This month on the Schipul blog has been the month of vicarious vacationing. Sojourning without the sunburn. Flying without the annoying air pressure changes. Traveling without the pesky credit card bill.
Our Geek’s Guide to Summer Vacation Success (aka: #geekvacay) was a fun journey in the techie and not-so-techie elements of having a darn good and relaxing vacay, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we have! Here is a quickie recap of our Geek’s Vacation Guide journey, be sure to read all of our fun posts to help prepare for your own summer adventures:
Our guide was kicked off with a look at how to maximize your Google Map experiences to find those hidden travel treasures, followed by a video camera review and camera bag essentials breakdown. Addicted to your Apple products? We gotcha’ covered with a fun look at the best travel friendly iPhone apps and then a leap into the iPad world with a super list of must-have iPad apps to boot.
For the audio junkies out there, our iPod-less tunes for your travels post and audiobook geek out is a must-read (don’t let your eardrums go hungry). Why not complement your music session with a great work out meets sight seeing jog? And of course, we are all security nuts so having your important files backed up on USB and a properly packed car for your road trip is pretty high on our list too.
Want in on other cool travel gadgets to pack? We suggest an awesome travel pillow, your favorite sketchpad, wireless Internet card, perhaps a homemade river radio, your camera and… okay if you’re not into the iPhone Kool-Aid grab that Droid phone too.
Or leave the gadget world behind altogether and learn how to vacation without technology.
On a budget? We know the feeling – learn about ‘staycationing’, finding great vacation deals on the Web, buying into an awesome CityPass, preparing for a ComiCon vacation and taking a long hard look at your vacation options.
Want a different outlook on your vacation this year? Check out the ‘Guide to Vacation Aliases’, travel tips for overseas adventures from a true ‘G’ (for geek) and learning to appreciate the journey – not just the destination.
Thanks for traveling with us this month – we can’t wait to hear about your summer adventures! Keep us posted!