the sender’s own email address from a Tendenci site’s newsletter generator ( vs.

From: "Mary Dinkleplotz" <>
Subject: My organization’s newsletter!

New and Improved Way:
By changing the ‘Sender’ path, your email will appear less suspicious as the sender address matches your Tendenci site’s mail server that is being used to send the email (

From: "Mary Dinkleplotz" <>
Subject: My Organization’s Newsletter

How does this affect me?

If I were sending a newsletter to you from the Tendenci website, you would receive my Newsletter in your inbox and the "Sender" would be (this is generally not displayed by the email application).

The "From and/or Reply To” address will continue to have the email address of the user who was specified in the ReplyTo field pictured below:


You must be sure to include your correct address in the ‘ReplyTo’ field
(see below) to ensure email replies are sent to your email address.
Otherwise, they will be sent to the
and will not make it to your inbox, which would be sad.

The Good News:

This mandatory update was made specifically to help improve your email deliverability.  It also makes your email compliant with regulations outlined here:

Please Note!:

With this change, some of the Tendenci Newsletter bounce back features will be temporarily disabled. This means you will not be receiving your newsletter bounce backs until further notice.

Many Tendenci clients count on receiving their bouncebacks to remove or update email addresses on their mailing lists. We are aware that this temporary disruption may be a challenge for you, so we can offer a solution for you.

By editing your Site Variables, you can revert to the old email sender Return-Path, instead of utilizing the new, compliant sender email address. To make this change, you will need to edit the variable called:  SiteEmailNoReplyAddress

We strongly recommend that you do not change this variable as YOUR

If you are still not sure if you like the change, this quote from Ed Schipul pretty much sums it all up:"Yes – it IS less convenient. But spammers make everything hell so we need to do this." – Ed Schipul, CEO

What Captcha?

Happy holidays Tendenci users! Before the new year begins we would like you to hear about an update on form captcha. Captcha is an image with a special code in it that appears on web forms in Tendenci and is used to prevent spam. It looks like this:


It can be very pesky to fill out for administrators and users so we have changed it to only show for anonymous users. This update will go live soon so keep those eyelids peeled.

Have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!

Tendenci Membership Reports Update

We have updated a couple of membership reports recently. Not only do they
have the new look and feel now, they also include the total active
members. Under the Member Trends on the membership console page, click on Active Members YTD and Active Members YTD by Type, it will bring you to the updated reports. Certainly you have to be an admin to do so.


The active members YTD gives you a good visual of the trend of your membership growth at a glance.


You can also exclude the total active members and take a close look at the new members and renewing


This update can be found in the tendenci help file: How Can I View Members Over Time by Month?

Tendenci Software Updates!

Testimonials Updates
Our wonderful programmer Eloy has given the testimonials search a face lift! It now uses styling to present your testimonials.
Directories Updates
You may now put directories within multiple categories. Yippee! This is easily controlled by a site variable, so if you don’t need it you can always use the old way.
Zip Codes Updates
Zip Codes
You can now control the new zip codes search to tailor to your needs. Need to specify which locations of your establishment show up when a zip code is searched? Well now you can with a new site variable! You may also specify the radius of the search with a site variable.

The "Next" and "Previous" buttons when flipping though a photo album now start from the first image and move to the last. Don’t want to use those buttons? You can always just click the photo and it will move you to the next image.